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Started by s8man, January 26, 2007, 06:11:52 AM

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QuoteI could work at the Ministry of Truth with that kind of rhetoric. ^.^

Hey, I'm the only one who gets to make Orwellian references in here! OBEY!

So sorry, I'm just crabby because my fair skin has blistered in the sun... damn sunburn.  In other news, I downloaded and burned a copy of Feisty Fawn just now. Sweet.

The Choice of a New Generation.


I know how you feel. It would seem the times I have to be outside, there is absolutely no cloud cover.
On the good side, however, we're having very nice weather now. I'd bet on rain before the day is out ^__^


Okay, I'm having a problem getting the banner ads to show up on this page, before anyone asks, yes I have the adblock add-on, but I have this page in it's whitelist.  I'm suspecting it has something to do with my recent use of a proxy anonymizer, but I currently have it disabled and I still can't get them to show up.  This has only been a problem with Fx because I just loaded the page in Epiphany and everything is there.  Any ideas?

The Choice of a New Generation.


None for me personally, but never fear!

Help is on the way (just stand by for a bit)....


Quote from: "C-Chan"None for me personally, but never fear!

Help is on the way (just stand by for a bit)....

Domo arigato, I'm getting ready to go home for the weekend, but I did find a manageable solution for now.  I uninstalled the Fx plugin and moved it to lolifox, but if Fedora-tan knows of someway to get this to work on Fx with whitelisting, that'd be great.  Be back Sunday evening!

The Choice of a New Generation.


Quote from: "IanDanKilmaster"Okay, I'm having a problem getting the banner ads to show up on this page, before anyone asks, yes I have the adblock add-on, but I have this page in it's whitelist.  I'm suspecting it has something to do with my recent use of a proxy anonymizer, but I currently have it disabled and I still can't get them to show up.  This has only been a problem with Fx because I just loaded the page in Epiphany and everything is there.  Any ideas?

Under linux, the flash banner won't show until you have proper flash plugin installed. However, it should only display one time out of 25... Most antispam solutions except firefox adblock insert code in page to prevent display, therefore try looking at source (you can send it to me) with right click and "show source" on page. Also, is the google ad on top showing ? if no, then you probably block ads a way or another, if yes then it probably have nothing to do with adblock. For whitelist, you must whitelist the whole domain maybe, not just "this page'". I know both actions exists in FF and last one makes only poor results.

I hope that helps :)


Quote from: "Fedora-Tan"
Under linux, the flash banner won't show until you have proper flash plugin installed. However, it should only display one time out of 25... Most antispam solutions except firefox adblock insert code in page to prevent display, therefore try looking at source (you can send it to me) with right click and "show source" on page. Also, is the google ad on top showing ? if no, then you probably block ads a way or another, if yes then it probably have nothing to do with adblock. For whitelist, you must whitelist the whole domain maybe, not just "this page'". I know both actions exists in FF and last one makes only poor results.

I hope that helps :)

Well, I've had the "" whitelisted (in Adblock) and until now I've never had a problem with the banner ads, I think the problem was the torbutton add-on I had.  Even when it was disabled, the ads were blocked, but once I uninstalled it everything was fine.  I currently have it installed on lolifox, and now I can't see the ads with it (which is really fine b/c it's not my main browser).  I viewed the source code for the page in lolifox and early on in the code I saw privoxy, which must mean it has something to do with blocking the banner ads as well.  I think I understand what's going on now, you see the torbutton probably has some built-in feature for blocking flash that allows for extra privacy.  Now, I really don't know what privoxy has to do with all this, because even when I stopped it and tor the ads were still blocked.  Fortunately, I've found an acceptable solution, I'll just leave torbutton installed in lolifox and only use it in cases where I'm extra concerned about privacy.  I'll only view this page in Fx which doesn't have torbutton and the ads are present (so I can continue to support this page with ad-revenue, yay, I do visit some of the sponsors, btw).  Anyway, it appears the problem is solved, I'm using Fx and I'm viewing the page with ads enabled.  If you're interested, I just saved a copy of the page banner that looks really weird with torbutton on.

[attachment deleted by admin]

The Choice of a New Generation.


Lolifox, eh?  Â¬v¬
Well,... in any case, glad Fedora-dono was able to offer some help.  ^^

Recently, I was wondering why my USB sticks were working properly w/ Kubuntu -- but after upgrading to Feisty and seeing the problems persist, I decided to dig a little deeper.  Turns out,... we've gotten a little too spoiled by the "Plug and Play" label,... the USB sticks WERE able to be used from computer to computer with ease,... as long as they're windows.  With Linux (or at least KDE), it seems a reformat to FAT32 is in order.  ^^

Thankfully, GParted is such a fantastic plastic tool that not only repartitions hard drive as intuitively as Partition Magic (except for free), but also reformats USB sticks too among other things.  ^___^

Now all USB sticks are working properly, and /C-chan is one happy camper.  ^v^


well, C-Chan this is the joy of hardware abstraction. GParted does not see a difference between them and harddisks since the OS makes it possible to access all storage media via one interface. Any OS does that (except maybe DOS)...

ZIP disks even had a partition table...

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


I think I'm gonna like this hardware abstract-whatsis.... ^___^

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm stil playing around with Beryl..... ^v^

*giddily laugh*

Works wonderfully,... except until you switch back to the default KDE interface -- it gets so messed up, I usually have to CTRL+ALT+F1 then CTRL+ALT+F7 back again to get my toolbar.  Guess it's still an alpha after all....  -v-


Okay, just some quick impressions of Feisty so far.
Do still have some issues with the desktop Shutdown/Restart and scanners, and I'm tracking both over at  Everything else is perfect (no more USB quirks) and for whatever reason I've grown fond of Synaptic all over again (on Edgy, I preferred Adept).

Still ticked off that I can't program to write patches of my own, but I'm trying to work on that.  There are lots of projects that I would love to contribute to:  naturally Inkscape, but also Krita, Kexi, KTTS, Qavimator, etc, etc... x__x



Like the Great Penguin God said, you probably can use an external hard drive, and no doubt they make mention of it here as if it were no different from your standard USB flash drive:

But I would recommend (at least during the testing phase) to stick with LiveCDs.  Whereas LiveUSBs require a little bit of preparation, LiveCDs are essentially "burn and play" and there's also little chance you'll break anything if you really tried to.  Plus it'll also be compatible with older systems (not that we're dragging K8-san into this, but I'm just thinking ahead here).  ^__^

To get the PCLinuxOS iso, I'd generally recommend doing it via torrent (since it's a 600+ MB download).  But since your a new recruit, we wouldn't mind you just using the direct download option instead....  ^v^

Added after 12 minutes:

Admittedly, the one drawback to LiveCDs (aside from not being able to save your desktop changes reliably) is that it's a little slow.  So when you use it, bear in mind that everything is 3x faster when installed on a hard disk or flash drive.  ^.^


Well, it's a pretty old machine (1998, 32-bit, to be exact) so I don't know if it would work from a USB device...a liveCD would work...least until I figure out the disk partition thing O__O This depends, of course, on how much disk space there is, as well as...if the computer will even run!

I must be setting Windows users who are interested in Linux back yeeears...XD

Added after 26 minutes:

Oh yeah, and K8 thanks you for referring to her as K8-san ;) And yes, K8's staying an XP (least till I get my Lenovo, HP or Mac in a few years, XD)


meh, Linux can be very nice to old hardware. I ran my old 5000 series Compaq Presario off DSL on a USB stick until it died (About a year ago). Hard drive was so old, it ran better on the USB drive! ^__^


As Tsubashi-san said, Linuces are kind to old hardware.  ^__^
Might be a stretch specifically with PCLinuxOS since it runs on KDE, but the best way to find out is to plug it into the CD drive and let 'er rip.  ^.^

Bear in mind that it will be exclusively a LiveCD (which runs off the RAMdisk), so you're not installing anything to your machine and most certainly don't have to do anything with partitioning.  Theoretically, you can use a Linux distros for days on end without ever touching the "install" button or Gparted (a free alternative to Partition magic).  

If it doesn't work for your old machine (say, due to really low RAM), you could even try it on K8-san with peace of mind.  Once you log out of the CD session, remove the CD and reboot, it'll be like nothing ever happened.  ^__^

Heck, even if the old machine could turn on, but the hard drive has kicked the bucket, you could still run PCLinuxOS just on the CD alone.  It's a remarkable invention, these LiveCDs... and you have the creator of Knoppix to thank for popularizing them.  ^.^