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OS-Tan banners

Started by Fedora-Tan, January 26, 2007, 02:22:08 PM

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That's so comfortable. = =+ (wink!)

I have 1 more banner to come in a few days.
And 1 more before Chinese New Year.


Yay!  ^v^
Panithan, I'm really looking forward to the New Year's pic!  ^__~
(Speaking of pic, I'll start your banner soon, 'kay?  ^__^)

Okay, here are the remainders....  ^__^


C-Chan_7Samurai95.gif  :

    Seven OS-tans
    "Windows 95-tan (x6) in a parody of Seven Samurai"[/list]

      Kill Bill G.
      "Mac OS7 "Capone"-tan in a parody of Kill Bill"[/list]

        OS/2: The Undiscovered OS-tan
        "OS/2-tan in a parody of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country"[/list]

          An XP-Mas Story
          "Windows XP Pro and Mac OS9.2 in parody of Christmas Story"[/list]


          I feel like Aurora making my titles into puns, but feel unoriginal if I do otherwise.  -v-'

          Too bad I never finished the Matrix banner yet (featuring Linux-tans), but maybe in time.... ^__^

          BTW Fedora-dono, now that you're in our turf, how about visiting one of the threads for at least some quick Linux-tan chit-chat?  ^___^

          Except for KamiTux and Aurora, the Linux-tans continue to be largely ignored on this board,... even now, I still have no clue what everyone believes GNU/Linux-tan's personality should be.  ^v^'

          Added after 2 minutes:

          Love your,.... "signature",.... btw..... ^^;


          I did it! 98kb animated banner:

          It could be made even smaller by discarding some colour information and snapping to web colours. Of course, then I could add more frames so that it's less choppy. Eh. Maybe eventually.


          Sugoi! That's amazing!


          That is so incredibly, edibly cute.... ^___^

          Though you got it backwards,... Jaguar-san should be chasing 95-tan!  ^v^'

          Fufufu....  -.-


          He had it right pig, just as I shall be chasing you shortly with a marinara sauce.  

          Bravo Mr Cat, that is truely the best banner provided so far!  You are winner from behind surely!  If you like, I could sacrifice a pig in your honor, I happen to know where one is available.
          "YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

          Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


          I do like pork!

          Hmm... I see it at the top but it's not in the banners section.


          Its running as we speak, heck thats where i first noticed it so thats good enough for me.  :P
          "YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

          Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


          Quote from: "Myrdin"I do like pork!

          Hmm... I see it at the top but it's not in the banners section.

          Yes. Since the random banner script is independant from the download section, it doesn't check if a banner is actually accepted or not. Therefore, it's available instantly as you upload it. When validation comes, it'll stay and appear if OK, either it'll be removed. That doesn't change much things, and avoids an extra check for the banner script. I'll make that check only if it's necessary... and it's not atm since anyway banners provided are good.

          ... and you showed an animated banner can be < 100kb AND very good :D

          I was sort of scared to have flashy banners and such with 500kb but animated banners like this are just excellent  ;010

          Added after 4 minutes:

          To sort good banners and less good ones, i'd suggest the democratic vote :

          If, after 10 votes, a banner has less than 5/10 then i'll remove it from the pool.
          Since votes are anonymous, it seems a good way to sort banners.

          Alternatively, i can show only the 10 / 15 or 20 best rated ones, if you think it's better.

          Else, we can just show all, like now (but sorting banners may be difficult)


          Can't sleep. Made another one. Smaller file size.

          Homeko looks like frostypoopants but the eraser locked up and I'm stuck wtih her this way.


          Damn, your animated banners are smaller than some non-animated ones ^^;
          Out of curiosity, isn't the red background a bit aggressive ? Would require to see it in place (on a dark blue backgound, it's probably less aggressive than on a white back like posts :D )

          Added after 3 minutes:

          Damn, relaoded the page 30 times, can't make it appear :p


          If you think it's too bright I can tone it down pretty easily. Lemmie know.
          My colour perception is off right now. There's a 1.21 gigawatt floodlight behind me.


          Had to reload the page about 50 times, i thought there was a bug ^^;

          Here's a screen (click to enlarge) :

          I don't know... would need others ppl opinions too but anyway don't worry it's me being picky :p It's very good  ;010

          Added after 52 seconds:

          At least, it shows well on the thumbnail ^_^

          [attachment deleted by admin]


          Darker shading, Lighter shading, or the same? The floodlight washes out everything I do so I'll have to rely on your opinions. ONE POINT TWENTYONE JIGGAWATTS!

          [deleted 'cuz it wuz teh sux0r]


          I think i prefer the original one, here the darker background makes the area around the text all foggy, which looks less good in my opinion.

          That said, i've a flat panel which is *very* aggressive when it comes to red colors, so we should really see other comments to know if it's me, you or if it's just flawless like it is :D

          Added after 40 seconds:

          Nice movie by the way ^_^ (dunno english name, but i know it :D )

          Added after 22 seconds:

          isn't it 2.21 rather than 1.21 by the way ?