Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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QuoteBut at least there are still people intending to keep the dream alive, be it us, Futaba, +Nijiura+... some guy wearing a hoop skirt... or whatever. ^__^

The internet tends to make obscurity more difficult.  ^____^

QuoteHeh... true that both of you. But CC, you forgot one other thing...

Higher electricity bills. ^__^'

Nah, I knew that.  I just figured all the heat would melt the hardware first before that ever became an issue.  BWHAHAHA!!!  ^V^

No but seriously, those kinds of improvised supercomputers have definitely helped some movie productions with in-house graphics processing.  But I don't think someone like me would have any use for all that power.  ^^;

I'm into Paleo-SETI, not SETI.  ^____^;

QuoteThe only way to do battle with the megacorps is to play on their own turf... if you know what I mean.

Kinda, but sadly that's really mostly a problem in the US.  Elsewhere, especially in the EU, China and Russia, that patent intimidation simply wouldn't hold any water.  Probably explains the interest of M$ to expand themselves all over the world ASAP, be it by shredding up Classmate and OLPC, selling $3 copies of XP starter, or reward people for using pirated copies.  -.-;

QuoteHmm... as I sniffed around for info on W7... I noted that there is not really anything indicating that NT would be scrapped... W7 so far is can be installed on top of Windos Vista, and in the lists I looked on the OS appears to be built within the NT Family. But even I wouldn't trust my own words on this... maybe it would get scrapped as development progresses on the new OS.

According to my,... "conspiracy theory"... the approach would be something like making a BSD base look and function like Windows NT, and probably copy essential components of it, but not be NT.  ^___^


QuoteAnd CC... Microsoft would be having to do quite the lot of work in order to make a powerful comeback with their new OS. it is going to be way hard after the mess-up with Vista... so much hype that it destroyed the trust of the user base with the manything that got added, changed, and/or removed. you say, this would require a lot of creativity on their part, and quite frankly I haven't really seen that much.  They COULD try contracting an outside party to build the system for them, but then what will happen with support post-release?  And wouldn't they just botch this too?  ^____^

But yeah, for the moment let's just enjoy our time now in good ol' 2008.  ^^

In any event, Wiki's been slow these past couple of days, but that's alright cause I barely have enough time to stay above water lately.  ^v^;

You do what you can, and that's good enough.  -v-

Gussy Keniji

As most of you probably already saw, I uploaded both Valentine's avatar and put up Viru-sama's article, article of Valentine tan's on the way, as well as Mimal, Spida and MyDoom



Wow! Everyone's been so busy when Secchan died! I fell horrible... I haven't been able to do much with this project... ;_;

If you read on my comeback note in the "Topicless Thread," I have made images for Google-kun and 4Chan-kun! 7Chan-kun still needs to be designed, 4Chan-kun is probably going to get a revamp, and I have to redo my LimeWire-tan design since I have currently misplaced it. >.> *gets working*


I'm happy to hear you've gotten the chance to put Google-kun, Limewire-tan and 4Chan-kun down on paper! I really can't wait to see them! :D


QuoteAs most of you probably already saw, I uploaded both Valentine's avatar and put up Viru-sama's article, article of Valentine tan's on the way, as well as Mimal, Spida and MyDoom

Thank you, Gus-san!  I definitely appreciate that you gave Viru-sama her much-needed article, as well as those for Infinity-san's virii.  ^.^
The fact that you love everyone's virus-tans makes you truly the Virus King!  ^v^

QuoteWow! Everyone's been so busy when Secchan died! I fell horrible... I haven't been able to do much with this project... ;_;

YEAH!!!!!!  WELCOME BACK!!!  ^v^
It's great that you've done all the drawings you wanted, IceLilly-san!

But wait............................


...........................................................WHAT'S THIS ABOUT SECCHAN DYING?!!!!!!  @@;


Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteWow! Everyone's been so busy when Secchan died! I fell horrible... I haven't been able to do much with this project... ;_;

YEAH!!!!!!  WELCOME BACK!!!  ^v^
It's great that you've done all the drawings you wanted, IceLilly-san!

But wait............................


...........................................................WHAT'S THIS ABOUT SECCHAN DYING?!!!!!!  @@;
Well, about three weeks ago, my dad asked me to install a program for him. After restarting, Secchan refused to get past the 98 boot-up screen. Even after my mother reinstalled her we STILL couldn't get past the boot-up screen. And this time we got not one but two BSODs. But no worries, she's all fixed! ^v^


On my 98 machine I'd get BSODs on an hourly basis XD

Glad she's all better now!


Coincidentally, I just got a "patient" (an old computer) with Secchan on it over the weekend.  Naturally doesn't work as it should, but I'll see how I can salvage it.  (With Puppy-chan's help, of course)  ^___^


If it has enough resources, you could give Zenwalk a try on that machine :D

I've been playing around a bit with Zenwalk lately....And I recall it ran pretty well on my old 98 machine...


Actually, if hard drive space is at a premium, I might consider a setup similar to my EeePC with EeePCLinuxOS.  I recall from my old Gateway that a live environment is a lot snappier than a regular install, if only because you don't have an ancient hard drive puttering away, slowing things down.  ^.^

But I digress... Wednesday is my primary visiting day, so I'll be sure to stop by for some wiki edits, or at least some Avatar uploads.  ^^


Quote from: "Bella"On my 98 machine I'd get BSODs on an hourly basis XD
Trust me. I know how you feel. XD But so far, I haven't seen one! A MIRACLE HAS TAKEN PLACE. *chorus sings*

I might start writing articles for my new -kuns tomorrow if I get the chance. If not, then it will be definitely be Wednesday.


Man... I have been quite occupied with lots of other stuff at the same time... i have not been able to get down and dirty with the Vistan articles... I feel useless now, sorry guys.

I hope I can get myself free enough to deal with both my Vistan designs and the articles I promised...


Okay... my freak-out is over.
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Techno the fox

Quote from: "C-chan"Good man, NOW you're talking ma langwidge! ^___^

Here,... don't know when I'll ever get around to drawing z/OS-sama, but have a Mini-Giantess in the meantime:

Rule of thumb in designing a Mainframe-tan is to times a standard unit of measurement (such as the foot) by 20. So ME-tan, turned into a Mainframe-tan (scary thought) would be approximately 100 feet tall.

The shortest (VSE-tan) would be 80 feet tall.

z/OS-sama,... is 160 feet tall.

Aside from being groomed from birth to be a Mainframe-tan, that's also to ensure that anyone trying to shrink her down to fetch for a fair fight could still get his ass kicked (and thoroughly so).

Ooooh, I do so love that CE and DSL sibling pic.

But ME-tan as a Giantess? Now that scares me...

........Wait a second.....If maneframe -tans are giantess, then Inu-t as a Mainframe would be....


*mini explosion*

On a sad note, My laptop the Dell Latitude C610.....Is dead...
That plug was it's downfall. The power port has now completely shorted out.
Even when plugged into the charger, it won't charge or recieve power.
And unfortunately, the power port on this model is directly connected to the motherboard. For as much as it costs to fix it, I could just as easily buy a new laptop.

However, I am going to keep it for parts. The LCD Screen, Keyboard, Mouse,  and Hard drive are still in good working order. (The hard drive also has alot of my files still on it -_-)

However, since I don't usually keep enough on me to just go out and buy a new laptop, my mother has offered to pitch in and buy one for me.
After all, my birthday is comming up.

I'm probably going to edit Effie and Sasser-tan's articles later.
Okay, seeya.


QuoteOoooh, I do so love that CE and DSL sibling pic.

But ME-tan as a Giantess? Now that scares me...

........Wait a second.....If maneframe -tans are giantess, then Inu-t as a Mainframe would be....


*mini explosion*

An NT mainframe...I dunno if that would be awesome or scary :P

*Imagines HUGE Inu-T*

Hey, Inu-T the big blue dog! If you don't get the reference, then your obviously a lot more mature than I am XD

QuoteOn a sad note, My laptop the Dell Latitude C610.....Is dead...
That plug was it's downfall. The power port has now completely shorted out.
Even when plugged into the charger, it won't charge or recieve power.
And unfortunately, the power port on this model is directly connected to the motherboard. For as much as it costs to fix it, I could just as easily buy a new laptop.

Hey, this exact thing, on a similar model, also happened to someone I know...

QuoteHowever, I am going to keep it for parts. The LCD Screen, Keyboard, Mouse, and Hard drive are still in good working order. (The hard drive also has alot of my files still on it -_-)

Your gonna want to find a way to recover those files! Makes me think of the time a friend popped the HD out of my laptop when the motherboard went bad and recovered all the files. And voided the warranty, that is to say, if I had told Best Buy about it.

Ever since then I've been making backups....

QuoteHowever, since I don't usually keep enough on me to just go out and buy a new laptop, my mother has offered to pitch in and buy one for me.
After all, my birthday is comming up.

*points Techno toward Wal-Mart*

What a bargain! Less than $400! And with a very shiny, Mac-impersonating, stable and virus-proof OS installed! :D

Aurora Borealis

Is "Inu-T the big blue dog" reference to "Clifford the big red dog?" by any chance? Ahh.. I remember that book series from looooong ago!

Progress update: Made articles for Red Flag-tan and System 7.5-tan. I wanted to also post up the comics that had 7.5-tan in them but one of them was borderline ecchi (It was from the Mac Manga!) and the other one involving 3.1-tan calling 7.5-tan "Al-chan" I tried to post up on my Photobucket account but Photobucket f-ed up on me and several times wouldn't load pictures after submitting them (a no-go)! >__<

And of course 3 new wiki avis:

Plan B-tan


The OS formerly known as Lindows!
This is a second wiki avi for Lindows-tan/Linspire-tan, this pigtailed rendition is her current self. The one with her hair down is believed to be her back when Linspire was still known as Lindows.