Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Quote from: "C-Chan"Lilly-san, by any chance have you considered maybe trying vector sketching?  It might appeal to a fellow perfectionist. ^.^
What's vector sketching? ^^;


Why glad you asked, Lilly-san.  ^.^

Please step into my office.....  -v-

Aurora Borealis

Oh, you beat me to explaining vector graphics by less than a minute! *edits post*


If you've finished your picture and still sticking with Photoshop, I suggest:

1. Open picture in Photoshop (Well... That is a given)
2. Switch layer mode from "Normal" to "Multiply" (the dark lineart will remain, all the white disappears, making a transparent layer. (Although I wish I knew that BEFORE I switched to Inkscape. I ended up tracing all my lineart by hand!)
3. Make a layer below that to color in the picture and a layer above the coloring layer for shading. For the shading layer, I set the layer's master opacity to ~20% and to do extra shading and highlights, I made a layer above that for that purpose
4. Make a bottom-most layer(s) for the background


Ooooooooooh,... probably a bad time to remind y'all that Inkscape also has the Path>Trace Bitmap tool.  In fact, I used that to trace SleepyD's OS/2-tan lineart so that I wouldn't have to retrace it by hand (although sometimes I prefer to do that anyway).  ^____^'

In any event, I'm in the midst of drafting a new OS-tan Collections Wiki logo.  Like I discussed with Tsubashi-dono, I plan to make it something akin to a regular-sized OS-tan opening a chest or book, and out come a ton of micro chibi OS-tans doing all sorts of crazy antics.  Since you, Aurora-dono, are the Queen of cute Micro-Chibi creation (love them in Zerosanity), I was wondering if you'd be interested in helping me with the picture?  It'll be just like old times.  ^____^

Aurora Borealis

Aw yes I am interested! :D


Quote from: "C-Chan"Why glad you asked, Lilly-san.  ^.^

Please step into my office.....  -v-
*steps in*

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"If you've finished your picture and still sticking with Photoshop, I suggest:

1. Open picture in Photoshop (Well... That is a given)
2. Switch layer mode from "Normal" to "Multiply" (the dark lineart will remain, all the white disappears, making a transparent layer. (Although I wish I knew that BEFORE I switched to Inkscape. I ended up tracing all my lineart by hand!)
3. Make a layer below that to color in the picture and a layer above the coloring layer for shading. For the shading layer, I set the layer's master opacity to ~20% and to do extra shading and highlights, I made a layer above that for that purpose
4. Make a bottom-most layer(s) for the background
Must... remember... steps! *writes them down*


QuoteAw yes I am interested!

Okey-dokey.  ^.^

I probably won't begin working on this till next week, but we should probably brainstorm some stuff.  My plan (albeit a tad ambitious) is to have the regular-sized OS-tan vary, so that the Wiki can either cycle through a number of different pictures, or a new one can be posted every month or week or so.  Still, knowing me, it's safer to just stick with one representative OS-tan, so now it's just a matter of choosing who.  ^___^

Here's a few candidate OS-tans I'm considering:  

    - Pu-chan
    - Emui-chan
    - OS/2-tan
    - Linux-san
    - UNIX-sama
    - Viru-tan (okay, not an OS-tan, but is causing them mischief)

    The number of and type of micro chibis can vary depending on the regular-sized character used.

    For example, Pu-chan is probably surrounded by micro Mac-chibis, OS/2-tan would probably have a few Windows-tans grasped in her Medusa-like hair (with micro 95-tan hacking away at some with her sword), Me-tan is probably holding and glomping at micro OS9-kun, while a horde of micro chibis (including OS3-chan, of course) are trying to stop her, and so on.

    There's a lot that could be done, but when it comes time to it, the simpler we can get the micro chibis made, the easier it will be to "expand" into more such renditions.  ^___^

Quote*steps in*

Somehow that reminds me of Alice in Wonderland, somehow..... ^.^

Aurora Borealis

Oh how hard it would be to do just one of those! And as for a candidate OS-tan may I suggest 95 OSR 2.5-sama? She has gained a lot of popularity here!

Although I also like the Pu-chan suggestion because of the involvement of lots of Mac-tans!


May I suggest some candidates? ^__^ Like DOS Kitty and 2.0-san? Or maybe.... Lindows-sama? <3


Hmmm,... sounds like there's an awful lot of interest in this new Wiki logo  ^__^

Very well, I'm psyched too, although for the sake of brevity I think the full body rendition in the logo should be reduced to just a visible upper body.  ^.^

In any event, now comes the difficult part of choosing someone to go first.  ^__^

Based on my previous selection, plus recommendations put forward afterwards, plus some additions I made for the fun of it, I've narrowed it down to 16 characters I wouldn't mind drawing:

    Fedora Core
    Mac OS9
    Mac OSX Puma
    Mac OSX Server
    Windows 2.0
    Windows 3.1/DOS
    Windows 95 OSR 2.5
    Windows ME
    Windows NT    

Now we COULD have a vote, but that would take time plus I reckon there'd be a lot of issues with bias (myself included.... ^.^').

But since I'm not one to shy away from a creative solution to a particularly creative problem, I think it's time we played a little Wiki game... literally.... ^__^

I've resorted this list of OS-tans by the last two characters of their names, then inserted them into a tournament.....

Naturally, the object of the game is for the OS-tans to "battle" eachother in a game of chance, then move along in the tournament until only one emerges as the first dibs recipient.  ^^'

As far as what that game of chance is,... usually it's a coin toss, but since we can't toss a coin online, the next best thing is what I call a "Sports Toss".

Essentially, we agree to track real life sporting events, then assign each pair of OS-tans to that real life team, so that whichever team wins determines the victor in our OS-tan tournament.  In essence, the RL sporting event becomes our coin toss, and hopefully just in time for next week....  ^__^

I'd prefer to stick to a single sporting event, although a mixture can be allowed if helpful.  Ideally we should focus on sporting events that occur daily, usually don't have tied games, and can be easily monitored through an online sports venue (such as ESPN and such).

UNFORTUNATELY,... I know next to nothing about sports, so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction for that.  ^__^


We COULD use the Hurt&Heal system i just made a game of in the games section, and the winner, well, wins.



QuoteWe COULD use the Hurt&Heal system i just made a game of in the games section, and the winner, well, wins.


Well Thank you, Nei-san, I would be happy to support local efforts.  ^__^
However,... um,.......  ^___^'
Yeeeeeeeah,... Hurt&Heal games can often take forever, don't they?  ^^;

Plus since we're trying to emulate a coin toss, we really need a competition that involves only two teams, not 10,... and on top of that you'd have to play 8 rounds of this,.... then four,... then a final.....  ^^'

Plus,.... y'all are picking on poor OSX-sama, and if I joined in I'd probably rag on Windows-tans all the time, and NO ONE without a deathwish is going to attack 3.1-sama (btw, what do you want on your tombstone?).  ^____^

In any event, thanks to Bella-sam, I narrowed down the potential competitions to American NFL or MLB competitions, primarily because of the glitz and frequency.  (I wanted WNBA, but they only play once a week, and no one's gonna recognize my beloved futbol or CFL teams.... ^^; )

Apparently the NFL season is beginning (and even got a cheer from Bella-san for the NeW England Patriots, for obvious reasons), but unfortunately all the games are played on Sunday, with some turnover on Monday.  This could probably work for the Final, but for the Preliminaries we're gonna need something more immediate.  ^^;

In other words, it's gonna have to be baseball.... -v-;

A little research from Yahoo Sports helped me come up with these preliminary pairings, the results of which we'll fortunately find out tomorrow:

    Windows 2.0 vs Windows 95 OSR 2.5  =  Chicago Cubs vs St. Louis Cardinals

    OS/2 vs Mac OSX Server  =  Toronto Blue Jays vs Detroit Tigers

    Solaris vs Mac OSX Puma  =  Washington Nationals vs Florida Marlins

    Windows ME vs VMS  =  Tampa Bay Devil Rays vs Boston Red Sox

    Windows NT vs BeOS  =  Pittsburgh Pirates vs Milwaukee Brewers

    Windows 3.1/DOS vs Fedora Core  =  Minnesota Twins vs Kansas City Royals

    Linspire vs Mac OS9  =  Colorado Rockies vs Philadelphia Phillies

    FreeBSD vs GNU/Linux  =  Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets

    Some of these make a strange amount of sense for some reason... O__O'

    In any event, if y'all want to follow along, please visit this page for ongoing scores.  ^___^

    From what I understand, you determine the winner by the numbers on the "R" (="Runs") column.  ^^

    Also, since I don't like baseball, rest assured that I do this without the least bit of bias, and without favoring any particular team over another.........


    ...Except maybe Toronto.... ^^;


    Yan...couldn't ya at least have taken sports that a poor euroist like me even know the rules of? -_-


    Don't worry, I don't know the rules of it either.  ^^'

    In fact, that's the best part,... you just sit down, let the American players put their billion dollar salaries to good use for a change, and then wait until the tickers are filled with mystery scores.  Best coin toss if I've ever seen any.  ^___^


    I guess it DOES work, then ^^ And let's all cheer for Toronto, yai! ^v^