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OS-Tan banners

Started by Fedora-Tan, January 26, 2007, 02:22:08 PM

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*phew*  My precious meat sources are safe then.  ^^'

But not to worry about the Flash acquisition, as there's more than one way to skin a cat.  -v-

I'm always on the lookout for open source Flash applications, and apparently OpenLaszlo seems to show some progress, among a few other possibilities.  I don't think it has its own drawing tools, though, but then this in combination with Inkscape SVGs should work.  Theoretically anyway,... haven't tried it yet. ^^'

Then there's the cheaper (and sometimes, better) alternatives to Flash, such as MotionArtist, Swish, Anime Studio and Toon Boom.  Toon Boom, in particular, is more artist friendly (although perhaps a bit too cluttered for my tastes  ^^;).  

And yes, drawing tools for Flash or horrible,... I guess it's intentional so you go out and buy Adobe Illustrator (or at that time, Macromedia Freehand).  ^___^;
Unless you have the patience of a Buddhist Monk, prework on Inkscape or Illustrator is a must when doing keyframes in flash.  -v-'

Added after 7 hours 26 minutes:

Hello Fedora-dono.  ^__^

Well, okay, I didn't optimize this to be a single digit file-size (the dancing Windows 2.0-tan is still done frame-by-frame for accuracy in a separate project), but at least it's only 57KB in size.  ^__^

It should make a nice sample, I hope...  -v-

Please bear in mind that it may look REALLY REALLY large when you open it in a new window...  ^^;


Nifty-Sweet! Great job Senpai, that will make a great banner!


I'm a horrendous artist so pushing layers around is just about all I can do. It'd be nice to see what the others here can do with more advanced programs.


Since it's not bigger than a regular banner, i put it in the pool.
You'll can see it if you're lucky ^_^ (works for me)

N.B. You'll never see it in my sig, i just changed for the (forum) top banner actually.

Great work ;hi

Added after 5 minutes:

I changed the ownership of this banner to you (C-Chan) in the downlaod section, so you'll be free to edit title, desc or anything. You can remove it as well :p


QuoteNifty-Sweet! Great job Senpai, that will make a great banner!

Fufu... thank you Tsubashi-dono.  ^__^
But the finished version might make a better banner,... this one just makes a good test.  ^__^

QuoteI'm a horrendous artist so pushing layers around is just about all I can do. It'd be nice to see what the others here can do with more advanced programs.

Well, I guess I can't hit you on the head for that self-criticism cause I basically say the same thing about myself.  ^^;
But if you claim not to be a good artist, and still manage to produce banners of that quality,... hell, that's some phenomenal improvisation.  I salute a fellow improviser!  ^v^

*salutes*  ^__^\

Bear in mind that all Flash programs are really just glorified layer pushers at the minimum, so if you ever decide to take the plunge, you'll wonder why you never did so earlier.  ^.^

The banner I made was hastily done and barely cranks out content that I couldn't otherwise do on a GIF,... but with a little more effort, you can seriously start approximating mini-movie quality output for only low kilobyte consumption.  ^__^

QuoteSince it's not bigger than a regular banner, i put it in the pool.
You'll can see it if you're lucky  (works for me)

I really meant it only as a test since the Para Para scene is still unfinished.   But I guess if it is working for everybody, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to keep it on there for a while.  ^__^

I'm not seeing any problems with it either, except that the light blue background shows up as a transparency layer....  O__o

The end effect is kinda cool, though, so maybe I won't fix that....  -___-'

QuoteN.B. You'll never see it in my sig, i just changed for the (forum) top banner actually.

That's okay.  ^__^
I know there are a lot of Flash-heavy sites that are so seamless they don't bog me down one bit....

...but I still get the uneasy feeling someone out there is cursing me out for that banner.  ^^;

QuoteI changed the ownership of this banner to you (C-Chan) in the downlaod section, so you'll be free to edit title, desc or anything. You can remove it as well  

Thank you Fedora-dono.  I might need that if I update it.  ^.^


I understood it's just a test, but it doesn't harm at all here, on the contrary. I've no free time enough to make tests on another test board so i do most test realtime there. That's why some of you may have encountered some errors from time to time ^_^

Anyway, i'll investigate about this transparency thing.

Added after 3 minutes:

Removed the transparency layer. Besides, the flash banners are not clickable anymore (or i don't know how to make that posible, except putting actionscript in the flash of course). Not a big deal, but no need to report it either, i'm aware of that.


That's okay.  ^__^

I noticed that before, but didn't fancy the idea of anyone touching my belove Win2.0-chan anyway....  -v-


QuoteBut the finished version might make a better banner,... this one just makes a good test. ^__^

Thus I put "will" in my previous entry. Nonetheless, I still think the current version is cool!


That's just it,... "Will" is now obsolete.  The banner "Has" been put into the banner pool.  ^^;

It's rare, but out there.  ^v^;
Just start refreshing like a madman.  -v-;


Did you update it, for me it's the same as a few days ago...


Nope, probably won't update it for a long while...  -v-
Too many other projects to finish.  -.-

*stares long and hard at Homeko*

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go to the backroom and slit my wrists with a piece of celery....  Ã,¬___Ã,¬

*trots off moping*


Nice banners you guys! especially the animated banners! Good job!

Maybe I'll try making one....I dunno.

[attachment deleted by admin]


we need to make the Flash banners clickable or convert them to gif... I click that banner alot and its getting ot be a pain to have to go elsewhere when that one comes up -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Methinks Fedora-dono couldn't do that do to compatibility issues with Internet Explorer.  (figures... Ã,¬__Ã,¬)

Speaking of which, I don't recall him saying how long he'd be out, so I guess he's still on his trip..... -__-'

So for the time being, just hit refresh every time you see the Prophet's test banner.  ^^;


speaking of which, we still need more pictures of the prophet
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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