Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Wow, you really are a genius.
Cause only geniuses thoughtlessly destroy works like that.... -v-

(make me wonder if there are are some good undelete programs for Mac -- too bad Time Machine isn't here yet.)

Oh well, Monday it is.  Many thwackings will ensue if that version is unrecoverable.  -v-




Wait a sec, that 36-hour grace period is well past over, right?  `v'




insert a /  between the two words.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Itai! Itai! That spot just healed!
*Runs in circles, trying to dodge the mad thwacker!*

QuoteCause only geniuses thoughtlessly destroy works like that.... -v-

That doesn't make sense! If geniuses destroyed work thoughtlessly, they wouldn't ever come up with anything! ^-^

Quoteinsert a / between the two words.

Makes more sense, but do you really need to include both?


QuoteThat doesn't make sense! If geniuses destroyed work thoughtlessly, they wouldn't ever come up with anything! ^-^

HAHA!  That's just it.  ^__^
That's the reason why I never did fancy the modern description of a  "genius", since it seems to imply that the person is eccentric and overly inquisitive, but not precisely useful.  Methinks it's just a ploy to put less-than-useful individuals on a pedestal, while leaving all the REAL individuals who can bring about social change on the curb.  -.-

So if I really wanted to flatter you, /Cchan would call you either a  renaissance man or a revolutionary.  ^__^

Now then, Renaissance-san, how about some nice delicious Flash stuff.... ^.^

*stretches hooves out expectantly*


Ummm... yeah, about that...
*twiddles thumbs*
It's sorta presidents day, so....
I sorta have to wait till the open the lab again...
15 minutes? Please?

Added after 16 minutes:

Hey! They opened it 10 minutes early! YAY!!! ^V^

Wait a second...
B4k4! I found a backup, but it's one of the very first ones, so it looks like I can't code at all (Well, relative to the other version). I dunno if you can call it "Talent" but I've included the swf.

Added after 6 minutes:

In the newer version, I had fixed the overlap and put more dots with real info. I also had a mini wikipe-tan that followed your mouse and was about halfway through a "Close all" button.

[attachment deleted by admin]


You keep threatening your minion bacon breath Im gonna need to call the evil warlord union and the human resorces rep for minons.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Poor Tsubashi-san gets called everything on this board but his real name, it seems.  ^^;
But everyone and their dog knows that my thwackings are strictly instructional and/or therapeutic in nature.

For example....

QuoteHey! They opened it 10 minutes early! YAY!!! ^V^

Wait a second...
Trap inst exception! I found a backup, but it's one of the very first ones, so it looks like I can't code at all (Well, relative to the other version). I dunno if you can call it "Talent" but I've included the swf.

I have the weirdest curses, don't I? ^.^

Added after 6 minutes:

In the newer version, I had fixed the overlap and put more dots with real info. I also had a mini wikipe-tan that followed your mouse and was about halfway through a "Close all" button.

*thwack thwack*

I severely cut down on the number of thwackings deserved to praise him for posting the Flash file he's working on, and at the same time to point out that he should never have destroyed the original in the first place now that all he has left is an early beta.  That's because now /Cchan is full of guilt and will probably mope all day rather than draw or Wiki edit.  -v-

*sits in corner and mopes*

But in any event, Tsubashi-san, what you have attached is pretty nifty, and I can only imagine what the later version looked like.  Definitely not recommended for the Wiki, though, for the reason you eventually came upon.  Still, I could definitely have seen this as a Download Section item, given that it is a kind of "fan art" of sorts (and it would've had the adorable Wikipe-tan).  -v-

My recommendation is to rebuild it better than ever.  -.-


BTW, is it my imagination or can you write Flash Actionscript?  Ã,¬.Ã,¬

For all the talk about lack of talent, that IS something that's quite valuable around these parts....  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

*contemplates further investigation*


Quoteand I can only imagine what the later version looked like.

Well, not much different really. imagine three more dots, and a bunch of broken, or half-done actionscript!

QuoteBTW, is it my imagination or can you write Flash Actionscript? Ã,¬.Ã,¬

Not very well, I'm very slow, but actionscript was the first programming language I learned (besides TI Calculator stuff). Though I suppose by technical definition its not a full programming language. ^^'
I'm sure there is someone here who can code better than I, didn't you say you knew flash? (I think it was the OS-tan OVA thread)


Well I used to do Actionscript as well, but (just like with 3D texture mapping) I've forgotten how to do it a long time ago and don't feel like taking the time to learn it again.  -v-'

Besides, I only need Flash to do simple frame animation for the micro-OVA.  If, on the other hand, I want to parody a DVD movie menu (something that's been on my mind lately), I'll either have to remember how to program buttons,...

Or I can outsource the job to capable individuals and save time.  -v-

But anyway, that we can't talk more about on the OVA thread.  ^__^

As for as Wiki editing is concerned, remind me later to expand upon the XP MCE article a bit more, as it's now essential we mention the alternative MCE-tan design.  (I'll probably have to stick two avis in the info box....)  -v-


Okay, um...
Just my personal thought here, but I just noticed NewYinzer's addition of "Important Members" to the history. Maybe a good idea, but I think some people might take offense at not being included. Maybe if we change the title?


Call them "SIE" like in the Bielefeld-conspiracy!  ;001

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!




Thanks for the scout ahead,....  -v-

*turns to NewYinzer*

N-e-w-y-i-n-z-e-r!!  ^0^

I don't mind a few names being mentioned in the timeline or history blurb,... but methinks that section is a bit too much.  We're in enough hot water as it is for that particular article.  -____-'


oooh an excute to complain!  If im nto included I could complain, and if I am I could too! Oh happy day!

I get my kicks out of being a thron in your side porkchop
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Okay! Changed to Notable members. Well, I'm beat. See yinz tomorrow!