Amiga OS 4.0 final released

Started by Raffaele the Amigan, December 25, 2006, 05:50:35 PM

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Loli, eh....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

One day I'll draw her with the other Commodore-tans in a 1980's historical picture, so she'll definitely be younger then.  But not that much younger, so I guess that's a bad example.  ^^'


....Well.... there's always MorphOS-chan and little AROS-chan.  ^___^;


I'm sorry, but I think 4chan corrupted me.  Which is good according to them, though I'm not entirely sure...   ;085

Looking forward to the next picture.   :D

Raffaele the Amigan

What I can say?


(See you soon ostan-fans!)
Pegasos computer: CPU PPC G3 600MHz, RAM DDR 512 MB PC3200, Graphic Card ATI 9250 256 MB videoram. SO MorphOS 1.4.5
;011 -(Caramba! El nuevo Peggy computador es Amiga compatible y muy Mejor!)
"God, what an incredible thing we did!"
(R.J. Mical, engineer of original Amiga developing team at Amiga Inc. 1982-1985).
"When the Amiga came out, everyone [at Apple] was scared as hell."
(Jean-Lous Gassée, former CEO of Apple France and chief of developers of Mac II-fx, interviewed by Amazing Computing, November 1996).


And I thought no OS-tan can compete with XP-tan...

Amiga-tan is beautiful! ;175 I hope we can see her more!


Thank you all!  ^___^
I'll try my best to finish up the other loose ends quickly so I can finish this one (still need to do a color check, though).

But what's this,...?
Someone who so far has been deprived of Amiga goodness?  @.@

My dear Exa, should've told me your heart yearned for sweet, adoring Amiga-san.  ^__^

Here are the current renditions available for her that I pulled from the Annex (not including the top one):

C-chan's Picture #1
C-chan's Post-Concept Chibi Rendition
Aurora's Rendition
C-chan's Wiki Avatar Scrap Art
C-chan's C64 & Amiga "Sisterly Love" Portraiture
C-chan's C64 & Amiga "Sisterly Love" Portraiture Version 2


Btw, just ran into another Amiga user, and he has seen Amiga-tan already.  Your art is seemingly being discovered by the Amiga community.   ;010


well, well, C-chan is getting famous. ^^

design is great! Jeff awaits a non-rushed version now. now where would the blue go, I wonder.... Ooh, ribbons. Flowy ribbonz. XD


QuoteBtw, just ran into another Amiga user, and he has seen Amiga-tan already. Your art is seemingly being discovered by the Amiga community.

Wow, really?  'o'

I take back what I said once to Raffaele-san then,... there can be a decent-sized OS-tan following among the Amigans (and Golders).  ^___^
Just hope they don't mind the absence of any squirrel references, but I'll try to remedy that further down the line.  -v-

This really does make me very happy, and I hope they're happy too that they're system is not being left out of the loop in the OS-tan community.  ^__^

I told Raffaele-san the story of how I first got into OS-tans and how I was debating whether to draw Amiga-tan first or Unix-sama.  In the end, a forum post from 2004 of a poor fellow asking about an Amiga-tan or a ZX-Spectrum-tan -- and getting the cold shoulder in return -- eventually decided for me.  ^__^

(That, and Unix-sama would've been too hard to draw just fresh out of my 2-year lull.  -v-')

Quotewell, well, C-chan is getting famous. ^^

design is great! Jeff awaits a non-rushed version now. now where would the blue go, I wonder.... Ooh, ribbons. Flowy ribbonz. XD

Now now, don't belittle your accomplishments.  When you and Darknight took time away from your work to draw renditions of OS/2-tan, that was all the fame I could ever ask for.  Arigatou!  ^v^

And you're right, the design was very rushed to meet the Piktin deadline.  But if I can spend some time with it, I'll try this to give it a dreamy-look (with haze, flowers and those sparkly things you see in all those yuri images)....  ^__^'

I'll do a color test later to see if the wine red color is okay, or if another color is more appropriate for the gown.  But indeed, the ribbons holding her hair will be blue no matter what, and I suppose it'd be kinda cool if they were long and flowy as well.  To help accentuate the pigtails.  ^.^

Either way, it is key to start diversifying Amiga-tan's clothing a little in future renditions, since her "pizzeria" look is really just her artist's clothes and as everyone knows by now AmigaOS is a multirole operating system.  ^__^

Will OS4.0 be more or less that?  I wonder....  '__'


Thank you for all the pics, C-Chan! How can I requite your kindness and helpfulness? I'll do everything!  ;173  (Well, until that thing is possible...)


Fufu... just help spread the word my friend, and it's all good.  -v-
When Windows-tans outnumber Mac, Linux and other OS-tans (including Amiga and OS/2) by a ratio of 19 to 1, I need all the help I can get.  ^__^'

For the other emerging OS-tans that need your luv, don't forget to visit the Annex:

A friend of one of my coworkers is selling two old computer systems for dirt cheap.  I advised them to donate them to a school or something first, but if that wasn't successful I could probably adopt at least one of them.  Unfortunately they're not PPCs yet, so I still won't get a non-emulated platform for Amiga or MorphOS.  But maybe I can set it up as a dedicated AROS machine?  '__'

MUCH later on, of course....  [I barely have time to fiddle with my Xubuntu....)  Ã,¬vÃ,¬'


This is a hard mission (most of my acquaintances use WinXP, a few of them stick with different Linuxes), but I'll do my best! (A hard mission is better than a ridiculously easy one :) )

Also, I looked the profile of Amiga-tan (or AmigaOS-tan)... Wow, she is that tall?  182 cm?  o_o  That means I need to look up to her not only because of honor but literally too!  ;)


QuoteThis is a hard mission (most of my acquaintances use WinXP, a few of them stick with different Linuxes), but I'll do my best! (A hard mission is better than a ridiculously easy one  )

Thank you.  ^__^
If it helps, I've also drawn at least one XP-tan (the one in the Topicless Thread) and one Linux-tan on the main page, with a few more Linux distros slated for later renditions.  ^__^
So if Amiga-san doesn't suit their tastes, I've got or can make many more OS-tans that might.  ^.^

(I want to make a Xubuntu-tan, for example.  -v-)

QuoteAlso, I looked the profile of Amiga-tan (or AmigaOS-tan)... Wow, she is that tall? 182 cm?  That means I need to look up to her not only because of honor but literally too!

*blushes*  Makes her quite a dish, no?  ^_~
Fufu... true I might've taken a little artistic license with the height (so far, the only OS-tan I've done that too -- all the rest to date are average size or child-types).

But just like memory size influences "breast size", I'm tacitly trying to follow some unwritten rules that would make and shape an OS-tan.

For instance, how fully-featured an operating system is influences how "mature" the OS-tan looks.  The Captain gave the example once of Windows 3.1-sama and XP-tan -- 3.1-sama is over a decade older, but because she wasn't that feature-rich (even in her era) she has a child-type body, whereas XP-tan looks more mature and then some.  ^^;

Amiga was a system way ahead of its time, providing features that back in 1985 were only readily available to commercial and academic systems, and wouldn't become standard in home PCs till almost 10 years later.  In an era full of child-type OS-tans for personal use (e.g., MS-DOS, Commodore 64, Apple II, Mac System 1, Atari 8-bit, ZX Spectrum, etc.), she clearly stood out as the most mature-looking and well endowed (cause her memory size is puny today, but back then it was... respectable).  ^___^

The extra boost in her height is just to reflect her overall hardware, which was of extremely high quality, but also very expensive and difficult to find (not unlike how a real tall woman has difficulty finding clothing -- at least prior to the Internet).  So while Amiga-san turned a lot of heads and wooed a huge loyal following, she also might've inadvertently scared off other users who were too intimidated by so much power and expense.  

That, and Commodore International screwed up a lot with her marketing.  ^___^


QuoteThat, and Commodore International screwed up a lot with her marketing. ^___^

It's just like they say - if Commodore had to market KFC, they would have called it "warm dead bird".


Haha!  I remember that!  ^v^
(when you said it, and talked about the commercials... not actually seeing the 80's work).  -v-'

Yes, Commodore was SO successful, they decided to shoot themselves in the foot to ease the rampaging success of their computer systems.  ^__^
And then people wonder why Microsoft managed to take over the world....  ^___^

(M$ being the darling child of all the manufacturing companies -- Intel and PNY, for example.)  ^v^'

From what I've read in AmigaWiki, as well as what Raffaele-san told me, it would seem that the companies that took Amiga-san in after Commodore's fall weren't any better.  ;__;
Even Hyperion has seriously botched their 4.0 release, which is why it's a miracle they actually managed to release SOMETHING final.  ^__^

Poor Amiga-san's life has been one cruel drama after another, and yet she still has the energy to remain friendly,cheerful and optimistic.  

*sniff*  Bless your heart, you poor poor girl.....  ;v.;


Yeah, one company just wanted to scavenge Amiga-tans internal organs and use them for some kind of impersonal set-top box.   Absolutely barbaric!   ;014