Dubbing, Dubbing, Dubbing!

Started by Raffaele the Amigan, January 26, 2007, 03:56:35 AM

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well i sure hope so, i'll concider watching the dub just to see how it turned out but like i said before:
english dubs mostly sound like those nurses in retirement homes, talking loudly and in arcing tones in their sentences.
It takes away all credibility in my opinion.


Dubs... are ehh... It's funny to see Engrish subtitles though. For graet justice.


Well as I said in the other thread, I like to try both dub and sub and pick the best one. For instance, today I was watching Spirited Away and I actually prefer the dub for that. But usually I do prefer sub. I don't instantly dismiss them though. Too bad dual-audio fansubs aren't as common as they used to be =/


um.. awsome sig XD  

oh and yeah, some dubs are good. I would expect no less from studio gibli tho
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I'm with Captain B,

Some of the Ghibli dubs are excellent.
I have even enjoyed the Disney partnership
releases with US and Canadian voice talent.
The late Phil Hartman was especially pleasant
in Kiki's Delivery Service, IMHO.

Any thoughts?
Senectus est natura loquacior. (Cicero)


Too bad that his wife killed him before he finished it -_- thats why he is silent towards the end of the film.   But Gibli brings alot of good actors to the table.  For example, Billy Bob Thorton in Mononoke.  Whey arnt the usual screachy little voice actors, they are serios acting talent.  I wish they would do that with more anime. It isnt nessicary to mimic the high pitched voices in the american translation, cus unlike in japan, those high pitched voices arnt exaclty concidered attaractive like they are in japan (i guess our languange isnt as suited for it)  So putting normal actors in those roles often make for good dubs.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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I thought that Billy Bob did a great job in Mononoke. Contrast that with the job done for Kitsune in Love Hina. Now that was crappy. Same thing with Keitaro.



Like I said, I think most dubbing companys need to get rid of the current stock of voice actors and replace them with normal actors.. the normal actors read the lines like .. well like a westerner would. Im not even sure what poseses them to speak like they do.. its so unatural sometimes.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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The voice of Siegfried from Soul Calibur 3 sounds good and knightly to me.

The voice of Spike Spiegel/Mugen sounds good to me too.

Anyone other than those two... lack something...


well siegfried rocks! they wouldn't dare destroy his charater by lousy voice acting.
My my, aren't you lovely~


Casually wondering, why the hell do they dub that kind of stuff anyway? I mean...video fighting games? Dub? That doesn't go together anywhere in my mind.


They never dub DOA games :P  The only english speaking character Ive seen in them was Nichole... But I would expect a spartan to speak english.. I mean cheif does.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "SleepyD"

But overall, the worst dubs are a few old anime that I can't recall right now, and anything that comes out of 4Kids.

That is what I have to say. ^^
I'll second 4Kids, except for TMNT Teenage mutant ninja turtles. They're OK as far as an anime goes.

To me, the best Dubbing has to go to Ghost in the shell. I notices that the voice actors didn't have to strain their voice to get the 'feel' of a character.

The worst...Ikki Tousen. There are only 2 reasons I watch that series, and neither of them are because of the voice.


i hate the english dubs, but i prefer it to the malay dubs here. they sound tooooo ugg....but for some shows like Howl's Moving Castle is good in eng dub ;)


I'm a pretty big fan of dubs, but even I realize that a dub can be done poorly.  What I really think it boils down to though, is a matter of preference.  I think the opinion of voice actors that CaptB expressed earlier is the first of its kind that I've heard (that it's best when they talk like Westerners).  Most dub-haters (not implying CaptB is) usually complain that most English voice actors don't even attempt to emulate the original voice and even in the case that they do, they don't do it properly.  Meh, I don't know, but my opinion is that the profession of voice acting should be preserved... outside of screen acting.  I think the real problem with voice acting is that there is this misconception that exists outside (and even within) the profession that focuses too much on the voice and not enough on the acting (this is a conclusion I came to after an interview I did with a voice actor).  Despite that, I don't think a screen actor is necessarily a good voice actor.  I think Phil Hartman and Mark Hammill (who wasn't mentioned but I decided to include due to my fondness of him) are two among few exceptions to this rule.  Of course, this would appear to go against my previous statement about acting, but I believe that most of the American actors today play largely typecast roles and I don't think that translates well into animation.  Contrast this with the fact that a number of voice actors today who actually have theatrical training (and a few who don't) and understand what it means to take on a role.  Just thought I'd weigh in here due to the fact that I, myself, am an aspiring voice actor working towards a voice over career through theatrical training.

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