Your own Os-tans and kuns

Started by Spysweeper, November 28, 2006, 05:51:03 PM

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Quotewants to report an mp3 collection to the FBI for some reason

LOL!!  ^v^
That's the funniest thing I've heard.  ^__^


Well, aside from this one....

QuoteThen she later wakes up with her head pounding, feeling even more bloated then usual, she's installed IE 7 without asking the user first, she can't seem to drop the extra weight (refusal to uninstall IE7) and she can't help but think that there must be some sort of 'Genuine Advantage' to it, so it's not worth investigating...

BTW, from the picture that Bella-san posted, can you draw over it to sketch additions or subtractions to the design?  (assuming, like you said, it's pretty close?)


I can certainly try, I have GIMP.  Provided I can get the original artist's permission to attempt to deface their work (I'm lousy at it)


HAHA!!!  I'll most certainly give you a cookie if you can find out who the original artist was on that.  ^__^

Heck, I'll even make you grand master of the OS-tan Wiki if you can find that out.....  ^.^

Just go ahead and gimp it, dude.....  -v-


I look forward to seeing your ideas "on paper" as it were :)

Added after 1 minutes:

And I don't want to get OT, but I might do a drawing of a PCLinuxOS-tan...

I don't really know what her design should look like, though...

Added after 1 minutes:

All I know is that she'd be the sister of not much XD


I promise nothing, but I'll see what I can do (probably a lot of clumsy cut/paste).
And how could it be off-topic, it's a 'list your ideas' thread, *I* certainly didn't start it.


listing ideas here is perfectly acceptable.. Id rather not have a differnt thread for every little off shoot to an idea.
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QuoteI promise nothing, but I'll see what I can do (probably a lot of clumsy cut/paste).
And how could it be off-topic, it's a 'list your ideas' thread, *I* certainly didn't start it.

No problemo,...

If you've ever heard The Carpenters, there's a song that goes something like "Just Sing,... Sing a song" and the like....

Well here we want you to "Just Draw,... Draw a -Tan".  ^.^

*laughs at own bad joke*

No but seriously, we encourage direct participation and questions and such.  ^^

QuoteAnd I don't want to get OT, but I might do a drawing of a PCLinuxOS-tan...

I don't really know what her design should look like, though...

All I know is that she'd be the sister of not much XD

Wow, what a coincidence that you should ask that when PCLOS and SAM are now appearing as ads.... ^___^

Personally I've been giving some thought to them as well, since any help offered to such great distributions during these particularly troubling times is always welcomed.  ^__^

(and unlike with Windows-tans, there's no risk of getting sued for copyright infringement, or outcasted by Deja Vu branders.... ^v^')

PCLOS-tan has been a bit tricky for me, since she has to be as naturally charismatic as possible without really trying to be....

I envision her as an already mature woman of perhaps slightly above-average height, black hair, azure eyes, athletic build, and normal endowment.  She might come off as quiet and shy initially, but after a while of getting to know her, you'll realize that she is in fact a woman of few words and eternal patience.  

Unlike some of her sisters, she's not very opinionated and in fact rarely gives an opinion about anything unless otherwise asked.  She also prefers to let people figure out problems on their own, although if a bit of assistance is required she's not afraid to carry it out quietly behind the scenes.  On the other hand, when asked directly for help, her speech is a very mild-mannered and compelling mixture of technical competence and zen-like simplicity that puts even the most technophobic soul at ease.

Fashion-wise I'm at a loss, so I take it as a god-send that you're interested in making a design.  (Knowing that you're a professional fashion designer in the making.)  ^.^
Since she prefers simplicity, I doubt frilly dresses would be an option; her clothing really should be pragmatic, comfortable and perhaps just a touch futuristic (with some blue and silver motifs, of course).  Aside from perhaps a slight southern accent in her speech, there's very little else that denotes her Texan origins (I really wanna get away from the Japanese stereotypes of cowboys/girls), aside from perhaps a pair of abstract and very elegant cowgirl boots with the KDE gears as spurs.  

As far as Anime-equivalents, so far I'm thinking of a personality-type combining Minagi Tohno from "AIR" and Spike Spiegel from "Cowboy Bebop".

As far as relatives go, Mandriva-san is her mother and SAM-chan is her kid sister.  There's also Granular-san and Karoshi-san, but they're more distant relatives than sisters.  

Sorry, not sure if this helps....
I probably have a more concrete ideas of how SAM-chan could be like.  ^^


I see SAM as having green eyes...(green logo)


Well yeah, SAM-chan would have green eyes, and likely blondish hair due to the over-prominence of yellow in the default system colors.  She's also German and damn proud of it, and makes it fairly well-known that she hails from Saxony.  -v-

I can imagine her as a definite Skuld-type (from Ah! My Goddess), not necessarily in the bratiness as much, but certainly in terms of size, youth, eccentricity, outspokenness and technical genius.  Her hair is long, but half of it is tied up in either buns or very thick pigtails (simulating mouse ears).  Clothing I leave in your hands, but I reckon there would be a prevalence of green, black and futuristic themes, and certainly a little more lavish-looking than PCLOS-san's attire.  And unlike her sister, she does carry her "spear" all the time with her, although this one is actually a small, ball peen "Thunar" hammer with an elongated handle.

Despite being so young, her hobbies are far and wide, ranging from hardcore multiplayer gaming to refurbishing old and abandoned computers.  She shares her sister's unbellicose stance with M$ (although she doesn't necessarily like them either) and is not adverse to slipping in a glass of some of their "wine".  ^__^'
One very important edge that she has over her sister is that she's highly polylingual, and so views globetrekking as something of a goal in life.  ^^

Oh, and she's always accompanied by her pet rat all the time.
(actually, it's supposed to be a giant mouse, but at that size it could fool me... ^^;)


Not to sound dumb, but I *am* a very raw newbie...why do a lot of the Linux-tans have spears?  I also noticed the spear-like thing that the Vista-tan was holding, back a few posts.  What does it mean?

And here's my slap-together Vista-tan attempt:

I actually went back to the Fee picture for base material.  I added the headset, so she can stream A/V wirelessly, and have her brain hacked by Microsoft and weaponry for stopping processes.  I got rid of the second scythe, because she really doesn't have THAT great of a defense, despite the claims.

I also tried to give her a sad look, seeing as she was supposed to be the most cutting-edge OS made, but then got saddled with so much useless junk, her better features largely stripped out.  Vista has good reason to be depressed.

Not to mention that I made this while running my computer in Linux-mode...


Good job! I especially like the "This application does not have permission to continue"--maybe her catchphrase XP (That's winking and razzing at the same time, BTW)

Quotewhy do a lot of the Linux-tans have spears? I also noticed the spear-like thing that the Vista-tan was holding, back a few posts. What does it mean?

I dunno why the Vistan has a spear (self defense against viruses and malware, I guess), but I think the Linux-tans it has to do with hacking or something? Also because there are a **few** viruses that Linuxes can be vulnerable to, it could be self defense too...


Thanks!  yeah, I take quite a bit of flak for running both XP and Ubuntu on the same computer and liking both.  When people hear I have a firewall and anti-virus on my Linux-disk, they get REALLY mad.

Back to art, does anyoen have any idea how to replace colors in GIMP with other colors?  I've also got CinePaint, if that's better (I mean, I've got it but have never used it).  I was tryign to change the purple to a more Vista-ish blue.


Okay, I went ahead and did this in GIMP anyway since I don't want to make you have to learn something new on my account.  ^^'
(though if you do have the time, give Krita a try,... it may not be up to par with GIMP yet, but it's getting there and certainly less of a culture-shock for former PS users.... ^.^)

For some odd reason BEYOND belief, the Hue/Saturation button is located under Layer>Colors>Hue-Saturation, and that's a real shame that they hide it like that cause the feature is actually more advanced than the Photoshop one.  ^^

Oh, and originally I was shocked by the absence of a Polygonal Selection tool, but as it turns out the Pathing tool takes it place and that's not necessarily a bad thing.  ^.^
Essentially what it means is that after you've done your polygonal selection via the Pathing tool, you can alter the anchors to change the shape of your polygonal selection.  Now THAT... is USEFUL.....  ^.^


Don't worry, I *want* to learn this!  It's the one feature I really need, I know it's got it, but I have no idea how to use it.  Thanks!  She does look better in blue.  I've never used PS, actually...I was given GIMP by a friend who knew I didn't have a hundred bucks, and I'm very happy with it.  Now I just need to learn to WORK the thing...


QuoteDon't worry, I *want* to learn this! It's the one feature I really need, I know it's got it, but I have no idea how to use it.  

No problemo, just showing you it's there and perfectly workable as you can see.  

If you do have any specific questions about X, Y and Z, don't be afraid to ask.  (btw, the fact that you've never used PS does help a lot, since it makes you less discriminating of the awkward interface).  ^__^'

I'm thankful that your friend was considerate enough to give you the GIMP.  A lot of these companies depend on people not realizing that alternatives to their often amazingly-overpriced software exist.  I was tempted to splurge on Adobe Illustrator at one point,... but thanks to the nice people of the Inkscape project, that proved unnecessary.  [Plus the fact that I'm very intereted in it, AND it's open source, means that once I know programming I can help expand its functionality.]  ^___^

Another nice thing about the *Buntu's is that they have the largest software repositories of all known Linuces to date I think.  -v-
So if you ever needed more image editors besides the GIMP, you can just "shop" Synaptic or Adept, and freely download another marvelous piece of OSS image editing software.  That's how I got acquainted with Krita, for example.  ^__^