Stupid Questions With STUPIDER answers

Started by NejinOniwa, February 11, 2007, 02:25:19 PM

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In the pile, at the bottom. unless you search there first.

Should I draw Plan 9 from User Space?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


If so, then do it......and draw. WESTERN STYLE. XD

(sorry 'bout that, but i can't just do a BUMP, now can i?)

In the Ancient, Massive, Horrifying, But Yet Somewhat Forgotten Kingdom of Skawney, what is the reason of mountains there not being more than 50 feet, and why does its inhabitants speak like their throats are stuffed with porridge?


The Lord Scanny Scrawny Skawney releases flatulence and other bodily gases which forces the mountains to blossom into a massive flat flower at 50 feet.  The total mass of gases makes everything age quickly, so these flowers, upon absorbing these gases, die and release a thick air filled with rice, and therefore, upon contaminating their orange juice supply, clogs up their throats with crabs, whose bubbling causes the porridgevoice-itis.

Why did the bird eat the desk in order to burrow through Canada?

(ey, NejinOniwa, you don't mind me using this in another forum, right?)


Because inside the desk lay the bird feed of awesome pwniness, which he needed to overcome all the HORRIBLE TRIALS which lay before him (e.g. insanity prawn boy and insane americans on vacation). Of course, he failed miserably and ended up marrying a small moon-squid (but that's another story.)

What must one take note of when walking into the grounds of Futaba Channel?

(and no probs, Sleepy, I got it from another forum as well (although it was original there), so spread it all you want! (you could mention me, though. ^-^) Go ahead! Pawassu!)


be careful of moe... they will rot your brains, leave your knees weak, fill your guts with butterflies, and after you are dead, you will rise and look for more that you will bring to the channel and be named anonymous.

why did the zentraedi/zjhentohlauedy, an alien race, become giants around 10 times the size of humans?
My my, aren't you lovely~


Because their snack resources were not enough, so they stole the giant bags of chips that you win at amusement parks, as they say, "You become what you eat", or, "The Snack makes the Man". Thus they grew to proportionate sizes of the sourcream&onion of death and are now roaming the lands....O-o

How stupid is it to waste one and a half hour of your life taking the train to school, only to be informed that your only lesson is canceled so that you have to go home again?


It's stupidity can be counted: 1:30 hour = 90 minutes
For counting stupidity, we must multiply with 9, so the stupidity is 90*9=810!

Imagine that all people in the world got some special ability or addition (wings for flying, summoning fire, stopping time and similar things). Is the world ruined in one week or not, considering all possibilites?


Not necessarily destroyed. But even if it was (and it IS highly probable), i BET someone would have a superpower for restoring it, or teleporting to another planet, or something. Um. That would screw things up pretty good now wouldn't it ^-^;

Why has Speed Metal become illegal in 40% of all of the world, why does nobody care and how many marvins would it take to plunge the world into a state of eternal depression?


High cost of ownership and software development. Also its manufacturer, Anacott Steel, has been smuggling cocaine from Colombia into the US and weapons into Iran and China. Also, no one cares to make software for a type of metal that won't run on the industry standard, Full Metal. Compared to Full Metal, Speed Metal runs very slowly and takes a while to install new apps. Believe me, running robot production on Kuat is tough work, with crime and weather. Also KDY seems to have such a goddarn monopoly on production there. BTW, it takes only about 42 more Marvins to plunge the world into a state of eternal depression. Oh crap. I must alert Sirius Cybernetics!


since he didnt ask a question...

how many nuns would a nunchuck chuck if a nunchuck could chuck nuns?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


if a guy named chuck chucked the nunchucks at nuns then he might chuck about 50 of them.  if it was a regular person i'd say around 10!

Where do ipods come from?
My my, aren't you lovely~


They are the eyes of pod people cut out and pickled of course!  Tho, kinda like with veal they have to do the young ones....

...alright here is a classice... what is the average air speed velocity of an unladen swollow?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Well, african or european? You've got to know these thing, you know! ^__^

A Redneck has a chainsaw which operates at 2700 RPM. The density of the pine trees in the plot to be harvested is 470 per acre. The plot is 2.3 acres in size. The average tree diameter is 14 inches.
How many Budweisers will be drunk before the trees are cut down?

Added after 46 seconds:

Oooh! A new avi! awww! DOSkitty is so cute!!!


In accordance with Newton's 26:th and slightly unbelievable law, "The Constants of Alcoholism", two hundred and ten budweisers (and three heineken) will be drunk before they are. That is because the matrix operates on a 26 k a minute here... *scribble notes* Hem. That is because the redneck is somewhat overly social and will inevitably invite his 20 closest friends, and they drink 20 buds each. Five of his friends bring their "girlfriends" with them (read buddy squirrel) and three of them consume one heineken each before they die of cardinal stupidity. During all this chaos, the two other squirrels cooperate and call a "professional helper" (read mercenary army of green african locker-tackler beavers), and so when all the buds are drunk the trees will have been chewed up nicely and the spoils tackled away. All thanks to the extreme skills and abilities of the phearsome AFRICAN LOCKER-TACKLER BEAVER MERCENARY ARMY!!!!

Next questionssu! What does the african locker-tackler beaver look like, ssu?


According to Russeau's fifth statemnt, the african locker-tackler beaver looks like a enormous big, gigantic beaver reduced to a 25 Cm tall beaver.

Ã,¿what is th best method to make a beverage from a L337 hungarian mole and a freak anime lover?