ostan fighting game?

Started by thelws2, November 07, 2006, 06:51:57 PM

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*cough cough*  I said before I used to do pixel art back in the day.  -___-'

But I chose the path of making OS-tan related Flash movies.  ^___^

Even the people who worked on the MUGEN game probably wanted to do a helluva lot of other things, but in the end chose to focus mainly on the game and pray other people handle pictures, comics, movies, music videos, etc, etc, etc....  ^v^'

Added after 1 minutes:

I recommended once that we should try creating a simple but addictive Lemmings-style game with the OS-tans that need only rely on cheap 20x20 pixel characters.  That way, we can at least cheat a little by using Poser.  

Worked for me back in my old C&C Red Alert modding days.  ^___^


hmm not a bad idea actually, using simple chibi models (thick outline type) consisting of 3 animation frames for each action should be sufficient and look cute at the same time


Whoa...let's not overload C-Chan! He's currently working on new chibi's, the wiki, and an OVA project! It won't be long, and he'll be looking for new ideas. Just wait...


i was just suggestion some ideas XD

*little review of the OS-tan characters in the game*
well there are a couple poorly made ones like XP-tan and Secchan (98SE) XP-tan doesn't have specials as far as i could see and only has a breatmissile as her only special move. Secchan just looks like crap.
ME-tan was quite a funny character to play with and she's pretty well balanced, Hacchan is a pretty fast furious fighter not very unlike SNK-type characters (king of fighters, etc.)

furthermore there are completely custom made levels and characters by image board members and with a lot of imageboard references
(for example spiderman popping out of a manhole reference to: "how do i shot web?")

i'll post another review of this in a seperate topic once i've played it longer than half an hour :P


Yeah C-chan is known to be horribly easy to lure into new project, dont give him any more ideas!!
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Quote from: "Xyanide"i was just suggestion some ideas XD

*little review of the OS-tan characters in the game*
well there are a couple poorly made ones like XP-tan and Secchan (98SE) XP-tan doesn't have specials as far as i could see and only has a breatmissile as her only special move. Secchan just looks like crap.
ME-tan was quite a funny character to play with and she's pretty well balanced, Hacchan is a pretty fast furious fighter not very unlike SNK-type characters (king of fighters, etc.)

I realized too, that OS-tans (and most of the other characters in that nijikaku game) are joke characters, so they arent't created to own everyone but to entertrain the user. I tried to facing them with other MUGEN characters... the results are evident. But yes, some chars really need some more moves ( but XP-tan really made me lol with her attacks XD )


as for me, I don't believe I can do much.... maybe give ideas for moves or something, but I'm certainly no pixel artist.

(I don't have much time to spare anyway)

First things first, schoolwork, art, wiki and stuffs. ^^


Hehe,... well, it's not like it'd be impossible for me to produce pixel artwork if it were requested.  Certainly if it were in those dimensions (where Poser can help cheat with the animation) and most CERTAINLY if I'm allowed to slip in one of my token characters or two (e.g., OS/2-tan).  ^__^

But more important than pixel art is the actual engine.  Unless someone knows how to work these game engines, and can say with certainty...

    "Help!  I have a game all ready and programmed but suck at art, and really need your help prdoucing X by Y pixel character sprites, with X amount of frames in North, South, East, West directions, and X additional animation frames for dashing, dying, picking up items, and taunting."

...then I most certainly won't budge from my spot.  ^__^


i don't know a thing about programming and pixel art, i rarely create art myself except for music really XD
i do some signature making when i feel like it and got good actually :P
(yes i made that signature of mine myself)


Well about creating a game?  Huh... well maybe in a few months I might be able to do something, I'm taking some very basic programing class' this year but I don't think we will get into anything big till a few months *also I'll be busy too!*

Though I don't think it would be too hard... I'm still a newbie when it comes to true programming (as the only language I really deeply understand is most web-based languages.).  Though give me a month or two and maybe I could do something... maybe.


(That is a nice sig,... reminds me of the Major from GITS.  ^__^)

Gyaah!! FFViper!  Ye of the adorable Hacchan avi!  ^v^

I salute you for your willingness to try out this gaming idea eventually!  ^__^

Please take your time, as I personally wouldn't mind getting some of my other stuff outta the way.  ^___^

I might dig up some of my old Slayers game sprites later just to show what I'm talking about.  -v-
Eventually did 3D characters for the Sims games as well, but it was certainly much easier to cheat with the old C&C unit sprites.  ^__^


in fact it IS the major in GITS :P lol


Hehe,... well, there you go then.  ^__^

Good luck guessing which Anime my sig characters come from, cause you're gonna need all the help you can get.....  ^_~

*snicker snicker*


I Think is good but not enough......


Quote from: "cybercuate"I Think is good but not enough......

It has its flaws, but I don't know how could they improve it. Maybe more moves, more chars...