Stupid Questions With STUPIDER answers

Started by NejinOniwa, February 11, 2007, 02:25:19 PM

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Someone has been playing with my slingshot and mini origami kits!

Next question:
What does it mean if you see rose petals falling out of the sky?


It means that the laws of physics are indeed wrong as I have always said!

Why was the human being created?


To compute the answer to life, the universe, and everything!

Next question:
What is a charged-particle sub-etha wave-motion dark-matter subprime-pressure preemptive-multitasking bilateral-processing distiller used for?



To a small distributor in New Mexico where they were sold for a fourteenth of their original price as Macintosh XL's.

The next question:
What is the best thing Hillary Clinton can do for America?


A1: Remove her disguise, and admit that she's not really a she, but a tri-gender alien from a planet that god created wrong... as a joke.

A2: Run a massive zombie-awareness campaign so we can all be prepared for the coming zombie apocalypse, and so every zombie flick that comes out won't have it's folks spend 75% of the movie before they figure out to shoot em in the heads.

Q: Hornswoop me bungo pony? (who, what, why, and how did it change your life)


It made me succumb to chronic insanity at last. Also noodles, five equally maddened killer chickens with bazookas and because of the POTATOES.

What is the absolutely worst possible (and yes, POSSIBLE, not just simply bad but impossible cuz that's too bloody damn easy, yarou!) school uniform that you can think of, and how would you react if you were forced to wear it?


A pink suit with a picture of the Teletubbies at the front and a giant one of Barbie at the back, I would try as I could to get transferred out of the school if I were forced to wear that.

Who the hell invented Barbie?!


an evil race of aliens bent on destroying mankind by corrupting the innocent and forcing the rest to become pawns in an intergalactic game of chess. i know these things cuz i'm partly an alien too.

what made the monkeys cry during the invasion of the blob thingies from space?
My my, aren't you lovely~


They're scared.

What happens if you ride a children's tricycle to work?


A: You're late to work, and your ass hurts...

Q: What is the square root of roadkill?


A: 21....? Never was that good at math O_o

Q: If everyone in the world jumped up and down at the same time, would the earth go off it's axis?


nope, since the world is flat there is no axis whatever that is. the only thing that would happen is that the elephants carrying the world will start to get irate and start running therefore falling behind the turtles back causing the flat disk which we call earth to fall on the back of the giant turtle thus destroying the fragile disk, ending all life with it.

how will the monkey eat the crocodile if the crocodile ate the monkey?
My my, aren't you lovely~


A: From the inside out...ewww....

Q: How do you tell an impostor from a fraud?


I ask.

How did God come into existence?