Stupid Questions With STUPIDER answers

Started by NejinOniwa, February 11, 2007, 02:25:19 PM

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They are built of subatomic particles, electrons and a not yet explored atom: MOEnium.

What happens if I spill ketchup on a rocket while singing Dragostea din tei, then I eat the rocket, then drink a cup of cofee?


The coffee will together with the rocket produce a chain reaction within your stomach, making you throw up weird blue flowers and giving you the ability of using Nosebleed Rocket temporarily (4 days). Side effect due to singing of Dragostea Din Tei will cause the noseblood to be colored yellow, though, as yellow is the color representing useless and weird techno-ish songs. If you on the other hand were singing a heartbreaking ballad while eating it the noseblood will be replaced by sakura blossoms and depending on how the amount of ketchup you will probably be able to use the ability for much longer, years even. The side-effect of this is of course that you will gain a strange habit of bursting into tears for absolutely nothing, as well as an eternal grudge against coffee for "ruining your happy life".

In what unit is chibiness measured?


in 'U' which is the amount of 'u's in the term 'cute'when talking about the picture.

How can a penguin reach enlightenment?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


In a lot of ways (of which a lot include severe pain or obscene actions), but ONE way, at least, is to do what you just did - resurrect thread from certain doom! RAWR FOR THE INTARWEBS WINNER KAMI-TUX!!!

Is Newton's Sixty-eighth and Highly Unlikely Law, which states that you come up with all the really good ideas where you absolutely don't need them (For example, how to save the world from certain doom (in the restroom at a very rough party), how to build a functioning fusion reactor worth its price (in the middle of a Lord Of The Rings-marathon, just at the scene where Boromir tries to kidnap/abuse Frodo, according to many fan-fiction writers), or, to use a popular example, what the bloody hell that damn gravity thing is anyway (precisely after being whacked in the head by a random, red and not so vile-tasting roughly spherical carbon-based pseudo-intelligent life form), a real law of physics, a fake law of physics, a principle of life or something entirely else?


The Law of millions Laws.

How fast can darkness travel?


The speed of traveling darkness is 1.803Ãâ€"10^{12} furlongs per fortnight, but we can agree on 'fast', can we?

Do robots dream of electric sheep?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Yup. robots can dream of electric sheeps, and they count them pretty fast. around 10^14 / minute. by the time they wake, they already overheat so they don't count electric sheeps too often..

what does the pc think when you watch/look at pron on it?
My my, aren't you lovely~


If you run Linux: "Bah, again no pictures of my species!"

If you run Windows: "Just a few seconds and then I piss Administrator* off by crashing!"

If you run DOS: "WHAT do you want of me? Two-fucking-hundred and fifty-six colors? I need more RAM for that! I don't CARE if you have 63 unused Megabytes**, I need conventional memory!"

If you run Mac OS: "I feel so unelegant now..."

Where is the second sock?

*provided that is your username.

**while I assume the average PC has more, DOS-tan only sees the first 64 Megabytes of RAM since she can not store more in her variables.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


it is teleported to the other side of the galaxy by super natural beings where single legged creatures roam the land wearing used socks that gives them infinite knowledge and understanding of the universe.

what does a cat think when it stares blankly into space
My my, aren't you lovely~

Megaman Z

it wonders how it's going to gain the presidency.

...why did Konami make Gambol [A] so damn hard?


Because they failed in the formula of game success, and exchanged game quality with game difficulty! (Sorry, if this is a good game, I don't know it..)

What happens, if we use the Russian Reversal rule on Russia?

Megaman Z

Quote from: "Exa"Because they failed in the formula of game success, and exchanged game quality with game difficulty! (Sorry, if this is a good game, I don't know it..)
...ask anyone who's imported the last couple BeatMania IIDX's (specifically RED) how hard Gambol's [A] chart is, compared to other 8+'s.

QuoteWhat happens, if we use the Russian Reversal rule on Russia?
um... um... *tries to think* they become american! (not a clue what the Russian Reversal rule is)

What if the OS-tan didn't exist?


Quote from: "Megaman Z"...ask anyone who's imported the last couple BeatMania IIDX's (specifically RED) how hard Gambol's [A] chart is, compared to other 8+'s.

Hm. I have no clue about similar games...

Quote from: "Megaman Z"um... um... *tries to think* they become american! (not a clue what the Russian Reversal rule is)

Russian Reversal rule is everything that starts with In Soviet Russia... and continues with a reversed statement.
(for example, In the US , you take a bath. In Soviet Russia, bath takes you! )

Quote from: "Megaman Z"
What if the OS-tan didn't exist?

We didn't have this board, and we would be poorer in the terms of cuteness.

What do OS-tans dream? (Say at least one Windows, one Linux, one Mac and ... Amiga-tan!)


XP-tan dreams of food and wakes up hungry, ME-tan of being usefull for Toshiaki, Amiga-tan reached the stage where she has lucid dreams, all that meditating payed off, Ubuntu-tan is sometimes annoyed by master if he acts too clueless and then dreams of leaving him without X11, Gentoo-tan dreams of electric sheep, Sonata dreams of clear water, OS/2-tan's bed is a total mess and she screams "DIE! DIE!" in her sleep, it's up to you to guess what she dreams of :>

What is that green, 10 centimeter tall insect on your shoulder?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


*smash* It's DEAD.  ;006

Now, where did i put the key to my sofa?