Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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QuoteI might start writing articles for my new -kuns tomorrow if I get the chance. If not, then it will be definitely be Wednesday.

Speaking of which,... oooh, today IS Wednesday, no?  @@'
Sorry, my bad,... was busy testing out a successful fix to EeePCLOS' Suspend script, among other things.  ^^;

I'll load up some avis, but will do some actual inputting later.  -v-

QuoteMan... I have been quite occupied with lots of other stuff at the same time... i have not been able to get down and dirty with the Vistan articles... I feel useless now, sorry guys.

Daijoubu, daijoubu....  ^.^
I knew from the start that, even despite that schedule, you'd eventually find yourself short of time more often than not (call it personal experience... ^__~), so that's why I was always keen to get you to measure yourself before.  

Suffice to say, the wiki's doing very well, it's growing at a steady pace, and y'all have already submitted enough info to cover two month's worse, so there's absolutely positively zero rush.  -v-

Otherwise, with me playing hookey in another forum, I'd feel probably worse.  ^______^;

QuoteOoooh, I do so love that CE and DSL sibling pic.

Love and adore it too.  ^.^
Plus I still love one of the comments from the +Nijiura+ posters who was imitating CE-tan:

"These children.... look tasty...."  ^v^;

(there was another funny one after that,... but it wasn't exactly PG-rated)  ^^;

QuoteBut ME-tan as a Giantess? Now that scares me...

But has been done.... ^^

*gets closer and takes daring POV shots*

Mmmmm... that's good Emui-chan... ^____^

QuoteHowever, since I don't usually keep enough on me to just go out and buy a new laptop, my mother has offered to pitch in and buy one for me.
After all, my birthday is comming up.

In addition to Bella-sama's most Excellent recommendation,.... might I also interest you in one of these?  ^.^

Certainly would be at least $100USD cheaper, although it would require a bit of tweaking/hacking to get it to really purrrrr.  4G's are a lot better, and also able to handle XP,... but in that case, the Cloudbook might be easier to work with.  ^^

(too bad they really butchered gOS,... all the reviews say there last minute Gnome switch really sticks out like a sore thumb.... T__T )

QuoteAn NT mainframe...I dunno if that would be awesome or scary :P

You forgot sexy.  TT'

Quote*Imagines HUGE Inu-T*

Hey, Inu-T the big blue dog! If you don't get the reference, then your obviously a lot more mature than I am XD

For a moment there I thought it was a Paul Bunyan reference (I MUST be old...) but then remembered that was a big blue OX.  

But I'm certainly game for a giant blue dog girl.  Gimme.  ^___^

QuoteYour gonna want to find a way to recover those files! Makes me think of the time a friend popped the HD out of my laptop when the motherboard went bad and recovered all the files. And voided the warranty, that is to say, if I had told Best Buy about it.

Ever since then I've been making backups....

That might be difficult depending on how the laptop is built, but otherwise that's a very good idea and the first thing you should do.  I know the horror that is losing all your stuff, and in my case a lot of my ancient artwork and game conversions from back in my previous net life.  -.-

Quote*points Techno toward Wal-Mart*

What a bargain! Less than $400! And with a very shiny, Mac-impersonating, stable and virus-proof OS installed!

*hugs Bella-sama*  I'm so proud of you!  ^.^

But for a minute there, I thought you were directing him to this:

*sees 3 star rating*

Damn Everex really screwed up gOS.  It was working so well before, why'd they go and change it!  T________T


Oh well, there's more than enough room to dual-boot another OS, so it doesn't matter much I guess.  -v-

Added after 39 minutes:

Oh, I knew there was more stuff....

QuoteIs "Inu-T the big blue dog" reference to "Clifford the big red dog?" by any chance? Ahh.. I remember that book series from looooong ago!

Yes that's right, but even Clifford is too small to properly recreatea  potential Inu-T Mainframe-tan.  ^__^

QuoteProgress update: Made articles for Red Flag-tan and System 7.5-tan. I wanted to also post up the comics that had 7.5-tan in them but one of them was borderline ecchi (It was from the Mac Manga!) and the other one involving 3.1-tan calling 7.5-tan "Al-chan" I tried to post up on my Photobucket account but Photobucket f-ed up on me and several times wouldn't load pictures after submitting them (a no-go)! >__<

Thank you Aurora-hime.  But I guess I kinda lost track of the Mac Manga, cause I don't remember seeing 7.5-tan in it at the time.  Hopefully they've continued it and she's in one of the later pages.  ^.^

QuoteAnd of course 3 new wiki avis:


Added in a NY heartbeat, as they say!!   ^___^


Oooh, nice wiki avis! Ya beat me to it on the Octopus and Plan B-tan avis!

I might write up an article for Octopus and Inferno-chan...I'm still trying to work up the nerve to make a Multics-sama article, and waiting until I do finished drawings of CTSS, DTSS, WAITS and co. before I make articles for them....

QuoteIs "Inu-T the big blue dog" reference to "Clifford the big red dog?" by any chance? Ahh.. I remember that book series from looooong ago!


QuoteDaijoubu, daijoubu.... ^.^
I knew from the start that, even despite that schedule, you'd eventually find yourself short of time more often than not (call it personal experience... ^__~), so that's why I was always keen to get you to measure yourself before.

Everyone's so busy....Winter is actually my quite time of year. Not like the summer @___@

QuoteLove and adore it too. ^.^

I third this opinion!

Quote*gets closer and takes daring POV shots*

Mmmmm... that's good Emui-chan... ^____^

Who is that gal on the right...?

QuoteThat might be difficult depending on how the laptop is built, but otherwise that's a very good idea and the first thing you should do. I know the horror that is losing all your stuff, and in my case a lot of my ancient artwork and game conversions from back in my previous net life. -.-

Ever since that scare I've been trying to make backups as often as possible (not often, BTW)...

QuoteDamn Everex really screwed up gOS. It was working so well before, why'd they go and change it! T________T


Oh well, there's more than enough room to dual-boot another OS, so it doesn't matter much I guess. -v-

Yeah, if I had one it'd end up with another OS probably...

Course, you could always go to the gOS site and install the "good" version of gOS... :P

Aurora Borealis


Quote*gets closer and takes daring POV shots*

Mmmmm... that's good Emui-chan... ^____^

Who is that gal on the right...?

That's Shima Katase, the protagonist from "Stellvia of the Universe"

And on an OS-tan wiki-related note, I added on a lot to Linspire-tan's article!


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteI might start writing articles for my new -kuns tomorrow if I get the chance. If not, then it will be definitely be Wednesday.

Speaking of which,... oooh, today IS Wednesday, no?  @@'
*is nervous*

Heh... Um... Well, it's Sunday... Never got the chance to write them up on Wednesday liked I planned. I had an Anthropology test to write on Thursday so I had to study. Actually, I should be studying write now for my two tests this week, doing my oral book report, and my world religions project due after March Break. @_@

I did the Google-kun article this morning. It's probably going to get a quick revamp since I'm currently pressed for time. If you're curious to know what a "puffball" is, I'll be posting a pic of that once I get my scanner reinstalled. ^v^ And hopefully, my craptasic chibi-like version of Google-kun.


QuoteYeah, if I had one it'd end up with another OS probably...

Course, you could always go to the gOS site and install the "good" version of gOS... :P

Too late, I'm never gonna look back to them again.  ^0^
Certainly not now that I've become an official EeePC aficionado.  ^.^

QuoteAnd on an OS-tan wiki-related note, I added on a lot to Linspire-tan's article!

Thank you, Aurora-hime.  Although you forgot to add your new Linspire avatar.  `v'

Don't worry, did that for you.

Quote*is nervous*

Heh... Um... Well, it's Sunday... Never got the chance to write them up on Wednesday liked I planned. I had an Anthropology test to write on Thursday so I had to study. Actually, I should be studying write now for my two tests this week, doing my oral book report, and my world religions project due after March Break.

Poor, cute IceLilly-chan.
Like I always say, though,... if you're nervous, you're probably not doing something right.  ^^

So don't worry -- like I said before, there's enough done already, and no real reason to sacrifice studying time for this.  Just take it easy and treat it as the fun side project it should be.  ^^


Quote from: "C-Chan"
Quote*is nervous*

Heh... Um... Well, it's Sunday... Never got the chance to write them up on Wednesday liked I planned. I had an Anthropology test to write on Thursday so I had to study. Actually, I should be studying write now for my two tests this week, doing my oral book report, and my world religions project due after March Break.

Poor, cute IceLilly-chan.
Like I always say, though,... if you're nervous, you're probably not doing something right.  ^^

So don't worry -- like I said before, there's enough done already, and no real reason to sacrifice studying time for this.  Just take it easy and treat it as the fun side project it should be.  ^^
Well, oddly enough, one of my tests was moved to after the March Break and the other one I had to redo because of the quotes were not from the proper act. XD But I think I did really well. ^v^ Oh, and I did WAY better then I though on my Anthropology test. ^_~

I just got my scanner up and working on Thursday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my pictures up and ready for viewing asap. <3

Techno the fox

Hey everyone, I'm back.
An update to my laptop situation. I've found a very likely cantidate.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

Anyway, going to update Effie and Sasser-tan's wikis later.
Here are some little facts about Sasser-tan
Sasser-tan is closely realated to the Blaster "Lovesan" worm. Being that they were both created by the same person.
I also see her as being just a bit clumsy. (A reference to the original Sasser.exe, that made computers infected with it crash by crashing LSASS.exe, but only because of bugs in the worm's code itself never intentionally.)
I can see her knocking over an entire library's worth of bookshelves by accidentally bumping into one of them. (Chain Reaction!)

Quote from: "Wikipedia"The effects of Sasser include the news agency Agence France-Presse (AFP) having all its satellite communications blocked for hours and the U.S. flight company Delta Air Lines having to cancel several trans-atlantic flights because its computer systems had been swamped by the worm. The Nordic insurance company If and their Finnish owners Sampo Bank came to a complete halt and had to close their 130 offices in Finland. The British Coastguard had its electronic mapping service disabled for a few hours, and Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Post, and the European Commission also all had issues with the worm. The X-ray department at Lund University Hospital had all their four layer X-ray machines disabled for several hours and had to redirect emergency X-ray patients to a nearby hospital.

Here's another thought, has anyone made a Blaster aka Lovesan -tan yet?
Because if not, after reading it's article in wikipedia now I want to.

And the mere thought of Storm-Worm-Botnet being turned into a -tan...
...That would make her a Mainframe Viru-tan wouldn't it?
Be afraid..Be very afraid..

Quote from: "Icelilly"I just got my scanner up and working on Thursday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my pictures up and ready for viewing asap. <3

Cool, can't wait to see Google-kun and 4-Chan-kun.
Glad to see you're posting more around here Icelilly-san.


QuoteHey everyone, I'm back.
An update to my laptop situation. I've found a very likely cantidate.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

But...but...that's a Vista machine... :..O

Oh well, I vowed not to butt into people's computer business. At least not non-family XD

QuoteAnyway, going to update Effie and Sasser-tan's wikis later.
Here are some little facts about Sasser-tan
Sasser-tan is closely realated to the Blaster "Lovesan" worm. Being that they were both created by the same person.
I also see her as being just a bit clumsy. (A reference to the original Sasser.exe, that made computers infected with it crash by crashing LSASS.exe, but only because of bugs in the worm's code itself never intentionally.)
I can see her knocking over an entire library's worth of bookshelves by accidentally bumping into one of them. (Chain Reaction!)

Haha! Sasser-tan sounds hilarious! Especially with the knocking stuff over and all :D

QuoteHere's another thought, has anyone made a Blaster aka Lovesan -tan yet?
Because if not, after reading it's article in wikipedia now I want to.

It sounds...vaguely familiar...but I'm unsure....

QuoteAnd the mere thought of Storm-Worm-Botnet being turned into a -tan...
...That would make her a Mainframe Viru-tan wouldn't it?
Be afraid..Be very afraid..

Unless it effects mainframes...I think you mean a supercomputer Viru-tan. Cause that's what botnets are in essence.

QuoteWell, oddly enough, one of my tests was moved to after the March Break and the other one I had to redo because of the quotes were not from the proper act. XD But I think I did really well. ^v^ Oh, and I did WAY better then I though on my Anthropology test. ^_~

I just got my scanner up and working on Thursday. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my pictures up and ready for viewing asap. <3

Glad to hear everything is going well! I, too, await seeing the new -kuns!


Yay!  IceLilly-chan is back!!!  And did really great in her tests (that's Canadian education for ya)!  ^v^

Oh and btw,... if you see a Yaoi trap somewhere in a neighboring thread, please fall in it.  I have to ask you a VERY important question.  ^.^

QuoteAn update to my laptop situation. I've found a very likely candidate.
I'll be keeping my eye on this one.

Awwwww... can't see it, but if it's from Staples, it can't be an EeePC.  ;__;

*C-chan curls into a ball and mopes*

QuoteAnd the mere thought of Storm-Worm-Botnet being turned into a -tan...
...That would make her a Mainframe Viru-tan wouldn't it?
Be afraid..Be very afraid..

Oh yeah, I ran that by Gus-san some time ago, but it didn't really go anywhere.  A StormWorm-"tan" would indeed be a MegaVirus-tan the likes of which could rival or even surpass z/OS-sama in size and power.  I kinda imagine she'd be like the Forest God giant from the endingof Mononoke Hime -- she grew so large and so powerful that she's lost much of her consciousness and flesh form, to the point where Viru-sama can no longer control her.  She would pretty much wander aimlessly across time and space, accumulating more and more power and size.  She hasn't attacked anyone seriously,... yet,... but everyone fears that when she does, the damage might be cataclysmic.  @o@


Quote from: "C-Chan"Yay!  IceLilly-chan is back!!!  And did really great in her tests (that's Canadian education for ya)!  ^v^

Oh and btw,... if you see a Yaoi trap somewhere in a neighboring thread, please fall in it.  I have to ask you a VERY important question.  ^.^
There's a yaoi trap?! *v* I MUST FIND THIS THREAD YOU SPEAK OF. *fuels up and runs*

Techno the fox

Quote from: "Bella"But...but...that's a Vista machine... :..O

Oh well, I vowed not to butt into people's computer business. At least not non-family XD

You're not making me feel any better about it you know. It's not like I really have a choice.
For my laptop I want something that I know, because I'm probably going to use it more than I am my desktop as soon as I get it.
Since I've grown up in Windows I'm more familiar with it.
I am going to try Linux on some of my older outdated desktops.
The perfect target for this is my Compaq Desktop. It's Windows XP wasn't registered and I haven't used it in ages. It doesn't have anything on it because I had just reformated it. It was designed for Win. ME.

Furthermore, I've looked around nearly Everywhere online and can't seem to find anyone who is selling New laptops with my beloved Homeko on them. :,,(

NOOOOO Perhaps you were right with your whole "XP Persecution Complex" thing. *sniffle*

But does getting a Vista machine mean I'm out of the MEWXPZLFUDAWV club?

I just hope and pray that Mugen will run on vista.

The good news, with this new laptop I may finally have the power to play Second Life.
The bad News, Second Life doesn't support Vista. (or at leasat it didn't last time I checked.)

Thanks for your advice C-chan, but I don't really want a small laptop.
The bigger the screen the better. (in my book at least)

I've already noticed the newer programs begining to descriminate against my 256 Memory Desktop. Mugen crashes so much it isn't funny. (OUT OF MEMORY ERROR, I've seen that 'frickin little error bubble SO MANY TIMES)
The new McAfee 10-in-1 doesn't work.  Ect. Ect.
All of this worked back when my C610 was "alive"

C-chan, you said you can't see it? Okay I'll post the Tech Specs.

Acer Aspire AS4315-2535 Notebook PC

-Intel® Celeron® mobile 540 (1.86GHz) processor
-1GB installed memory
-120GB hard drive
-24x DVD/CD RW combo drive
-14.1" WXGA Acer CrystalBriteâ,,¢ TFT LCD display
-Microsoft Windows Vista® Home Premium
-Weight 5.73lbs
-1 year warranty

Although, my hopes are lifted every time I see that laptop.
Perhaps Vista won't be so bad after all.

Anyway, if anyone needs me I'm going to be consoling Homeko on losing her market for new Laptops.

Techno the fox

Hello everyone, I have an update on my laptop situation.

My Mother made a deal with me. I get the laptop now, since my birthday is at the end of the month, and all I get for my birthday is a cake.

Think of it as a sort of "Cash Advance" XD

Anyway, I went to staples looking for an Acer Aspire 1400 series...They were out -_-

They did have a compaq laptop for $599. Although as soon as he (the staples employee) recomended it to me the next few words out of his mouth were an attempt to talk me into buying a huge bundle.

*Takes salesman tone*
"I can offer you this computer, A Compaq Presario with 1 GB of memory And a graphics card with a really good proceessor...and...It also comes with a 3 year extended warranty, if you break this computer we will replace it. If you decide to pour soda on the keyboard we will send you a new one. If you just have really bad luck and break five in a row we will replace it."

He really did say the whole Soda line. XD

And how much did it cost? Why only an extra $200!!!
Onto the price of the laptop.

Anyway, I went over to walmart looking a good laptop that I had the money to buy and that's when I found this little darling.

My new love.

Yep, this is to me what EeePC is to C-chan.

Y'know what? Vista Home Premium isn't bad. In fact I like it. Alot. ^__^

To quote "my gym partner's a monkey"
"Don't knock it, 'til you try it."

I'm very happy with my Vista

The screen is Big! It had unbelieveably awesome resolution. It's brighter than any screen in my house. And seems to shine even when it's off. (like a plasma TV)

It has a 1024 Megabytes of Ram Memory (which is 1 Gigabyte)
It seems to FLY through all it's Applications, whereas my other one crawled.

And It has an Nvidia Graphics card. No Rom or Emulator I can get will crash or lag this.

And....I can play second life. FINALLY AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF I Will be able to play SL. I HAAAVE THE POWER!! *dramatic pose*

Anyway, yeah I know I didn't update the wiki like I said I was going to.

But I will soon, I promise.

Anyway, now I'm off to the RP thread. Techno AWAY!
*flies out*


Don't let the Vista fool you!
I swear, I've used it once for a week in a row (when we were in florida last year), and after that I was just dying to wipe my hands clean on the keyboard of our old Win2k laptop...hell that damn thing was awful.

If you're fine with it, though, I won't stop you ^-^ Just don't come complaining when you can't find an XP to replace it anywhere.


I know it's off-topic but I agree, Vista just gets worse and worse.
And I'm speaking from personal experience, I've tested it myself on my iMac (which is not a bad machine in terms of tech specs) and it left me with a awkward feeling afterwards.

Perhaps that's mainly because I only had 1Gb of RAM, but I also had to help a friend set up his new HP laptop which already came with Windows Vista installed so you assume it would work well since it's brand new and it's built for Vista.
Well it doesn't - for starters it takes something like four or five minutes to boot, which is just ridicolous compared to the 10-15 seconds my MacBook takes after a fresh install of Leopard.
I think it's all that crap HP installs on the new computers... just awful.

But anyway, every one has his own experience, perhaps with a couple of updates... though I really hate how bad it performs in gaming compared to XP.
Windows has always been about games if you ask me, and seeing your gaming performance actually drop by a good 40% in most games, that's just plain stupid.


Seconded, thirded and fourthed...

If windows stops coping with games... I'll drop it like the pile of crap it is.... (man I feel bad bashing windozers when their respective -tans are sooow cute...)
I dont tell you how to tell me what to do, so dont tell me how to do what you tell me to do... Bender the Great) :/
[Img disabled by Fedora-Tan]
Thanks Fedora-sama
Homer no function beer well without (Homer Simpson) ^_^