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OS-Tan banners

Started by Fedora-Tan, January 26, 2007, 02:22:08 PM

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Do not be surprised if I randomly insert quotes into my posts. This movie clip is stuck in my head like a tumor.


D'oh !

I'm pretty sure i can still hear the french Doc saying 2.21 ... I *must* check that...
Did thay change the power between localisations ? :D

Anyway, i was right on the movie :p

Added after 33 seconds:

/me goes to search the movie to check

Be back later ^_^


And your continued mixture of canon OS-tans with rare ones is above and beyond admirable!!  ^V^

Call it,... "holy"....  -v-

*sighs with happiness*

From my end, the first one looks better.  The red may seem a bit aggressive, but this is Homeko you're talking about.  ^^'
A "cabaret" feel (enough to scare off poor OS3-chan) would be kind of appropriate for her.  ^v^

My only thought is to (if at all possible) try out a variant with:

1) White lettering over red background.
2) Black background in lieu of white starter one.

...might produce an interesting effect.  ^__^

Oh, and pork is forbidden....  ^.^


Fedora-dono, FYI,...
I wrote my descriptions on the previous page.  Just wanted to let you know in case you were looking for them.  ^v^'


I shifted the red closer to what should be burgundy and changed the font & BG colour to C-Chan's reccommendations. The eraser also was unfrozen this time so I cleaned up Homeko. ãÆ'݋Æ'¡ã‚³ãÅ'とてもいいでãâ,,¢Ã£ÂÂ­Ã£â,¬â€šÃ¯Â½ÂÃ¯Â½ÂÃ¯Â½ÂÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€šÃ£â,¬â€š


はい, でも.... ãÆ'žãÆ'Æ'ク-OS3ちã‚Æ'ã‚“ãÅ'ずっとずっとかわいいでãâ,,¢!!  ^.^

/Cchan L-O-V-E-S this version!!!  ^___^


Wow, that's amazing! It looks cool, and is less than 100kb!I hadn't even thought about animated banners, but you've already made two excellent ones! Way to go!

Aurora Borealis

Great banner titles, C-Chan! Yay for puns!

Those animated banners are very spiffy too, Myrdin!


Another bad ass banner!

and its Back to the Future DL!! ARGH!!

And your bacon is still cooked pig!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Captain, as much as I appreciate your praise I'm somewhat confused insofar as I don't recall submitting a banner.  It's me, MisterCat!  Is there another?




I believe he meant Myrdin


QuoteCaptain, as much as I appreciate your praise I'm somewhat confused insofar as I don't recall submitting a banner. It's me, MisterCat! Is there another?

WOW!  I didn't catch that myself...  ^^;
Seems the Captain fell for the same trap as I did.  Seems like the difference between a black panther with whiskers and a black panther with a smoking pipe is only skin deep.... ^^;


Myrdin, your second version (the third, in fact) is just awesome, the best of all ^_^
I'll edit the first upload if it's not already done just now

C-Chan, i saw the descs, i just missed time to edit them :D (i do that too now)

Added after 27 minutes:

All done.


great oggly moggly I cant tell them apart anymore!! >_<

Anyhow, continuing our discusion from the what you want changed here thread,  I belive that the rating system is a perfectly legitimate way for us to decide the frequency of the banners.   As more banners get submitted (especialy at the rate we are going now) we will have a massive amout of them eventually and some thining of the crop may be nessicary.  The proposed meathod is probobly the best way to do that.  Plus, it will ensure artists are taking their time and making the best banners possible to try to get higher ratings and keep their banner posted.  Quality needs standards and such
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Besides, i decided with myself that our banners max size will be 100kb.
Please respect that size if you do banners ;). (i'm not against a small extra, but keep in mind it's not a goal to reach either.)

Standard banner is therefore : 450*90, 100kb max (average are 30kb and it's a good size). You're free for the format (.jpg, .gif, .png).

About rating system, i didn't mean to be rude, just that while i appreciate the work done and even if there are no "bad banners" (so far), there is always a risk to have anything submitted. Also, since anyway banners will show prior moderation, i decide (with myself, again :D) to make a "posteriori" moderation. That means, all banners will be accepted by default, but they'll can be erased if they don't fit. That means also i make you confidence on the banners quality.

I don't plan to make the rating / ratio soon, was just an idea "in case of". I'll have to make comics page before that, more interesting IMO. But it's interesting to know how _you_ (everybody) want that to work in future.

Added after 1 minutes:

N.B. Animated banners like Myrdin ones are accepted. If you plan to make bigger banners or fully animated ones, please post here prior so we can discuss that.

Added after 1 minutes:

Also, PLEASE make an effort to make a thumbnail in your uploads. (300*300 max). While it's not mandatory, it's really more easy for anyone to browse. Thanks ;hi

Added after 1 minutes:

Post Post Scriptum : Default value for "Free" field on uploads should be "yes". I'll try to make that a default so you won't be bothered, in the meantime please set that to "yes". That's for banners only. For other downloads, default value is "no". ^^;


Ah, yes:  I can see how our avatars ââ,¬â€ Myrdin's and mine ââ,¬â€ can be difficult to tell apart at a glance.  To compound this problem, be advised it happens I smoke a pipe!

