switching to Apple?

Started by Nidas, February 15, 2007, 04:55:52 PM

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thats no mouse, ITS A SPACE STATION!

wait.. wut?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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also, off topic? ^-^;


QuoteThe only reason it would be bad is if you were so close and still not using it! ^.^

No, still on K8...don't even know where that rascally Mac went XD

*bites his tongue*
I think they're cute ^-^

I agree...in a not-so-ergonomically friendly kinda way ;)

I thought they did away with it awhile back...don't even think the library's Mac had a one-button mouse O__o


Admittedly, thanks to Linux, I can't live without 3 buttons now (far more essential in Linux than in Windows... ^^').

For my friend's two Macs, one has a very elegant single-click mouse, the other a standard-issue 3-button mouse with large scroll wheel.  I've gotten used to Apple+C or Apple+V keyboard commands, so I can do either or,... but regardless, I'm sure it'll take you a while to guess which of the two machines I prefer.... ^____^


so like,  Ive been eating bananas for some time, but im thinking of switching to apples.  any saggestions?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Well, if you want "sags", just drop fruit altogether and keep eating meat till your old, grey and "saggy" all over!  ^v^

*drum rolls*

*laughs at own bad joke*  ^V^


You can try getting apples at local mom-pop groceries or mid-range supermarkets.  Avoid super megamarts and bulk centers (like BJs, Costco, Sams) like the plague, since their prices for grocery items are rarely as good as they may seem.

Divert 15% more funds that you normally allocate to banana purchases in order to acquire the same net weight in apples.

Oh, and whatever you do, don't buy your apples in Canada, as your currency is now (as of yesterday) officially worth LESS than the Canadian Dollar, hence you'll be paying up to the wazoo for them there.  -v-;


QuoteOh, and whatever you do, don't buy your apples in Canada, as your currency is now (as of yesterday) officially worth LESS than the Canadian Dollar, hence you'll be paying up to the wazoo for them there. -v-;
YAI! BANZAI FOR DA NORTHERN LANDZ!!! *pulls up pom-poms*


QuoteWell, if you want "sags", just drop fruit altogether and keep eating meat till your old, grey and "saggy" all over! ^v^  

Ah, okay, very well *grabs c-chan and wanders towards the kitchen*  just remember, it was your idea
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Heehee...my Aunt's iBook has made a reappearance...

MY GOD! No ports on the back!


QuoteJust where are you?

You know I'm a woman of mystery!

I'm in a place that rhymes with "Wish a fin"



Well my mac is back :P

Quote from: "Tsubashi"Well, do you know what specifically went wrong with the HD?

The tech goon says it was, and I quote, "catastrophic disk failure" -__- Not really what I wanted to hear, but was pretty much what I was expecting. They've simply swapped the old HD out and put a new one in. As expected, file recovery isn't covered by warranty, but they've given me my old HD back and recommended me a recovery specialist to take it to if I want to do that.

But after some musing, I've more or less decided against it. I haven't lost anything that can't be replaced sooner or later, it's more of an inconvenience than anything else since everything on my laptop (which is everything pre-Mac without my pic archive) and my external HD (which is most of my anime, films, manga, etc) are still here. Stuff that has been lost includes the vast bulk of my pic archive (DO NOT WANT) some uni junk, more anime and films and some music which I torrented after getting my mac. So since most of that can be replaced easily enough given time, I'm tempted not to bother with file recovery. But I'll check this place out anyway and see what they want to charge for their services. I doubt it'll be worth it though. blarg.

Quote from: "C-Chan"As for your laptop, what are its specs?
Even if it's old, there are plenty of Linux distros that can give it some pretty respectable mileage. For example, if you love the look and feel of MacOSX, you might want to give DreamLinux a try

My laptop is about mid range I guess, I can't remember it's exact specs off hand and I can't be bothered to check right now xD It's biggest limitation isn't it's speed or processing power (for a laptop, it seems to handle everything pretty well) but its HD size; it's only 40gb, which was why I got the mac in the first place =/ Partitioning such a small HD is a no-go really cos of how much junk I save. I did run a Ubuntu live disk off it last year though, which was nice. Since Apple weren't complete dicks about repair (they were actually really good... well by tech support standards anyway ;)) I'll be sticking with Apple for now. So for now at least, Linux is probably once again a "one day" thing :p

* goes back to installing software again -_- *


QuoteI'm in a place that rhymes with "Wish a fin"

Darn!  Wish you'd said "Win a Pig", I could've guessed Winnepeg!  ^v^

*drum roll*

*laughs at own joke*  ^V^


QuoteWell my mac is back :P

That's good news, I think. ^^

QuoteThe tech goon says it was, and I quote, "catastrophic disk failure" -__- Not really what I wanted to hear, but was pretty much what I was expecting. They've simply swapped the old HD out and put a new one in. As expected, file recovery isn't covered by warranty, but they've given me my old HD back and recommended me a recovery specialist to take it to if I want to do that.

Hmmm,... well that's kinda what we thought, but I'm still wondering if the drive data is entirely irretrievable (e.g., if the actual hard drive needle broke off).  If that's the case, yeah not even a distro could help.  ^^;

QuoteBut after some musing, I've more or less decided against it. I haven't lost anything that can't be replaced sooner or later, it's more of an inconvenience than anything else since everything on my laptop (which is everything pre-Mac without my pic archive) and my external HD (which is most of my anime, films, manga, etc) are still here. Stuff that has been lost includes the vast bulk of my pic archive (DO NOT WANT) some uni junk, more anime and films and some music which I torrented after getting my mac. So since most of that can be replaced easily enough given time, I'm tempted not to bother with file recovery. But I'll check this place out anyway and see what they want to charge for their services. I doubt it'll be worth it though. blarg.

Well that kinda depends on the UK.  ^__^
In Mexico, for example, people still try to get their appliances/cars/etc fixed no matter what, so repair costs tend to not be as high as in the Shates.  

QuoteMy laptop is about mid range I guess, I can't remember it's exact specs off hand and I can't be bothered to check right now xD It's biggest limitation isn't it's speed or processing power (for a laptop, it seems to handle everything pretty well) but its HD size; it's only 40gb, which was why I got the mac in the first place =/ Partitioning such a small HD is a no-go really cos of how much junk I save. I did run a Ubuntu live disk off it last year though, which was nice. Since Apple weren't complete dicks about repair (they were actually really good... well by tech support standards anyway ) I'll be sticking with Apple for now. So for now at least, Linux is probably once again a "one day" thing

* goes back to installing software again -_- *

ONLY 40GB!!!  @o@;

Wow, I feel old.  ^^;

I just finished working with an 8GB machine and a 20GB machine.  No real problems with the respective Linux distros, but then all the free software really doesn't require much space to begin with.  ^^;

Yeah, from my Genius Bar visit, I can vouch that Apple Tech support is really good.  (heck, the dude not only knew Linux, but BSD too!  far out man!)  ^v^
We had a blast, but yeah,... would be nice if they had the facilities to recover hard drives.
Or it's probably too rare to be cost-efficient.  ^.^


Glad your mac is back, though "catastrophic disk failure" is a little bit vague. I'm glad it went relatively smooth, though ^-^

QuoteONLY 40GB!!! @o@;

Wow, I feel old. ^^;

I think about half of my systems are pouting now. 40 GiB would be a mansion for them. ^^'

QuoteYeah, from my Genius Bar visit, I can vouch that Apple Tech support is really good. (heck, the dude not only knew Linux, but BSD too! far out man!) ^v^

Those Apple Genius Bars are Uber-cool. I wish there was one closer so I could go more often! It's really funny when they can give you better pointers for windows than the CompUSA tech guy ^.^


My personal recomendation is that you buy a Pc with linux and install Windows on it and ready.

That is my opinion. The Mac PC is ugly for me.
N.D.R.P. Estudios



...on having your Mac back.

Just to tell you, "catastrophic disk failures" are very common in computer repair shops whatever your computer brand is. Although, it would be always good if you have another external HD or maybe store your important files into a DVD/CD or even upload it into a webserver (if you have one). I know it is really frustrating when you are caught in a situation like this in which you never ever saw it coming. I've experienced this problem once on my HP desktop and to tell you, I can really see a lot of customers inside computer repair shops who have the same problem. Actually most of this  repair shops would recieve a cry for help on either; a) motherboard and power supply problem b) disk failures.

But the important thing is, you've decided for them to take a look and best of all, they have given you the best support they can offer you...and witnessed it by yourself.  ;019  Glad that you stick to Apple and at least liked a little bit of their services.

Now let's go on and move forward!  ;010


Speaking of moving forward,... I'm scheduled to be at Leopard-chan's birthday celebration after all!!!  ^v^

WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!  ^0^

Mind you, I still don't plan to get a Mac myself until I can get my hands on a long overdue Tablet Mac.  ^.^


On the other hand, buying something for my bro is a different story....  -v-