Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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-_- with all the multitudes of info you have to enter in.. you think you have time between the two off you to make such an article in your "free time"?  apperently, we are paying you too much. Wait.. we arnt paying you.. well then apperently you owe us money now.

What Wiki does, is there buisness. Their buisness is the collection of all forms of info.. our mission statement is a site dedicated to the tans.. and that should be our focus. If the time comes that there is no new info for the tans to place, filling the gaps with system info.. or histories of site dedicated to them might be added then.. but i highly doubt it. New tans are discovered ever day.. at an alarming rate.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Well technically-speaking, I only set up the article to for Tsubashi-san and SleepyD busy.  I myself don't plan on adding anything more to it, since I don't feel like digging up dates.  And besides, my previous explanation still stays for the sole fact that a lot of the new -tans have tentative existences at best, so I doubt we'll be able to chase after all of them (with any semblance of accuracy) without more editors.  The Wiki still needs to have its basic infrastructure set up, and the best time to do it is during the beta stage when it's all relatively quiet.  -v-

This just sounds like you ain't reading again.  `v'
I'm surprised you haven't barged in here yet demanding why we haven't written a 3.1-sama article.

(even though she was one of the first ones we added)

Worst thing about it is that you could've donated those 130 words to a needy Wiki article.  Consider that every hour spent posting huge posts at the Lounge is an extra hour your Goddess' article goes hungry.  `v'


No, Im just voicing my oposition to a shameless self promoting article.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Calm down Captain. Take a seat on a couch, watch some anime, and try to calm down. We can't have you swinging the ban hammer when you're in this state.

*covers head with towel*


Oh - my - gawd,...
If you think THAT'S shameless self-promotion, I reckon your eyes will bleed if you ever get around to reading the User pages.  -v-;


But I do understand what he's getting at, since I used to feel the same way when I was younger,... heck, even when I first joined here.

But in the age of the blogosphere, that tiny bit of "consideration' gets lost in the see of individualism.  Regardless, anything done with moderation is alright -- as long as you're not being overbearingly arrogant or underwhelmingly modest, do what you need to do with confidence, let others think as they want, and the world will simply runs its course as always.

A great artist once told me that he draws not to be popular and pander to fanboys, but rather to improve himself as an artist.  

Make sure y'all keep that into consideration when you do your wiki editing.  Make sure that everything you do will contribute, in its own particular way, to making the Wiki the best it could be as far as an information source for our particular hobby.  Make sure also to make this a good learning experience for yourselves (editing skills, computer history and technical expertise, teamwork coordination, etc), as this ensures that time spent on the Wiki is not time from your life spent in vain.

Leave any hopes for ballistic popularity at the door for now, cause as they say at Artist Alley:  "It'll soften the blow of disappointment.".  -v-'


QuoteA great artist once told me that he draws not to be popular and pander to fanboys, but rather to improve himself as an artist

awww.. shucks.. your to kind.  

Its always been against my nature to do so, and the marine corps has only ingrained that deeper into me.  Marines brag to one another about stupid shit.. but the real shit.. and this goes for soldiers in general.. they dont talk about the real things.  Like that drill instructor in jar head said..  "your old man was in nam?  did he ever talk about it?" "Only once sir!" "good then he wasnt liying!"  Hell, I met a guy the other day whos dad was on Iwo Jima and never once talked about it.  He  only found out after his dad was dead when he found his medal of honor citation.   its the same thing as with that memorial I painted.  I refused to sign it dispite several people telling me I should, and I refused to talk to the combat corespondant about it for the article. The quote they had from me in the article I said to someone else who relayed it to the guy for the story because i refused the interview,  because it was about the marines it memorilized not me the artist. They should be remembered long after the name of the artist is forgotten.

Point is.. when your dedicated to serving something (in the example, their country, their god, and their friends, and in our case, the OS tans) its about that thing your serving, not yourself.  Our role in all of this is just to promote the tans and help the fandom.  To make it about ourselves would bring us closer to being deja vu who claimed the tans for themselves.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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The comparison is a bit apples and oranges, but point well taken.  -v-
Either way, you still have to have a bit more faith in us, cause no one here, as far as I know, is promoting themselves to the extent you're assuming (certainly not to the level of Deja Vu).  And if they do, I'll see to it that they don't.

Any specific example at the Wiki itself that sounds pretentious or non-objective, it's in your right to bring it to our attention for discussion, or even to change it yourself if you don't want to wait.  For all we know, you could be witholding a lot of interesting things to say just for the sake of not venturing out of your element.

(btw, based on your ideals, I still insist you'd be happier using Linux.)  -v-


As for as the Wiki goes, I recently expanded the Mac-tan article to detail the source of confusion a little more.  For better or for worse, it no longer appears like anything similar to the Wikipedia article, and the same I think should be pursued with the other canon OS-tans.  Naturally, some are already taken care of, but since the majority of visitors are gonna home in on the popular girls first, we have to make sure all their articles are "unstubbed" soon.


the wiki is your guys thing.  Thats why your the mod of it.  Im just voicing an opinion like I said rather then attempting to mod it myself.  

Quote(btw, based on your ideals, I still insist you'd be happier using Linux.) -v-

*idly twirls the ban hammer around* now.. what was that about?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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*twirls Wiki mace*  I ain't repeating myself again, ya know....  `v'
Linux has been talked about so much, by now you should've realized that it is the noblest, self-less and thankless OS out there,...

*catches himself*

AH-HA!!!!  You're trying to get me off-topic so you can hit me with that thing, eh?  `v'
Well it ain't gonna work, see?  ^__^

Cause I've got an ace up my sleeve that's gonna knock you to tears.  `v'



Tsubashi-dono!  Ask something Wiki relevant, please....  -v-


-_- i dont pick my OS though ideals and pholosiphy, I pick it by what i know, what plays the most games and programs I use and what I feel comftrable using.  Only a fool would pick thier os based on "I dont like microsoft" "or they dont promot themselves" or something like that.  

Now to stay on a topic... if your gonna do a OStan collections article, you may need to insert notes about common inside jokes that new members could read.  Like 101 ways reasons to eat bacon for instance
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "C-Chan"Tsubashi-dono! Ask something Wiki relevant, please.... -v-

Does MediaWiki support viewable .swf files? I was working on an interactive timeline for the history page, and then wondered if we could even use it. Do you know?

Ooh! Also, do we want to add more info to the "Category:Windows" page, seeing as "Microsoft Windows" Redirects there.

Added after 8 minutes:

Sorry I haven't done much lately, I've been a little busy plus my I've spent a little more time than usual just doodling. ^^;


QuoteNow to stay on a topic... if your gonna do a OStan collections article, you may need to insert notes about common inside jokes that new members could read. Like 101 ways reasons to eat bacon for instance

Yeah, you keep digging that hole now, ya hear?  
Might as well add a blurb about the health benefits of eating edible scrap metal.  -v-

QuoteDoes MediaWiki support viewable .swf files? I was working on an interactive timeline for the history page, and then wondered if we could even use it. Do you know?

Ahh good!  Reinforcements have arrived!  ^__^
Answer #1:  I believe SWF is not supported by default on the Wiki engine, although it can be enabled in the Wiki's file extension parameters.  Even then, there seems to be a 2MB file size limit for all uploaded files, so not sure how good that's gonna be.

And then there's the issue of whether we need it at all.  -v-
Unless you've worked on it extensively already, I would think an interactive menu thingie is overkill for a wiki.  ^v^'

I could bring this up with Fedora-dono in the technical Wiki thread, but there's a 75% chance he'll agree with me.  -v-'

QuoteOoh! Also, do we want to add more info to the "Category:Windows" page, seeing as "Microsoft Windows" Redirects there.

Hoho,... didn't realize that.  ^__^
I suppose that in order to make the categories halfway useful, we should add in a small blurb about the system family itself on top.  Since the Wiki is centered around the OS-tans, we don't have to get TOO in depth about the technicalities of the original system.  -v-

Added after 3 minutes:

If anyone has  trouble coming up with quick blurbs for genera operating systems, this site should help:

Beware a slight pro-everything-but-Windows bias, though.  ^^'


QuoteAnd then there's the issue of whether we need it at all. -v-
Unless you've worked on it extensively already, I would think an interactive menu thingie is overkill for a wiki. ^v^'

Oh, I suppose that makes sense. The wiki is about collaborative effort, and I suppose my little flash doo-dad would defeat the purpose,eh

*Large CRASH as Tsubashi drops the project, which shatters into 822,384 bytes*

Quote from: "CaptBrenden"101 ways reasons

I'd be a lot more interested in finding out what a "Way reason" is then eating bacon ^^;


Well, if it's not too much trouble, can we at least SEE this Flash menu that you were working on...?  Hate to waste talent like that....  Ã,¬.Ã,¬


I'm sorry, the large crash was me performing a 35-pass Secure Deletion of everything in the Trash (I usually do that once each month, but I missed last month). I highly doubt I can recover that. I do, however, have a back-up I was working on at school, so I may be able to post it on monday. Is that ok?

Sorry, probably should have kept the file a little longer, but as I said before, it defeated the purpose of the wiki, so it really didn't have any practical purpose