I wanna make the OS-tan fansite in Thai!

Started by panithan, December 02, 2006, 11:05:49 AM

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QuoteCan I give my critic?

Not at all.  ^__^
The best time to give me any critic is when I'm still sketching, cause then it won't be much of a problem to fix or improve things.  Once it's gone to the printers, though, that's when it's too late.  -v-'

QuoteAbout 3.1: Nothing to critic here. It's good. Maybe you could do the hair a bit more..."blowy". At some points, it looks a bit stiff IMHO

Yeah, she's still a sketch for the most part.  The face was my primary objective.  -v-

QuoteAbout DOS: lol. Nothing to critic here

Kamineko.  ^^

QuoteAbout ME: Her legs...they bug me. The perspective of the legs is weird, the left one (HER left) should be farther than the right one. I know, it could also work in the way it is right now, but it looks weird, and I don't think a couple of shadows would correct the problem.
Her arms should be more stiff, they're too curve. Even for a chibi, they're too curved. And her hair...the tails should be more stiff, the actual flow of the tails looks unnatural.

Oh right, the legs bugged me too, although for a slightly different reason.  She's trying to lean forward towards the camera, as if accentuating the Thai Wai, so her left leg should be more in front than her right.  The problem was with 3.1-sama's perspective in relation to this.

It might be a moot point anyway, since I really shouldn't be putting too much effort on the lower body anyway.  Since this is still a banner, the likely scenario is that only their upper body is going to be used and the rest discarded to the scrap picture heap.  ^^

In that case, I might as well stick to your suggestion on the legs since it looks very cute.

Stiffer arms and tails can be easily arranged as well.

QuoteI really want to see this finished, but I think you should redraw ME-tan, so this can become a really great pic.

No need to, repositioning some elements should be fine.  Once the shading and highlights are added and the clean-up is done, a lot of the weird elements will either be fixed or drowned out.  -v-

QuotePS: And on a side note, I think you should try to use variable-width lines in your future works. It really helps to improve vectorized works.

Not in sketches I ain't.  ^^;
I usually fix that in the clean-up phase, although more so for full-sized pics than chibis.

QuoteI think 3.1sama is cute! DOSkitty is okay. But Me-tan...............  
Maybe having some modification for her, or something like what Darknight_88 has drown.

For the Thai word, it's ok to use that. But I'll send some good Thai word to use with this pic later.

*go back to the college work*

Right right right, ME-tan can be worked on further.  Like I said, not a problem in the sketching phase.  But this is free work after all, so I can only give you what I can spare at the moment.  `v'


Err...for my college work. I remember the pic that Me-tan and...2k(?) playing minesweeper. Where was that now... Do anyone remember that? - -

QuoteFor the Thai word, it's ok to use that. But I'll send some good Thai word to use with this pic later.
Now I'm not sure how long does 'later' means. Maybe a few days...


A few days then, eh?  `v'

Ooooooookay,... take as much time as you need then....  -v-

*trots off*


K,k. Then I'll only help when asked -__-

Quote from: "panithan"Err...for my college work. I remember the pic that Me-tan and...2k(?) playing minesweeper. Where was that now... Do anyone remember that? - -


QuoteK,k. Then I'll only help when asked -__-

Poor Darknight,...  ;___;
Sorry dude, I kinda feel the same way as you do right now.  ^__^
But don't worry,...
It is true that I don't put quality high up on my list of priorities (I prefer speed); but regardless I do very much appreciate the time you gifted to write your thoughts and draw that cute ME-tan sketch to illustrate.

So much so that I'm giving you a little present....

Feel free to do with it as you'd like (although don't mind me if I keep 3.1-sama for another day).  ^__^
Personally, I'm not sure if I'll be using it anymore, and it does seem unfair to you since you were so eager to see this finished...  -v-

[attachment deleted by admin]



didn't felt insulted or anything like that, in fact.
Nor I wanted to steal any credit or something. >_>
If you want to finish this, it's not unfair, I was just giving my opinion and critique, it's your work in the end, and so you have the right to decide whatever you want to do.

Besides, I'd need to start from scratch If I were to finish this :D. Darknight has no idea on how to work with Inkscape (besides it hogs all my RAM xD), nor any other kind of vector program.

Quote from: "zerodin"The minesweeper pic is cute!
Indeed, It's an old classic

Quote from: "me"Nor I wanted to steal any credit or something. >_>

To clarify: no, this is not the first time I have thought that. In fact, that's the feeling I get when posting a critique, I feel guilty that maybe someone would think I'm trying to steal credit, which I'm not.

EDIT 2: yeah, I saw it  already xD



QuoteThe actual banner portion will be quick, although let me know if the "Pleased to Meet You" on this list can be used:

(Usually 3.1-sama's frills are what irritate me the most to create, but I managed to cheat my way out of drawing them this time around.  ^^;)


Quote from: "infinity_zero"

That is still sooo cute!!
My my, aren't you lovely~



Quote from: "C-Chan"I could if you want me too.... *v*



Quote from: "C-Chan"For example....  ^^;

? ^v^;

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ขอบคุณ  ....  ^^'