Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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oooh an excute to complain! If im nto included I could complain, and if I am I could too! Oh happy day!

I get my kicks out of being a thron in your side porkchop

Meh, knock yourself out as long as I can thorn you right back.... -v-

Okay! Changed to Notable members. Well, I'm beat. See yinz tomorrow!

I guess that's an improvement, but even I still feel a little uneasy about that list.  -___-'

Either way, you've been adding more articles this evening so I'm not one to start capping anyone on a creative roll.  -v-

I'll just sleep on it for a bit and decide later whether we should just compress that down to just an admin list instead.  After all, Moderators on your average forum are supposed to come and go, but Admins are forever.  *snicker chortle chuckle*  -v-

Probably a fair compromise for the moment, since I really would prefer to work on OS-tan articles rather than dwell on the details of auxiliary pages.  -v-

Added after 2 hours 9 minutes:

BTW, just wrote an UNHEALTHY amount of stuff for XPMCE-tan... -v-'

Feel free to review for thoughts, since it's like 10x larger than the original stub.... ^.^;


The younger looking MCE-tan on the left is 2003 edition, the middle is 2005, the right is 2004 edition. X3

Very good work on the descriptions though, you deserve a smiley



Thank you ZShadow.  

It was that pic that made me realize that possibility of mult-year versions -- although the only problem is that in this particular pic (aside from the guitar one) they all look the same.  -v-'

So that leaves the original MCE up for grabs, which I suppose we could or could not cede to XPME.  -v-'


Also, this is the MCE included in Vista (meaning no new versions of MCE as a seperate OS )

Also in the description on wiki it says something about a headband, its actually a pair of headphone :S


Hmm, I cannot login with my forum account and can not create a new one...

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Welcome to the OS-tan Wiki Beta Project, Kami-Tux.  ^__^
There is somewhere you can request to be added as a Wiki member, I believe in UserGroups.  But since I haven't had to do that, the exact steps are lost to me right now.  -v-

Regardless, I'm able to add people to the Wiki group, so I've already enrolled you.  Your account info should work now.  ^v^

BTW ZShadow, I fixed that little headphones reference.  ^__^
However, in case you'd like to fix little things like that yourself, are you also interested in joining the Wiki beta?  'v'


Now I get:

Internal error
Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; in LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information.

when I attempt to login.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Oh try again.  That's just a "welcome message" for newbies.  ^^


I just noticed the recent (I think) addition of the "Distro-tan" page. While I think it's a good idea to have that page, the two lists confuse me. The first seems a little redundant, and the inclusion of artists is a little off topic, IMHO. In fact, I think both lists are redundant, seeing as all those listed are described as "Distributions of Linux" and are listed on the "List of OS-Tan" page.
Then again, maybe I'm just being negative ^.^


Okay, I want to tell my thoughts about it: The Distro-tans will sooner or later all be described at that page, and then this like of already designed Distro-tans can be removed. Now it is just there to prevent reinventing the wheel, OS-tan wise.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


There you are, Tsubashi-san.  I was wondering where you wondered off to.  -v-

I think I understand why ZZKami-Tux added that page, since it's kind of describing a subset of OS-tans.  Not unlike perhaps with the "XP Family" and "Macintosh Family".  But that being said, if you do need the Linuces linked here, it's very important that they get simultaneously linked in the "List of OS-tans" directory as well.  Otherwise, there really will be discrepancies.  ^^'

We can leave the creator's on the list for now since most don't have their pages set up yet.  But once that's settled, we should just keep it as the names of the Distro-tans only (the creators can be discussed in the articles themselves).  -v-

Also, we don't need to describe the 'remarkable' ones only to mention them again later in the links.  Rather, what I'm gonna do is use those descriptions to create stubs for articles that don't exist yet.  Then it'll be easier to expand upon them some more.  ^.^


Quotehere you are, Tsubashi-san. I was wondering where you wondered off to. -v-

I think I told you I'd be gone in a PM or something, but it's nice to know I was missed. ^-^

QuoteWe can leave the creator's on the list for now since most don't have their pages set up yet. But once that's settled, we should just keep it as the names of the Distro-tans only. -v-

Okay, that makes sense. One more suggestion though, we should probably make the names links. Maybe?

Quote from: "Kami-tux"...and then this like of already designed Distro-tans can be removed. Now it is just there to prevent reinventing the wheel, OS-tan wise.

I'm sorry, but like I told thurosis, my comprehension skills are really bad, so I didn't understand most of this. Would you please explain? Thanks!
*Bows Apologetically*


QuoteI think I told you I'd be gone in a PM or something, but it's nice to know I was missed. ^-^

Well yeah, I remember that,... -v-
But without you around, it felt like WEEKS rather than just a simple weekend.  ^__^

Yeah, 'course you've been missed.  ^.^

QuoteOkay, that makes sense. One more suggestion though, we should probably make the names links. Maybe?

No problem, that's in the works.  C-chan ni Omakase!  ^v^


I reworked it now. Better?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Oh yeah, better.  ^__^