Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Updated the list of OS-tans to include ROMDOS, Fried Chicken Linux, NetBSD, UnixWare, Coleco Adam, CTSS, ITS, MITS Altair 8800, Christmas Tree, Sasser, Fchan, Mixi and Twitter.

Encountered Mixi-tan and Twitter-tan on Wakachan.

Twitter-tan (aka, Twit-tan)

other depictions:

wiki avi:


other depiction:

(wiki avi in progress)

Other new wiki avis:

Windows 1.0-tan

MS BOB-tan




Nice avis! I really like Win1.0 and GEM-tan :)

I've seen Twitter and Mixi-tan, but never gave much thought to them. It's only a matter of time till we see a Facebook or MySpace-tan, I fear XD

Perhaps someday I'll work on some Wiki articles, but I've said it before: My views on certain OS-tans change of a weekly basis, and I'm better at conjecturing :P


QuotePerhaps someday I'll work on some Wiki articles, but I've said it before: My views on certain OS-tans change of a weekly basis, and I'm better at conjecturing :P

And you have to focus on working on just ONE project at a time!!!  ^V^

*C-chan's BS and hypocrisy meter bursts*

*C-chan promptly hides mess under carpet*

BTW, many thanks to Aurora-dono for updating and for providing another salvo of cute, lovable avatars!  I can concur that 1.0-chan and GEM-chan are my favorites, although GEM-chan is by far the cutest of the batch.  ^^

I've added only the OS-tans to the gallery, though..... Don't mean to sound dumb, but........ who are those other girls?  ^_________^;


I'm doing a project? o__O

Anyhoo, those others are a couple of social networking site-tans, if I'm correct...

Aurora Borealis

Correct! Twitter and Mixi are social networking websites. (I also just finished Twitter-tan's article)

And as for Mixi (and Mixi-tan), it is a Japanese social networking site that focuses on meeting people with common interests "community entertainment". Is an invitation-only service. There's a feature called the Mixi Station- a program that uploads songs from iTunes or WMP to Mixi's music section (she'd be an avid music sharer?). Also uses a lot of open source.


Okay, I'm sold.  Twitter-tan added.  ^^

Also,... many thanks to Gus-san for adding more Viru-tan (and -kun) articles.


I gave in and wrote an article for VMS-tan. Somehow I feel she's the most developed character I've worked on (with a lot of help, of course).

Used this image as the avi:

I might write a few more articles (I had a lot of fun!), for whom I'm not sure...

Aurora Borealis

Excellent work with the VMS-tan article! (Didn't know that she is almost paranoid or that VMS has "Unix-like features"!)


I've done some more work too:

New articles: OS-9-tan, MITS Altair 8800-tan, Coleco Adam-tan

Updated articles: Barbie Linux-tan, TotalFark-tan, DSL-tan


QuoteExcellent work with the VMS-tan article! (Didn't know that she is almost paranoid or that VMS has "Unix-like features"!)

Heehee, I thought her paranoia was common knowledge :P

QuoteI've done some more work too:

New articles: OS-9-tan, MITS Altair 8800-tan, Coleco Adam-tan

Updated articles: Barbie Linux-tan, TotalFark-tan, DSL-tan

Good articles! I never knew the Adam was named for "taking a bite out of Apple" XD


QuoteGood articles! I never knew the Adam was named for "taking a bite out of Apple" XD

Fufu... lends credence to the suspicion that Adam was the one who bit into the apple, and simply blamed it on Eve to try and save his butt.  -v-

All kidding aside, thank you very much you two for writing these articles.   ^^

It's quite possible that my artistic rut is due to burn-out, since I've been drawing non-stop for several weeks now.  So if you don't mind [Aurora], I think I'll lay off that for a while and focus on writing tasks, such as Wiki management, the Inkscape Tutorial,... maybe that translation thread for kicks.  -.-

*sighs weerily*


Okay, I'm very very very very very happy and proud to report that I FINALLY got back into Wiki editing.  Not just simple articles, mind you, but instead I finally got around to overhauling that Avatar Gallery as I've been meaning to do for months now:

Had to do it as such since the original avatar gallery was getting far too big.  Plus, I think this medium really opens the door for new possibilities -- going forward, I'll certainly advocate for just "getting images up" rather than trying to make them all look a certain way.

[the standard 100x100 pixel size should still remain, though]

So in the next coming weeks, I'll do what I can to fill in a lot of the gaps picture wise, which in turn can be used to add suitable stubs for each character left in red.

Oh, and in lieu of our final OS-tan Collections Wiki Logo, I'm deploying what I had last for now to at least get it up on the site somewhere:

Yep, exciting developments are en route.

But still feel slightly burnt out, though -- maybe just need more sleep.  XvX



Hmmm, I was beginning to think that the wiki logo had been swallowed up by the Bermuda Triangle :P

Nice job with the avi gallery. I concur we should perhaps start using existing pix for avis, at least when it's more convenient.

I added GCOS (2, 3, 8)-tan to the listing, as well as Primos and VOS. Gonna make all three -tans soon enough.

Aurora Borealis

Or you can also request wiki avis from me! I'm working on a few right now. I'm open for requests!

*checks avatar gallery*

Wow! That is one major overhaul to the wiki avi gallery! Those with slower internet connections will especially like the changes you made :D


EDIT: 3 new avis done!

MITS Altair 8800-tan

Coleco Adam-tan

95 OSR 2.1-tan



Well I kinda figured you might've, but since it's your birthday today you're forgiven.  Besides, I'm not one to talk, since I still half a billion commitments I haven't gotten to.   ^___^;

Latest avis are beautiful, and Coleco's one really shows off her beauty (whereas before, with her electrified hair, she kinda had a tomboyish air to her).  By the time you read this I'll have already placed them in the Avatar Gallery -- but you can be sure more B-Day presents will be en route now that I've gotten a lot of much-needed sleep.  ^^

Added after 3 hours 11 minutes:

PS:  Kinda felt bad that Siya-san hasn't had any wiki avis made of his OS-tans yet, so figured I'd plug the hole a little:

Also, I'm using a new Inkscape template to create the avatars. Remind me to post it to the Downloads area later today.


Oooo.... *gazes in aw*  ^v^
Icelilly-san likes the new avvies. <3 Especially, 95 OSR 2.1-sama looks so pretty! *_*