Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Aaah... I see. I guess I understand what you mean.

I guess I will call a progress report and actually tell you... I made it to "level three" with my Vistan article... well actually, I just wrote up to and went past the 6,000 character mark. I guess my end goal will be somewhere between the 6,500 and the 8,500 mark. I am currently working on writing out info on Chiivistan, which puts me around the 70% completion mark.
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QuoteAwwwww.... but z/OS-sama is so big and sexy and stuff. ^^
And besides, she's a Giantess -- there's a big difference when your colossal-sized humanoid is a beautiful, voluptious woman rather than a male, chauvinist pi--,.... man. ^^'

But so be it,... guess I'll have to lead her to somewhere nice and safe and secluded where Bella-san won't find us. ^____^

*secretly smuggles spelunking gear inside travel bag, and sets off on his journey*

...Sp...spe....spelunking...? z/OS-sama....? Voluptuous?!

And they call me strange for my DSL-chan dentistry remark? XD

QuoteOnce again, 3 new wiki avis:

Nice avis, Aurora! RFL-tan is lookin' cute, Lisa's manically delicious as ever, and 64 Studio-tan I'll have to write an article for.

QuoteI guess I will call a progress report and actually tell you... I made it to "level three" with my Vistan article... well actually, I just wrote up to and went past the 6,000 character mark. I guess my end goal will be somewhere between the 6,500 and the 8,500 mark. I am currently working on writing out info on Chiivistan, which puts me around the 70% completion mark.

Whoa! I can't wait to see this article. It's gonna, the official authority on all things Vistan!


QuoteWhoa! I can't wait to see this article. It's gonna, the official authority on all things Vistan!
The official authority on all things Vistan? Nooo... that is merely an overview... well I guess it could be considered the general article for the Vistans. I am planning to do much more, as in, will create sub-articles where I can actually make a complete depiction of the UBER-complex OS for each version. Remember that little reference template I showed ya' back at the FOSA thread (the one I then demonstrated with the multiple Vistans)... well, that can get a bit(word used loosely) more complex... I wonder how far I can get it to.
*starts plotting while still not finishing his Vistan article*

Man... if only I had a Mac... wait... if only I had a PS3, then I'd be able to go nuts with Linux.

Anyways... I will now be making updates to the Vistan thread. I will give you about 80-90% of my work, counted at 7,565 characters... so i guess it will be the draft before I go on. I need comments on how good /bad it is... find errors and junk.

*comes back a few tweaks and an article update later*

Woah... it is actually bigger than I thought... it even dwarfs my info-box which I thought to be somewhat big! O_O

And it's obvious it will grow more because I omitted one portion of the article which I started t work on right about now.
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Quote...Sp...spe....spelunking...? z/OS-sama....? Voluptuous?!

And they call me strange for my DSL-chan dentistry remark? XD

Technically-speaking, I called that "kinky", not "strange".  Very huge difference, my dear Bella-sama.  ^__^

QuoteThe official authority on all things Vistan? Nooo... that is merely an overview... well I guess it could be considered the general article for the Vistans. I am planning to do much more, as in, will create sub-articles where I can actually make a complete depiction of the UBER-complex OS for each version. Remember that little reference template I showed ya' back at the FOSA thread (the one I then demonstrated with the multiple Vistans)... well, that can get a bit(word used loosely) more complex... I wonder how far I can get it to.

When you mentioned character count before, I did actually think you meant character design count.  ^v^;

In any event, the overview is looking good and does justice to the (quote-on-quote) "official" designs.  Indeed, now you can have a little fun and create sub-articles for additional Vistans, including the ones you're working on.  Be sure to add a small blurb about Frida too.  Fufu..  ^^

QuoteMan... if only I had a Mac... wait... if only I had a PS3, then I'd be able to go nuts with Linux.

Well I can assure you that a PS3 w/ Yellow Dog is the most expensive (and probably not particularly smooth) way to start off with Linux.  ^^;

For that, consider one of the new UMPCs (eg, EeePC or Cloudbook), or a gPC, or just a plain old computer with an Intel/AMD chip and preferrably an Intel Integrated or Nvidia graphics card (the 3D thing is important if you want a 3D desktop).  Stuff built in 2001 are still good for most modern Linuces.  -v-

QuoteWoah... it is actually bigger than I thought... it even dwarfs my info-box which I thought to be somewhat big! O_O

And it's obvious it will grow more because I omitted one portion of the article which I started t work on right about now.

Fufu.... I'm still expecting this thing to grow to MONOLITHIC, DINOSAURIC proportions!  Practically a job in itself!  And woah be you if Windows 7-tan becomes a hit fanart piece!  ^^;


QuoteWhen you mentioned character count before, I did actually think you meant character design count. ^v^;

In any event, the overview is looking good and does justice to the (quote-on-quote) "official" designs. Indeed, now you can have a little fun and create sub-articles for additional Vistans, including the ones you're working on. Be sure to add a small blurb about Frida too. Fufu.. ^^
Don't you mean... "the Futaba v +Nijiura+ battle for canonizing supremacy"? No really, that's like a "hillbilly gang war"... no offense meant peoples.

Also, mind telling (more like... enlightening) me about Frida? People often say that I am a know-it-all... but I always quote on the phrase "all I know is that I know nothing" to make myself aware of stuff.

QuoteWell I can assure you that a PS3 w/ Yellow Dog is the most expensive (and probably not particularly smooth) way to start off with Linux. ^^;

For that, consider one of the new UMPCs (eg, EeePC or Cloudbook), or a gPC, or just a plain old computer with an Intel/AMD chip and preferrably an Intel Integrated or Nvidia graphics card (the 3D thing is important if you want a 3D desktop). Stuff built in 2001 are still good for most modern Linuces. -v-
Well... my idea with that PS3 thing was merely to check up how much gooder(lol) the people have gotten with making a quick-responding software under a Cell environment. I want to know how much good would software be with a 7 processor (actually 8... a PPE and the actual 7 SPEs) system.

QuoteFufu.... I'm still expecting this thing to grow to MONOLITHIC, DINOSAURIC proportions! Practically a job in itself! And woah be you if Windows 7-tan becomes a hit fanart piece! ^^;
I think I can double the size of that article, but when I think about it, much of it would be irrelevant data. But at least I can increase the size somewhat, I still haven't decided what to include on that "other designs" section I intend to add up to the article.

Man... you just made me feel like dropping from Vista and jump right for designing a Windows 7-tan. But no... I won't do that, I will instead go with first finishing my (not-so-mine) Vistan designs and maybe make a 2008 Server-tan. I think there is an S2k8 designed already (the golden one is it?), but I want to make a human designs instead of the fish-like version.
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Aurora Borealis

Wow! You gave the Vistan article a COMPLETE overhaul! It looks great!

The green-haired one with the cat ears is Frida. She originated on Wakachan but is despised there.


Oh... so the "proto-Chiivistan" actually has a name... eww...

Well, I guess I know why people don't like her... she's too ugly to be thought of as a Vista personification... well, at least the fashion sense used on her is, gotta kill the guy that designed that outfit. She reminds me of that memory game called "Simon".

I guess I will include her... that makes at least four designs that I will be including on there. Let's the there is:
---| "Frida"
---| "Anubis"
---| "Spirit"
---| That pink-haired vistan.
---| The Personification of "Home Premium" that's on +Nijiura+.
---| The Personification of "Business" that's on +Nijiura+.
---| The Beta Version of Vista
---| The "Galaxy Angel" Vistan... not sure if she's the same as that pink-haired.

I will choose from those... or put them all if my mind feels up to it. but at the least I managed to get the most popular ones up already.

Oh and thank you Aurora for the lesson, that would help me add a tad bit more info on the character... if I ever get to decide which proposals to look.
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Good job on the Vistan article!


QuoteDon't you mean... "the Futaba v +Nijiura+ battle for canonizing supremacy"? No really, that's like a "hillbilly gang war"... no offense meant peoples.

You want to get beatin' up, dontcha?  `v'

Besides, I don't think OS-tan canonization is much of a priority anymore,... for the most part, both boards have moved on beyond just drawing OS-tans.

QuoteWell... my idea with that PS3 thing was merely to check up how much gooder(lol) the people have gotten with making a quick-responding software under a Cell environment. I want to know how much good would software be with a 7 processor (actually 8... a PPE and the actual 7 SPEs) system.

As sou,... so you like living on the cutting edge of technology then.  `v'

In that case, for sure you jut have to spend $500 for the PS3 and an additional $100 for Yellow Dog Linux (unless there's a free distro compatible with the PS3 that I don't know about.

Probably not the ideal environment to learn Linux, but hey,... you have 3 days out of the work week free to play with.  ^_________^

QuoteMan... you just made me feel like dropping from Vista and jump right for designing a Windows 7-tan.

Yep, and she'd have pieces of BSD-tans sticking from underneath her hood.  ^________^

(joking joking!  ^v^;)

QuoteBut no... I won't do that, I will instead go with first finishing my (not-so-mine) Vistan designs and maybe make a 2008 Server-tan. I think there is an S2k8 designed already (the golden one is it?), but I want to make a human designs instead of the fish-like version.

That actually sounds like a good idea, if only because you haven't had half-a-billion artists drawing a 2008 "Saba"-tan.  In that respect, for sure I encourage you to try that.  ^^

QuoteThe green-haired one with the cat ears is Frida. She originated on Wakachan but is despised there.

Despised is a total understatement, btw.  ^_____^;

QuoteOh... so the "proto-Chiivistan" actually has a name... eww...

Well, I guess I know why people don't like her... she's too ugly to be thought of as a Vista personification... well, at least the fashion sense used on her is, gotta kill the guy that designed that outfit. She reminds me of that memory game called "Simon".

The Net Character people would kill you for the first comment, if not for the fact you eventually agree with them in the second.  -v-;

In any event, all this Vista talk is makng my head spin.  ^^
I'm only gratefui that, so far, there are only THREE OSX 10.5 Leopard-tans.  ^____^

Techno the fox

Quote from: "C-chan"Awwwww.... but z/OS-sama is so big and sexy and stuff. ^^
And besides, she's a Giantess -- there's a big difference when your colossal-sized humanoid is a beautiful, voluptious woman rather than a male, chauvinist pi--,.... man. ^^'

But so be it,... guess I'll have to lead her to somewhere nice and safe and secluded where Bella-san won't find us. ^____^

*secretly smuggles spelunking gear inside travel bag, and sets off on his journey*

Giantess Os-tans? ^__________^ Now you've got my attention.

Wow Kiso, you've given the Vistas an In-depth article. That in itself is quite a feat. Awesome work.  ;010

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"The green-haired one with the cat ears is Frida. She originated on Wakachan but is despised there.

Quote from: "Kiso"Oh... so the "proto-Chiivistan" actually has a name... eww...

Well, I guess I know why people don't like her... she's too ugly to be thought of as a Vista personification... well, at least the fashion sense used on her is, gotta kill the guy that designed that outfit. She reminds me of that memory game called "Simon".

Quote from: "C-chan"Despised is a total understatement, btw. ^_____^;

Don't worry Frida, good 'ol Techno has been known to take in poor internet characters that have been rejected by their creators.
*hugs Furseiseki-sama*

Anyway later today if I have the spare time, I'm going to make myself a wiki account so I can start contributing.
That's all I have for this topic.
*Zooms out*


QuoteYou want to get beatin' up, dontcha? `v'

Besides, I don't think OS-tan canonization is much of a priority anymore,... for the most part, both boards have moved on beyond just drawing OS-tans.

That's how I saw that whole matter... don't blame me for being mighty stupid when it comes to understanding people's behavior. But I guess you might be right on what you say.

QuoteAs sou,... so you like living on the cutting edge of technology then. `v'

In that case, for sure you jut have to spend $500 for the PS3 and an additional $100 for Yellow Dog Linux (unless there's a free distro compatible with the PS3 that I don't know about.

Probably not the ideal environment to learn Linux, but hey,... you have 3 days out of the work week free to play with. ^_________^

This is one nice little piece of info, I like what I hear... and that is that I will have a good computer system with the same amount of money that I would use to buy myself a crappy and cheap PC (not talking about my laptop). Anyways, as you said... I like the tech... it's the only thing that I like that my family understands... go in-depth and they would make their brains blow up like Krakatoa.

QuoteYep, and she'd have pieces of BSD-tans sticking from underneath her hood. ^________^

(joking joking! ^v^
I can go with that... provided that I did understand the joke. ^__^'

QuoteThat actually sounds like a good idea, if only because you haven't had half-a-billion artists drawing a 2008 "Saba"-tan. In that respect, for sure I encourage you to try that. ^^
thanks for the encouragement... I hope I am among the small group that actually makes drawings of the Server 2k8-tan without depicting her as a mermaid (that's sort of the correct concept).

QuoteThe Net Character people would kill you for the first comment, if not for the fact you eventually agree with them in the second. -v-;
Heh-heh-heh... I am an agreeable guy... what else could be expected?

QuoteIn any event, all this Vista talk is makng my head spin. ^^
I'm only grateful that, so far, there are only THREE OSX 10.5 Leopard-tans. ^____^
Man... I have to agree with you on that... even my head feels weird after trying to figure out all the Vistans that there are.

QuoteWow Kiso, you've given the Vistas an In-depth article. That in itself is quite a feat. Awesome work.
Thank you for the compliment... though I should not accept it as it is not really complete. ^__^;

QuoteAnyway later today if I have the spare time, I'm going to make myself a wiki account so I can start contributing.
That's all I have for this topic.
*Zooms out*
Woot, we have a new recruit... I mean... w007 w3 h@\/3 @ n3w 43c4u!7!!!

If you do get yourself in... do look around for stuff. And if you wonder about something... do ask... or else no enlightenment will come your way.
Sponsored by: iLurk - the new service that lets you stay and not be here | Procrast - the program where nothing intended gets done | HTML - home town messing life


QuoteGiantess Os-tans? ^__________^ Now you've got my attention.

Good man, NOW you're talking ma langwidge!  ^___^

Here,... don't know when I'll ever get around to drawing z/OS-sama, but have a Mini-Giantess in the meantime:

Rule of thumb in designing a Mainframe-tan is to times a standard unit of measurement (such as the foot) by 20.  So ME-tan, turned into a Mainframe-tan (scary thought) would be approximately 100 feet tall.

The shortest (VSE-tan) would be 80 feet tall.

z/OS-sama,... is 160 feet tall.

Aside from being groomed from birth to be a Mainframe-tan, that's also to ensure that anyone trying to shrink her down to fetch for a fair fight could still get his ass kicked (and thoroughly so).  

QuoteDon't worry Frida, good 'ol Techno has been known to take in poor internet characters that have been rejected by their creators.
*hugs Furseiseki-sama*

I used to be sympathetic to Frida as well, but wasn't fond of the fact that the artist persisted in that imageboard, rather than trying to post here where we might've been more sympathetic to his effort.  

But to each his own, and besides that was eons ago, so as they say:  "Let sleeping dogs lie"  -v-

QuoteAnyway later today if I have the spare time, I'm going to make myself a wiki account so I can start contributing.
That's all I have for this topic.
*Zooms out*

No need to, just log in as you normally do.  ^__^

QuoteBut I guess you might be right on what you say.

One could almost say we're the only schmucks still interested in OS-tans -- but that's cause we've expanded the horizons a little.  Otherwise,... yeah, I can imagine being board drawing the same characters over and over again (without being paid) after a while.  ^_______^;

QuoteAnyways, as you said... I like the tech... it's the only thing that I like that my family understands... go in-depth and they would make their brains blow up like Krakatoa.

In that case, I have a better challenge than a PS3....

Scrap together a bunch of discarded 7-year old desktops, hook them up to a private network, install a high-end Linux or BSD distro, and create yourself a Beowulf Cluster.  Your mini supercomputer might just best your PS3 at only a fraction of the cost (albeit 20x more heat... BWAHAHA!!).  ^v^;

QuoteI can go with that... provided that I did understand the joke. ^__^'

That's operating under the not-always-incorrect assumption that M$ steals code wherever it can.  It was posited that in order to come up with a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, they could take a FreeBSD build (which comes with a very liberal license), slap on a bunch of Windows APIs over it, and then repackage it to look like something Microsofty,....

(....Oh and yeah, then cry out later about how Linux and BSD infringes on THEIR patents.  ^_______________^)

That's kind of similar to the approach that Apple used to build Mac OSX, which is essentially a UNIX system with a lot of proprietary Mac stuff built over it.

But I digress...

As it turns out, M$ WILL be releasing a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, and it also happens to be the first Windows release to NOT have the desktop manager (aka GUI) built in....

Hmmmm...... my piggy senses are going off the charts....  ^^

Quotethanks for the encouragement... I hope I am among the small group that actually makes drawings of the Server 2k8-tan without depicting her as a mermaid (that's sort of the correct concept).

In fairness, the pun doesn't translate well into English.  ^^'

QuoteMan... I have to agree with you on that... even my head feels weird after trying to figure out all the Vistans that there are.

My brain exploded from that fact LOOOONG ago.  ^___^;


QuoteIn any event, all this Vista talk is makng my head spin. ^^
I'm only grateful that, so far, there are only THREE OSX 10.5 Leopard-tans. ^____^

Three, and they're all the same character! :P

QuoteI used to be sympathetic to Frida as well, but wasn't fond of the fact that the artist persisted in that imageboard, rather than trying to post here where we might've been more sympathetic to his effort.

I always felt the same way...

QuoteIn that case, I have a better challenge than a PS3....

Scrap together a bunch of discarded 7-year old desktops, hook them up to a private network, install a high-end Linux or BSD distro, and create yourself a Beowulf Cluster. Your mini supercomputer might just best your PS3 at only a fraction of the cost (albeit 20x more heat... BWAHAHA!!). ^v^;

Woot! Mini supercomputer!

QuoteThat's operating under the not-always-incorrect assumption that M$ steals code wherever it can. It was posited that in order to come up with a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, they could take a FreeBSD build (which comes with a very liberal license), slap on a bunch of Windows APIs over it, and then repackage it to look like something Microsofty,....

(....Oh and yeah, then cry out later about how Linux and BSD infringes on THEIR patents. ^_______________^)

That's kind of similar to the approach that Apple used to build Mac OSX, which is essentially a UNIX system with a lot of proprietary Mac stuff built over it.

This is awfully biased, but...

Apple building a Unix-like system: very cool.
M$ building a Unix-like system: SCO Unix desktop edition. XD

QuoteAs it turns out, M$ WILL be releasing a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, and it also happens to be the first Windows release to NOT have the desktop manager (aka GUI) built in....

Hmmmm...... my piggy senses are going off the charts.... ^^

Wait, so the OS and the GUI will be separate? Like MSDOS-based Windows? Fast, stable and small, too? This would have interested me, like, a year ago. But any experience I have with Windows is going to end with XP -__-

And I wonder if they're scrapping NT...


Oh my dear Bella-sama.... who knows what awful things they'd do to get rid of poor NT,... tarnishing the heritage of VMS-sama.  ^___^

Course,... this is all pure conjecture at this point,... I'm still wondering if they can do a repeat of their success with ME -> XP, even while they're still trying to parade DRM  -.-'


QuoteOne could almost say we're the only schmucks still interested in OS-tans -- but that's cause we've expanded the horizons a little. Otherwise,... yeah, I can imagine being board drawing the same characters over and over again (without being paid) after a while. ^_______^;
I can see what you say... even I get tired of drawing the same thing over and over again... even more when it is not a job proffession.

But at least there are still people intending to keep the dream alive, be it us, Futaba, +Nijiura+... some guy wearing a hoop skirt... or whatever. ^__^

QuoteIn that case, I have a better challenge than a PS3....

Scrap together a bunch of discarded 7-year old desktops, hook them up to a private network, install a high-end Linux or BSD distro, and create yourself a Beowulf Cluster. Your mini supercomputer might just best your PS3 at only a fraction of the cost (albeit 20x more heat... BWAHAHA!!). ^v^;
Woot! Mini supercomputer!
Heh... true that both of you. But CC, you forgot one other thing...

Higher electricity bills. ^__^'

QuoteThat's operating under the not-always-incorrect assumption that M$ steals code wherever it can. It was posited that in order to come up with a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, they could take a FreeBSD build (which comes with a very liberal license), slap on a bunch of Windows APIs over it, and then repackage it to look like something Microsofty,....

(....Oh and yeah, then cry out later about how Linux and BSD infringes on THEIR patents. ^_______________^)

That's kind of similar to the approach that Apple used to build Mac OSX, which is essentially a UNIX system with a lot of proprietary Mac stuff built over it.
This is awfully biased, but...

Apple building a Unix-like system: very cool.
M$ building a Unix-like system: SCO Unix desktop edition. XD
Heh... I guess I -did- understand the joke then... everyone knows the EEE philosofy that M$ dwells under... embrace, extend and extinguish.

But there's nothing that can be done to grow against it... unless people start making "open patent" projects within Linux and/or BSD. That way, the M$ "shithead laywers" would not be able to suit or B-Gates himself won't able able to complain if they see somebody with the same technologies tas thiers.

The only way to do battle with the megacorps is to play on their own turf... if you know what I mean.

QuoteAs it turns out, M$ WILL be releasing a small, fast and stable Vista-replacement, and it also happens to be the first Windows release to NOT have the desktop manager (aka GUI) built in....

Hmmmm...... my piggy senses are going off the charts.... ^^
Wait, so the OS and the GUI will be separate? Like MSDOS-based Windows? Fast, stable and small, too? This would have interested me, like, a year ago. But any experience I have with Windows is going to end with XP -__-

At last the M$ creeps finally understand how things should be done... but I think that thing is going to be used for Server 2008 where the system has the option of installing just the "Server Core"... though both are different in some thing. Well... I don't know for sure how different thay are... and don't really care as I will not have somethingl like that until I see that i need a new OS version to stay current.

QuoteAnd I wonder if they're scrapping NT...
Oh my dear Bella-sama.... who knows what awful things they'd do to get rid of poor NT,... tarnishing the heritage of VMS-sama. ^___^

Course,... this is all pure conjecture at this point,... I'm still wondering if they can do a repeat of their success with ME -> XP, even while they're still trying to parade DRM -.-'
Hmm... as I sniffed around for info on W7... I noted that there is not really anything indicating that NT would be scrapped... W7 so far is can be installed on top of Windos Vista, and in the lists I looked on the OS appears to be built within the NT Family. But even I wouldn't trust my own words on this... maybe it would get scrapped as development progresses on the new OS.

And CC... Microsoft would be having to do quite the lot of work in order to make a powerful comeback with their new OS. it is going to be way hard after the mess-up with Vista... so much hype that it destroyed the trust of the user base with the manything that got added, changed, and/or removed.
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