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Merry Christmas!

Started by FFViper, December 25, 2006, 10:12:56 AM

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Merry Christmas!

Wishing everyone a happy holiday!


Yes! A Merry Christmas to yinz all! BTW, welcome back FFViper! What did you all get for Christmas this year?

I got:
Futurama Seasons 1-4
Monty Python's Flying Circus Box 3
Several Aircraft Models
Portable DVD Player
Simpsons Season 9


Merry Christmas everyone! ^o^

I haven't gone to my family gathering yet o.o I hope to pull in some munny as opposed to gifts. *nod*
So cute it\'s deadly!


Merry Christmas.    :D

We had christmas dinner with the closest family yesterday, and tomorrow we're having a bigger gathering with more family coming over to visit from around the country.


Merry Christmas!!!

Two days mean two big meals for us.  ;012  And about the presents...  socks, a T-shirt, usual but useful things, and a little money too. So I'm content.


Merry Christmas to all celebrating, and Happy Holidays to all having days off! ^_^


Happy christmas and a merry newyear!

My present beats all of yalls!  Im getting a kitten! Bwahahaha
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Welcome back?  What part of 'lurker' don't you understand!?  XD  I never left!

Anyway since I already did a huge rant on what I got for Xmas, I'll just copy and paste cause its Xmas and I'm lazy.  XD  

FYI: I wrote it from the POV of an Alien... I have NO IDEA why... I just felt like it.


This Christmas has come and gone once again and has left a several items with me once again. This human ritual is starting to rub off as I too have left a large number of gifts to annoy these humans with that 'warping' paper to bewilder the onlooker on what its contents is. I must say I enjoy the similar satisfaction of knowing its contents as the onlooker makes more and more incorrect attempts at its contents.

I received several gifts this 'Christmas', and most relate to a signal item received.

I received...
JVC GR-D395U Camcorder
Mini-DV Tape
2x Mini-DV Tape
Extra Camcorder Battery
Deck Box + 50 Card Holders
Negima! Vol. 4

The electrical equipment known as a 'Camcorder' seems to be a human device that allows the capturing of images and audio in constant consequence, allowing to record two of five human senses onto a tape device, primitive but interesting. Of course these humans once again fail to include the needed components to make this useful, mainly the recording media... tape. However I found that the humans I stay with already had thought of this and including in several other gifts additional equipment to augment this 'Camcorder' including an additional energy unit and several tapes. I discovered quickly that these tapes have a time limit of apparently 60 earth minutes, however after wondering about how limited this 'camcorder' was, I quickly discovered that tapes can be recorded over again and again, making re-use of old tapes possible. Clever Humans.

The 'Camcorder' also had uplink-able features to that of the human computing device known as the 'PC'. Once again though, the humans fail to include the components needed and instead require the user to pay more of this 'currency' in order to obtain the item. This system of 'money' still disturbs me despite this being the 19th earth year of my stay on planet earth. I also find this 'camcorder' has the ability to capture still-images of things as well, but once again this human obsession with 'currency' requires another component in order for that feature to work, a type of digital media called a 'memory card'. I had already done my study on this, the humans had millions of different types of 'memory cards', each that fit different components and did different tasks but now my question remained... which one will work with this equipment. The humans are not making this easy, as I tested it using every 'memory card' in this human household but once again I was foiled by human technology as none of the media would fit for this 'camcorder'.

I received also a human auditory device known as a 'headset'. I had posed one before but its weak construction proved fatal when 'caught' on any other device. This device allowed the creation of sound waves which stimulated the human ear for there brain to process. Headsets are almost exclusively for human 'music', which is sounds in repeating patterns and different symbolical means. I find my study of human 'music' a required to help understand this culture and when my 'headset' was destroyed I thought I might have failed my mission entirely.

Another concept I am studying is 'card games'. They are often a human game of text and images on a solid piece of materials, often having different meanings and impact on the game depending on the game played. My study is currently into the human 'card game' known as 'Yu-gi-oh'. I find the rules at first simple but find myself finding several advanced rules in which one must know to be good. I've been constructing these 'decks' a type of library of cards used to play the game, often consisting of no less then 40 but no more then 60 cards. This 'Christmas' I received a 'deck box' and 'card shelves'. The humans attempt to protect these cards from abuse from external conditions by use of 'card shelves', an interesting way of protecting but ultimately useless... if they wish no harm to the cards then they best not use them. The 'deck box' appears to be nothing more then a specialized container to fit the size of most 'cards'. Why one must have a special container is something I still trying to find logic behind but with no luck.

I've been studying world culture greatly as well, as humans personality seem to differ based on distance and geographical surroundings, as well as cultural history of the geographical area. The culture of the 'Japan' is my current study and its expanding influence. It produces large amounts of products for the 'American' but I've been more focused on the study of its 'animation'. This 'animation' is a type of 'enjoyment' for humans. It is displayed on a specialized unit known as a 'TV', which shows constant images and audio feed. The 'TV' is used for 'enjoyment' and serves as information for the human race on events far outside the reach of their limited human senses. However I digress, this 'animation' is special to the 'Japan'. Its often referred to by humans as 'anime'.

This 'anime' is drawn completely in often bright colors with overly large eyes, it seems to a be a defining characteristic of 'anime'. I had being following a specific 'anime' known as the 'Negima!'. It seemed odd but somewhat interesting and since I was already doing my report on the 'Negima!' I though I must collect all the samples so my research would be complete otherwise High Command would surely look down on in-complete data. I have yet to watch the 'Negima!' yet but I will get to it following this report.

After some minor mind control, I managed to control a human in my household to at least buy the device required for uplinking this 'camcorder' to the 'PC'. They however seemed to detect my attempts when I attempted to add the 'memory card' in. I'll have to acquire the 'memory card' on my own.

This concludes 'Christmas Report #19'.


I got some clothes and other stuff, the nicest christmas gift I bought me for myself.  New graphics card.   :)


Yo FFViper!  You're back!  I missed you and your cute Hacchan AVI!  ^__^
Though now the pigs out of the bag, and you seem to be an alien.  ^v^'

AmigaBob, is that graphics card for one of your Amiga machines?  If so, bless your heart!  ^v^
If not,... well,... I suppose I can at least bless your liver or something.  ^.^

Captain,... Merry New Year to you too.  ^.^
So did you name your kitten DOS or DOSKitty?  ^v^

Pitkin... Merry Christmas.  ^__^

Exa.... Ditto.  ^___^

Codi-sama.....  Ditto, with aspartame and a marachino cherry on top!  ^v^

NewYinzer... I'm realizing your name reminds me of the New Year, so I'll skip ahead with you....

Happy NEW YinzEAR!!!  ^V^

As for what I got,... two things that would make any pig happy:

1)  Wii games!

2)  An 11x14 framed picture of my eComStation-chan pic!  ^v^

*siiiiighs with joy*  -v-


Well,  he is named MS DOS 6.22 to be precise.. But I call him dos kitty for short

wait... the pig has a consel?!?!?!  ITS A SIGN OF THE END TIMES!!  THE END IS NIGH!!!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

Aurora Borealis

That's awesome that you're getting a kitten, but when someone asks what your cat's name is, how are you going to explain the origins of his name?


bah, I only hang out with geeks XD One of my friends has a cat they named caboos, and when they introduced it every person on the room knew it was a RVB reference :P

Tho, doskitty cirtanly dosent seem any weirder then mistersnookems or the like -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "C-Chan"
AmigaBob, is that graphics card for one of your Amiga machines?  If so, bless your heart!  ^v^
If not,... well,... I suppose I can at least bless your liver or something.  ^.^

Alas, it was not for the Amiga.   :(    

Though I will get one at some point, I can't leave my poor miggys out of the loop. ;)   The easiest alternative would be to get a PCI slot expansion kit for the 4000 like the Mediator, then I can use a PCI card to display graphics.  (but I'd have to move it to a tower case, got to get around to that)


Merry Christmas too! I too late to say this now?
Anyway, in Thailand, we don't celebrate X-mas. But we decorate the house. (no X-mas present for me TT^TT)
Well...let Lord Buddha bless all of us to be happy, lucky in 2007, Sathu! (Amen)