Project WIKI

Started by NewYinzer, November 07, 2006, 08:13:09 PM

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Yo Tsubashi-san.  ^__^
Don't worry as I've been locked with half-a-dozen pet projects as well.  ^v^

One of which is updating my user gallery with all sorts of interesting scrap art -- not finished yet, but please take a look now if you want to go join /C-chan down memory lane.  ^__^

As for the two new additions to the family, in typical Ed Wood style I'm gonna go ahead and say "They're Perfect".  ^__^
(Netscape in particular is spot on, although it could be I'm just more familiar with her design.)

While I love making these avis, though, I really am anxious to get back to writing more.  Although for me, that may only be possible starting Monday.  -v-'

Oh, and the Captain's gonna have a classic jawdrop when he sees your fiscal report.  Make sure to keep your camera ready.  -v-'


Hmm, I've a few questions about the wiki.

a) How many releases does NT-tan cover? By technical definition, Vista is built on an NT base, so what do we put for "Latest Stable Release?" Right now, I guessed it was NT 4.0, but if its not, we'd better fix it. ^.^

b)Does 95 OSR 2.5-tan cover the entire 95 OSR v 1-2.5, or just 2.5? and for that matter, how many does 95-tan cover? My guess was 95 OSR2.5-tan was v 2.5 only, but like before, change it if that's wrong.

I'm really sorry I don't know a lot, but I'm learning! ^^;

Quote from: "I"Agreed, but the wiki also requires quality and accuracy, neither of which I produce readily. -_-

See, told you I wasn't very accurate. ^^

*Flees before C-Chan get his fan*

Added after 7 minutes:

Oh, and is 95 OSR 2.5-tan known as anything else? (nicknames, etc.)

Added after 2 minutes:

Or a specific release date, for that matter?
Man, I really don't know much, do I?

Added after 8 minutes:

Another problem (I seem to have a lot of those, don't I?)
For 98 and 98SE, are we going to split the articles, or have two info boxes? If we have two info boxes, where do we put them? One on each side, or one above the other?

For right now, I took the easy way out and left it alone (I'm such a slacker ^-^)

Note: Same with Neptune and Odyssey ^.^

Sorry for my incompetence!
*Bows Apologetically*

Added after 31 minutes:

One More Thing! Vista has more avis than any of the others, so do we:
a) Bloat the info box


b) Stack the images?

QuoteWhile I love making these avis, though, I really am anxious to get back to writing more. Although for me, that may only be possible starting Monday. -v-'

I know how that feels. -v-

Tsubashi's Schedule:

-Cooking and Cleaning

Quote from: "Boss"Hey, we have a big task to do... so, you need to work a little extra. Oh, and by the way, we're in the middle of replacing your hardware...

Tsubashi's day:

-Quick Dinner
-Frantic Studying
-Finding out I did it all wrong X_x
-Late Night Studying
-Asleep at Desk (ZZzzz)


Yo Tsubashi-san?  ^__^
What news from the north?  ^v^

Quotea) How many releases does NT-tan cover? By technical definition, Vista is built on an NT base, so what do we put for "Latest Stable Release?" Right now, I guessed it was NT 4.0, but if its not, we'd better fix it. ^.^

Everything up until Workstation 4.0, which is InuT.  
Deja Vu's Bootleg NT was meant to be Windows NT 4.0 SP6, but naturally that didn't fly with Futaba Channel.  ^^'

Vista might be built on an NT base, but the same could be said of all non-NT releases being based on MS-DOS.  -v-

Rule of thumb is to switch OS-tans when the name itself switches -- as you guessed correctly, NT 4.0 is the last system release under that name.  

NT 5.0 is what we commonly call Windows 2000.  -v-

Quoteb)Does 95 OSR 2.5-tan cover the entire 95 OSR v 1-2.5, or just 2.5? and for that matter, how many does 95-tan cover? My guess was 95 OSR2.5-tan was v 2.5 only, but like before, change it if that's wrong.

I guess 95-tan was SUPPOSED to cover all Windows 95 releases, but you certainly can't stop a good artist from trying to fill in a gap or two.  ^.^

I guess this particular artist wanted a new but relatively harmless and comedic new character that wouldn't interfere with the original Troubled Windows line-up -- hence the decision to base her on an obscure Windows 95 system release.  -v-

She actually only exclusively represents v. 2.5, as there's a vague reference to an OSR 2.1-tan in the same comic.  She lives afar, as 2.5-sama had to send her a letter through Outlook-tan's services.  ^__^

I can post this comic later if you're interested.

Definitely not known as anything else -- I doubt the artist himself/herself could've possibly foreseen that some crazy pig and a few other artists would draw her enough to care.... ^v^'

Specific release date?  Ah hell,... just "Circa 1997".  ^^

I do hope we can split up the 98-tans/unreleased Windows, since each of the (at least major) girls deserves her own personal space.  ^___^

Some exceptions might be when doing really amorphous characters like the iPod-tans, where it would just be too silly to list out all the color versions.  -v-
(And for that matter, the 98-kuns since they're existence is tentative at best... ^.^')

For Vista, go with the bloat until we're absolutely certain that the Sailor Fuku and Ninja designs will be the only ones used.  We may inevitably have to remove Rozen Maiden vista... ;__;

Anyway, that's all I can spare!  ^___^

Don't forget to visit the OS-tan OVA thread for a 1/4 of a surprise!  ^.^


WHo has pictures of this alternate XP Media?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Ask ZShadow. he not only was the one most interested in her, but also used her as an avatar.  ^__^

Or if you don't mind the way, I can check later to see if ZShadow posted those images to the gallery.  -v-

Added after 13 hours 13 minutes:

BTW, great job Tsubashi-san for updating the info boxes for the Windows-tans, and to the Yinz for elaborating on the Controversy section.  I'm actually fair curious myself to see what there is to say about Vista.

I wonder though,... if it turns out the OS-tan verse is not that chock-full of controversies, do you think maybe we should expand the coverage of that section to include just general OS-tan works (comics, videos, games, alternative memes,  etc.) and discuss the controversy, if any, in the actual article?


Ok, I really don't have time to write an article on the history of the OS-tan Collections site, but I think we can get a timeline up, yes?

So, anyone have dates?
Opening, date of FabianN's last post, date Capt became a moderator, opening of the wiki, etc. etc.



*runs off into corner*

A girl was willing to go with me to a dance a few months ago, but my dad got sick and I couldn't go...

*realizes what's goin' on*

Well, C-Chan came here 25 Jun 2006. I think that's a pretty big event.


Aw shucks, 'Yinzer....  -v-

Coincidentally, you arrived EXACTLY one month later.  ^^'

This history page, I'm assuming, will have a little blurb at the top explaining our (quote on quote) "mission statement", including what we've accomplished and what we hope to accomplish in the future.  ^__^

Then, so as not to make the article too convoluted at first, we proceed to fill out a simple timeline.  ^__^
It'll be populated with major milestones, and perhaps some minor ones.  Member introduction dates do sound a bit pretentious, though -- but since we're only talking about just our forum here, I suppose it won't hurt to let people have some fun with it.  -v-

I can begin an orphaned stub, and simply add in dates as we find them.  Once the article is large enough and interesting-enough to warrant the public eye, then we can link it to a relevant section.  ^__^


If we're making a timeline, I think we should definitely include the switch over, URL changes, PMwiki start and end, Mediawiki start, and maybe even how many users joined each month!

Lets see...

Start - 05 Mar 2005 (I think)
Switch - Oct 09, 2005(just a guess)
New Server - Aug 19, 2006
Another New Server - Jan 15, 2007
URL Change  - Nov 30, 2006
Date Capt became a Mod - Sep 08, 2006
IRC - Apr 15, 2006
PMwiki - ??
MediWiki - Jan 16, 2007

Those definitely need to be verified, most of them are guesses or approximations, but it's a start!


Good work again.  -v-

Speaking of starts, here's a stub where you can begin entering in some of those figures:

It's not linked to anything yet, so feel free to post first, ask questions later.  ^v^


-_- silly articl if you ask me. We are about the tans, not ourselves.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


True, but this article won't be a large part of the wiki, and probably won't be visited much, so it won't hurt, right?


cant hurt but dosent help -_- seems a bit like tooting our own horn to me...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Yeah, "Sins of Omission" and all that right?
Gives me something to do during free time in class though, eh?


Actually, if the Wiki were exclusively only about the OS-tans, it actually wouldn't be very long or perhaps even terribly useful.  -__-'

Sooner or later, the Wiki must cover ALL or at least as many aspects of the OS-tan "culture" as possible, from the systems they personify, to the works they've appeared in, to the products sold with them, and even to the websites that are devoted to them, be it Futaba, Niijura, Wakachan or, yes, even us.  

By that same logic, this should be shameful as well:

But in the interest of knowledge, you just have to bite the bullet I suppose.

And like Tsubashi-san said, such pages offer something quick and easy to work on whenever inspiration for the real OS-tan pages is a bit lacking.