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Started by s8man, January 26, 2007, 06:11:52 AM

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QuoteI guess what I meant to say was, it seems it's easier to fix problems with DOS mode. Take Windows XP, for example. I (with some help) fixed a home wireless network that had been incorrectly set up using XP's command prompt (which is like a "simulated" form of DOS, if I am correct). I "ping-ed" for about an hour before I got it to work.

Aa sou sou.... ^__^
I guess that's sorta the reason why Ms. Penguin ranted about Macs that one time,... in a way, a GUI does limit you to whatever options have been "painted on" by the programmer, whereas the command prompt generally grants you fuller access to the computer's gut.  ^^

Admittedly, my practice on Linux has made me more adept at using the Windows XP command prompt, now that I no longer fear the little black box with white writing, and yes doing so does manage to get you what you need (even though the modern Windows command prompt is woefully primitive compared to the Unix one).  

In any event, I'm sorry you couldn't get your old computer hooked up and running.  If it's any consolation, given the hardware problems I'm reading from you, you probably wouldn't be able to reinstall Hacchan either in case something were to happen for her.  Those were veritable dark ages for computer manufacturers, but most (not all) have learned a lot since then.  ^__^

In any event,....
Sit back, relax (or work, depending on what you do), get yourself some nice CDRs and maybe a USB floppy drive.  ^.^

...we'll try again some other time.  ^__~

Added after 1 minutes:

PS:  I found this site will looking for other reputable places to buy Linux machines that aren't from Dell (in case the conspiracies hold weight).....

The concept of the LivePC featured sounds pretty cool,... I hope they do that with laptops soon, cause one running on flash sticks would NOT drain a lot of power..... ^__^


PING!  ;010

Hacchan's reading the floppies now. She's writing floppies now. All systems *seem* a go.

Now, Wikipedia seems to think Barebones Puppy Linux has no GUI. I want a GUI. So I guess I would want just the normal Puppy Linux.
SAM Linux (or PC Linux OS) seem pretty interesting, but how would they work w/ my compaq, IE limited CDR booting options, etc..


What changed? It's sorta weird for it to just start working like that



First I though it was the lock on the upper left corner. Thinking I just made an idiotic goof-up, I slid it upward. When I double clicked on the A: drive, it opened! But when I tried to add a, it's locked. So I put it back to the lower position. Voila! File written. I checked, and it reads them to!

I'm suspicious, though...this seems like one of Hacchan's traps...


Woohoo!  Mystery solution!  ^v^

Personally I've not tried barebones Puppy, but suggested it as a failsafe in case the standard Puppy LiveCD won't work.  Remember, the system itself doesn't use much resources, but to install a whole OS on RAM requires at least 128 megs.  Less is possible with a swap file on the hard drive,... but when there's not even that,.... well,... we'll see.

I'm hoping Puppy-chan will give you the option of installing one.  ^__^

As for SAMLinux and PCLinux (I'd try SAM first on such a slow machine), the trick would be to create a special boot disk that automatically redirects the bootloading to the CD-ROM (used to use a lot of those back in my old 3.1-sama days).  But once we get that going, we'll still have the issue of low memory and no swap for the LiveCD.  Either way, short of going out and buying more RAM for your Compaq, it seems you'd have no choice but to install something on your machine.... ^.^'

That's why it kinda sucks that you have to jump so many hurdles to get this started.  ^__^

Added after 2 minutes:

Here's a good one....


Well, Hacchan has 1.38 GB of HD space available.




Oh yeah, definitely Puppy-chan.  ^^
Depending on how much space you're already using up, its recommended that the swap partition be twice the size of your onboard RAM (hence 128 megs).  It's possible to do just 64 megs, but only if you plan to install on your HD.  Speaking of which, the HD install is usually no more than 200 megs, which means (adding even a 128MB swap) still leaves you with slightly over 1 GB for Hacchan's partition and storage.  But since you did tell me you'd rather NOT mess around with partitions, we'll see if Puppy can just automatically create a swap file for you and that way you can try at least to work off the LiveCD (even the newer 2.16 one).


This site talks about swap partitions:

What's the worse that can happen, reinstalling 98? ;)


Worst case scenario, yes, but that's not very likely unless Hacchan has used up ALL 1.38GBs.  ^__^

Actually, that site also talks about create a swap FILE, which perhaps can help too if you're still squeamish about partitioning.  In addition to the Puppy save file (an optional file you can store in Hacchan that remembers all your Puppy LiveCD settings and speeds up boot), apparently you're also allowed the option of storing a giant swap file as well (similar to what windows does, I'm sure).  This file would act as your temporary extra RAM, although I'm sure there is a reason why swap partitions are always preferred.  ^.^

Speaking of which, if you ever do need to reinstall Win98, but don't have a CD around, I can hook you up.  ^___^

Added after 6 minutes:

Oh right, if you're still interested in trying out SAM and PCLOS on the Compaq, then the swap partition will be mandatory.  That's cause Linux swaps are universal, whereas Puppy swap files are (as you might've guessed) for puppies only.  ^v^'


If I had to I'd partition the drive (cause SAM and PCLOS seem pretty interesting)...and yeah, I do have the factory settings disk at hand :)


Okay then, glad you're interested.  ^__^

Because of the boatloads of programs that come with them, neither SAM nor PCLOS will fit in 1.38GBs.  I've never tried doing piecemeal installs with either of them, though I'm sure it might be possible.  Nevertheless, if we still wanted to preserve Hacchan and opt for the LiveCD only approach, then at least we could splurge a little on the size of the swap file to make up for the lack of onboard RAM.

Added after 6 minutes:

In any event, I still recommend booting Puppy first to create the swap partition.  For one its more specifically-designed as a rescue CD, so it has disk management tools more readily available and in a light-enough environment (plus it's friendlier towards existing Windows installations).  

In addition, it's also a good performance benchmark -- so if it can somehow chug away at 64megs, you're made.  ^__^

In any event, you read up on how to do this via command prompt (you'd have to do this if creating Windows partitions via DOS anyway), so you're set there.
But if you can boot into the Puppy GUI, then I would definitely recommend the GParted tool.  It's much like partition magic, only free -- unless you use it recklessly, it'll become your new best friend.  ^__^

Added after 5 minutes:

Actually, that does remind me,....

You can use GParted by itself in its own distribution:

Given its small size, and the fact that it's not loading any OSes,  I can't see this "liveCD" falter on 64megs of RAM.  ^__^
In addition, it's also another VERY handy rescue tool to keep around.  ^v^

Added after 11 minutes:

QuoteSelect for computers with less than 128 MB of RAM
This option defaults to a 16MB RAMDISK for older computers. Though Parted Magic can be used on most systems, a minimum of 64MB of RAM is required.

Oh yeah, you're safe.  ^___^
Just combine this tool with that magical floppy bootmanager I told you about, and theoretically-speaking you'll be ready to rock and roll.  ^v^

Oh yeah, and I'd advise reading the GParted documentation first.  For the most part it's intuitive, but if you're not familiar with the terminology (FAT32, EXT3, JFS, etc) it can seem pretty harrowing.  

Your Hacchan is likely stored in a FAT32 primary partition (as opposed to the troublemaking NTFS for all NT-based systems), so what you would need to do is shrink that partiition down (shouldn't take too long on 1.38 gigs), then format the leftover free space to a "Linux-Swap" primary partition.

And that's about it.  ^_____^


I guess I'll go with Puppy for now. I also downloaded that software---I'll get to work on Hacchan tomorrow.
When I get a CDR. I actually have a CDR that has a few pix or something on it, but it says if I add anything it'll write over it. So, should I use this, or just buy a new one *kind of a stupid question*


Best of Luck Bella-sama! We're all rooting for you!


QuoteI guess I'll go with Puppy for now. I also downloaded that software---I'll get to work on Hacchan tomorrow.

*wags tail*  Sugoi.... ^__^
Once you have that SuperBootManager, and GParted gets your swap partition going, then it should be no problem at all to use Puppy.  And later on you can test out SAM to benchmark your system,... maybe you'll love it enough to figure out some way to keep it there (probably with your external HD,... if kept connected all the time, you can have a GRUB bootloader on your hard drive load it up as just another partition).

When I get a CDR. I actually have a CDR that has a few pix or something on it, but it says if I add anything it'll write over it. So, should I use this, or just buy a new one *kind of a stupid question*

While I admit that frugality is a trait heralded in the Linux world, there are limits to that, ya know (unless you're seriously broke...).  -v-

And from what I can tell, that seems to be a CD-RW (a rewritable CD).  My experience with them as boot CDs has been less than stellar (in fact, they've sucked through and through for all my needs), but maybe you'll have better luck. ^___^

*laughs*  ^V^

On the other hand, maybe it'll melt and fuse with DY's CD burner leaving you with one angry owner AND no way to make CDRs.  As the pinnacle of misfortune, I'd watch yourself.  ^_________________^;


Quote from: "Tsubashi, whom you might remember IS root"Best of Luck Bella-sama! We're all rooting for you!
*snickergiggle* ROOT is ROOTING for you, bella...>w< *snickergiggle* ;036