Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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QuoteDid somebody order avis?

Beautiful!  ^^

*adds all without second's thought*

As for UNIX-sama, I kinda thought you would add the one where she's sitting there all imperial-like, while Slack-san, Zenwalk-tan and DSL-chan are groveling before her.  But yes, this one will do for now.  ^__^

QuoteAha, very nice work on the avatars, Bella-san

speakin of which I have new ones myself

Great!  ^__^

*adds all to gallery*

I'd swear the virus-tans now outnumber the actual OS-tans.  ^.^

I might add VonDaab's take on CIH-tan later, if only because I think that version's pretty cool too.

Quote-Also anybody know the story behind Infinities viruses; MyDoom, Rabbit and Spida (like their personalities and such). point being I was gonna make articles (and avatars) for them as well. once I have the details I'll go on ahead n' make their articles and that'll be it with the 1st set of malware (2nd set will the be- Sasser, Sunday, Horror-tan, Acme-kun and Abraxas-kun)

Nope.  ^^'
Infinity-san only asked me which viruses were particularly famous, and from a list I sent him came those three (well,... first Spida and MiMail, then MyDoom).  For my own Spida/Mimail drawing, as well as the Zerosanity Xmas special, I just came up with a personality on all their Mini expressions.

Mimail (rabbit.exe) always looked like a rascal and glutton in her minis.

Spida always acted classy and demure, and is able to move her hat's legs (as well as those on her back) with extreme dexterity (as if they were literally extra sets of arms).

MyDoom is clearly a scorched-earth kind of person, and resorts to violence almost as much as Disk Killer.  But rather than brute strength, she uses that biomechanical arm to summon tremendous strength and magical ability.  Unlike the other two, MyDoom is General-grade material.  ^___^

It'd be nice if you could do additional avis, although feel free to college off of Infinity-san's original Minis.  You can also college them off of here if you want to....

...but it was never finished, so I'm not going to directly recommend it.  ^^;

QuoteThat all brings the new total updated stats to:

Yep, this stuff's picking up good steam.  ^__^

Quote*A Lightbulb appears above techno's head*
GAH! SASSER! That's right I was supposed to draw her. Sorry guys, I've had my hands full with my three pics. (VBoy-kun, Effie, and the Christmas one) so many Ideas and drawings, so little time. Now I know how C-chan and Bella feel.

*due to accumulation of hot air, all the items trapped inside C-chan's Queue Pit surge upwards like a geyser*

*resulting downpour of ideas bury C-chan*

BWAHA!  Naaaah!  It's FUN knowing you'll never be able to catch up with anything.  ^____^

*reads over MSDOS/PCDOS manga panel idea*

Wow!  This was supposed to have been my #3 drawing.  *v*;

Quote*pops back into the scene*

Well... as of now... I can say I have done what I intended... I nested the table under another table, set an extra cell padding and other bits of code and voila... awesomely cool spacing between the table and the outside text.

Ah! I see!

I was wondering if having the article be one giant transparent table, with the wording on the left cell and the infobox on the right, would give the desire result.  However this approach you used is similar, but a HELLVUA lot less intrusive.  Good work, Kissu-san.  ^^


Well CC... making a giant template like that is actually possible... but... there are standards that would have to be met in order for them to work properly. So yes, that method would have been intrusive if you say it like that.

In any case... I hope to do the following stuff by tomorrow:

----|Have the Vistan article finished, and update the current one.
----|Have the "Smart Table" up and running.
----|Start the update all character articles to use the new templates.
----|Create more articles if need be.
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Aurora Borealis

I'm looking foward to seeing the updated Vistan article!

And I'm back with 3 new wiki avis:

Commodore 64-tan

Free DOS-tan (temporary placeholder just so all of the DOS-tans now have avis!)



LoveLetter-tan avi?


QuoteIn any case... I hope to do the following stuff by tomorrow:

----|Have the Vistan article finished, and update the current one.
----|Have the "Smart Table" up and running.
----|Start the update all character articles to use the new templates.
----|Create more articles if need be.

I know you're the big multitasker, but I think just the Smart Table or the Vistan article alone are worthy accomplishments for a day's worth of work.  ^^

Speaking of which, noticed you put up a Thank You template, so as you can imagine my curiosity is peaked.  

QuoteCommodore 64-tan

BWAHA!!!  Wow! That one's an unexpected surprise!  Thank you Aurora-hime! ^.^
She actually changes her Commodore Logo accessory based on whatever's big in pop culture.  So the fact that she still has that Naruto headband thingie likely means that Naruto stuff is still relatively popular.  Â¯v¯

QuoteFree DOS-tan (temporary placeholder just so all of the DOS-tans now have avis!)

Fufu... thank you there as well.  ^__^
Still debating what should be her standard wear, but appearance-wise she'll definitely resemble a bronze-skinned Tomoyo (with horns and a whale hat, of course).  ^.^


Oooh!  Bella-sama's gonna love that one!  ^.^
The dolphin's cute too,... although right now she... probably has against dolphins,... at least till the whole Super Bowl thing subsides.  ^_________^'

QuoteLoveLetter-tan avi?

And the viral enchantress appears too.  ^_______^

Uploading all these avis as we speak!  ^^

Speaking of avis, earlier today I uploaded a whole SLEW of Linux-tans from the gallery, mostly from Juzo-kun's stuff, but also including different takes of other prominent Linux-tans.


Hmm... I think I hit a brick wall.

Uhm, problem, the wiki seems to not understand the parser functions needed for a smart template... I'm breaking down here... something is telling me that I will have to make separate templates... which would be much more work than having just one. TT__TT'

Because of this... now I may have to make more templates in order to set their differences appart from one another. Added to that, I will have to make a help article in order to properly display and provide all of the templates.
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Nice avis, guys! I really love Zenwalk-tan and C64-tan. LoveLetter-tan is great, too!

QuoteOooh! Bella-sama's gonna love that one! ^.^
The dolphin's cute too,... although right now she... probably has against dolphins,... at least till the whole Super Bowl thing subsides. ^_________^'

Hey, dolphins I can get over. However...

....keep any and all Giants away from me...z/OS-sama included T__T

QuoteHmm... I think I hit a brick wall.

Uhm, problem, the wiki seems to not understand the parser functions needed for a smart template... I'm breaking down here... something is telling me that I will have to make separate templates... which would be much more work than having just one. TT__TT'

Because of this... now I may have to make more templates in order to set their differences appart from one another. Added to that, I will have to make a help article in order to properly display and provide all of the templates.

I don't even fathom how one makes up a template. I hope you can figure everything out, however....

This is why I like to keep it simple ;)


Well... the simple part is the thing that was going to make it complex for people to make infoboxes. But worry not... I already figured away around it... well two ways actually. Either:

1. Ask for the wiki's code to be extended to allow the parser functions to work here.


2. Simply make separate templates for each type of personification.

I will go with option number two... it is the much easier task to take on hand and parser functions are not that much needed in here.

As for your like of simplicity, just wait until you see the template codes used for the templates, you'll love how simple it will be to make a table after that... because you will not have to do it at all.
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Okay, I've added an article and avi for RSX-tan.

I've been thinking about adding daemons to the app-tan list. Sure, they're something of a figment of the Unixes (and Multics-tan's!) imagination. But I think I have good character ideas pegged for them...

If I added a Unix Daemon article, I'd probably just do one page for the whole lot, and a separate one for the Multics Daemons...


Sorry for the long absence on my part.  
I may not be coming as frequently as before either, so i'm in the middle of negotiating with Tsubashi-dono on... well,... you know.... this and that.  ^^

In any event, I do want to thank you all for the huge flood of contributions during my absence.  Thank you Kissu-san for creating so many useful, well-written templates and adding them to the preexisting articles.  Thank you Aurora-hime for filling in blanks in some of the earlier articles, and creating DSBSD-chan's page.  And thank you Bella for the RSX-tan.  ^^

QuoteHey, dolphins I can get over. However...
....keep any and all Giants away from me...z/OS-sama included T__T

Awwwww.... but z/OS-sama is so big and sexy and stuff.  ^^
And besides, she's a Giantess -- there's a big difference when your colossal-sized humanoid is a beautiful, voluptious woman rather than a male, chauvinist pi--,.... man.  ^^'

But so be it,... guess I'll have to lead her to somewhere nice and safe and secluded where Bella-san won't find us.  ^____^

*secretly smuggles spelunking gear inside travel bag, and sets off on his journey*

QuoteIf I added a Unix Daemon article, I'd probably just do one page for the whole lot, and a separate one for the Multics Daemons...

Yeah, I kinda approached the OSX-kuns the same way.  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

Once again, 3 new wiki avis:

Red Flag-tan

Apple Lisa-tan

64 Studio-tan


QuoteIn any event, I do want to thank you all for the huge flood of contributions during my absence. Thank you Kissu-san for creating so many useful, well-written templates and adding them to the preexisting articles. Thank you Aurora-hime for filling in blanks in some of the earlier articles, and creating DSBSD-chan's page. And thank you Bella for the RSX-tan. ^^

Well, it was the template's fault that I had missed my goal of finishing the Vistan article... so I had to do something to make up for that. I guess I can get myself to finish all of the Mac-tans and then get back to the Vistan article.
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QuoteWell, it was the template's fault that I had missed my goal of finishing the Vistan article... so I had to do something to make up for that. I guess I can get myself to finish all of the Mac-tans and then get back to the Vistan article.

Fufu... I don't think you have to worry about it as much.  For over a year, adding one minor change to the Wiki was considered a MAAAAAAAAAAAAAJOR update, worthy of celebration.  -v-

QuoteOnce again, 3 new wiki avis:

Added, added and added.  ^^

*wipes drool, wipes drool and wipes drool*


QuoteFufu... I don't think you have to worry about it as much. For over a year, adding one minor change to the Wiki was considered a MAAAAAAAAAAAAAJOR update, worthy of celebration. -v-

O__O -__- O__O -__- O__O ((interpret as a blinking animation))

Woah... that's... sort of lame activity ratio. So compare to those times... this activity rate is actually "Wikipedia level" or something?
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Oh yeah.  -v-

Like I said before, the Wiki was always very low priority.  It was much more important at the time to get our voice heard (allegorically-speaking, of course) via drawings and comics first,  

After all, there are OS-tan information sites out there that existed even when the Wiki was founded,  But no one has yet captured [and supported] the same level of OS representation as we have, and that's what' has made us unique.