I think we're being miscredited.

Started by SleepyD, January 04, 2007, 12:49:29 AM

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Hah, while I was checking out where FabianN had gone to, I ended up here:

Well, it seems the uploaders are being mistaken as the artists of their uploads, eh? ^^

Edit: I'm no stalker or anything... Jeff just has fun finding stuff. Like a treasure hunt. ^^ FabianN has an ignored devART account for example. ^^


Well...it seems like a small site in a language I can't understand. I wouldn't worry until someone crusades against us because it's their artwork. In that case we'd write an apology and remove the image. Remember, let's do our best not to be another Deja Vu!


Ok...wtf? WTF?!

I think we should an explanation to the owner of that blog, and ask him to modify that entry, to avoid confusion.

Anyone here speaks Thai?


btw,  good work Jeff  ;019


I coulda sworn that we had someone from Thailand here...


Oh, seems like there's a misunderstanding there indeed.

Thailand hm, isn't Panithan from there?


Crikey, that's a nasty mistake on that site indeed. Panithan-san, we need your help a bit here... ^^;; Don't like the worst case scenario of this. :|


Wow!  That's gotta be a really old site, cause they still have Fabian as an uploader.... ^___^

(And don't have any of my OS-tans.... *pouts*  -.-)

While Panithan appears, see if anyone can get this page to work....  ^__^



I see...it's the misunderstanding
He got those pics from OS-tan Collections image gallery, right?
He think the name that he has seen was the artist.
In fact. It's the name of the one who upload the image.
I'll tell him the truth.


Jeff confirms the correction!

thanks panithan! ^^


humm I could see the confusion.. but then again.. maybe its because Im an artist, so i can tell when something is done by the same artist and whot not
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Thank you, Panithan!  ^v^

You've saved the day.  ^-^


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Thank you, panithan, for clearing up that unfortunate misunderstanding.  There's once again peace in the valley, due to your greatly-appreciated diplomatic efforts!




I just do what I can for the OS-tans and OS-kuns.

By the way...
edit: Thanks, C-chan, for the 31sama avatar!
For my uploaded 31sama wallpaper.
Since it's my work. I'll say that it's the free image.
Anyone could edit. But! Don't put any name or symbols to identify yourself.
See? Even the original one don't have my name!
That's the concept of the imageboard.
Post the images anonymously and not claim other pics as your own creation.

note: Maybe I should post my pics in Wakachan as well.