Favorite Platform Gaming

Started by ShinraKenshin, April 28, 2005, 08:51:22 AM

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PS2 probably. Slimline design, low price tag, reverse compatibility, lots of good games from two generations.

N64 was good too, more of less the console of my childhood (although I had a SNES, I didn't really get into consoles properly until N64). Ocarina of Time, ah great game. Wasted many an hour on the Zelda games :D


I played Gears Of War yesterday with someone that just returned their PS3 because they hated it.. and now they want a 360.. go 360!!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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PS2 is still the king all those import games on so much to choose from


Today, I only own and play on PC.   Of course, my Amiga sees some use as well. There are some games that just can't be played any other way.   Good old fashioned digital joystick and all that.


I cant read japanese, thus I do not import games -_-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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PC Gamer all the way, since I'm more of the FPS & RTS kind of person, and PC gaming allows for lots of use-made mods, which is a plus. Although if I have the chance I'd get myself a 360 someday (Burnout Revenge FTW!)

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Oh I do FPS too.. but i prefer them with a controller.  Its more comftrable and I feel I have more control.. cirtanly when it comes to creeping.  And like I said, Im finding alot of FPS these days prevent me from properly binding the controls to my PC 360 controler.  Now for RTS ill use the PC ever time, like Dawn of War or Mark of Chaos.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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To each his own I guess... As a sniper type, I prefer accuracy in FPS, and the mouse gives me better tactile control in aiming than the joystick. And it's also just much easier to spray and pray with a mouse XD

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Quote from: "Laevatein"To each his own I guess... As a sniper type, I prefer accuracy in FPS, and the mouse gives me better tactile control in aiming than the joystick. And it's also just much easier to spray and pray with a mouse XD

Being the marksman type, I like accuracy in my games. And RTS are easier to play with a mouse AND keyboard.
Also, I don't have the money to spend in a console AND games :D. Console games are too costly. PC games are more accessible for my pocket (and no, not free. I'm not talking about torrents...).

So yeah, PC owns.


If you say so.. Im far more acurate with a stick.. at least in the games where they fine tune the analoge right.  Some I admit arnt tuned right and minor adjustments are hard, but any worth their salt fine adjustments with minor movements of the stick are quck and accurate.  Its a programing issue on that.. but either way, im faster with a stick on a good game then a mouse. Plus my hand running movement and other functions dosent cramp up and i have esier accese to other functions without having to remove a finger from the wasd
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"If you say so.. Im far more acurate with a stick.. at least in the games where they fine tune the analoge right.  Some I admit arnt tuned right and minor adjustments are hard, but any worth their salt fine adjustments with minor movements of the stick are quck and accurate.  Its a programing issue on that.. but either way, im faster with a stick on a good game then a mouse. Plus my hand running movement and other functions dosent cramp up and i have esier accese to other functions without having to remove a finger from the wasd

I guess it's just a matter of practice and acquired taste then.


And the time spent with each device. Having been a FPS player since the days of DOOM, I guess my fingers are more attuned to the WASD and mouse configuration for mowing down everyone from Nazis, Combine, Covenant, Hellspawn, and everything else in between XD

-War is hell, and I mean to make it so. - William Tecumseh Sherman


Indeed, and finger dexterity in the case of a keyboard. A controler puts all the buttons in an easily reachable comftrable position.. the key board wasnt ment to keep reaching some of those keeps for that long at one time.  

Im not saying I dont like gaming on my PC, but for most I like my consol more.  Plus, PCs dont make very good party game machines.. I couldnt even begin to imagin doing multi player on the pc unless it was online, or everyone had a computer. With my friends not likely, and it would have to be planned before hand. But with my 360 they can be over for whatever reason, say a BBQ, and someone says, hey, lets play some gears of war, or some halo, something like that.. we just pick up 4 controlers and go.

As for how long ive been using them.. ive been using keyboard and mouse just as long as you guys. I used to MAKE doom wads.   That was a long time ago and I found I like controlers more.  Plus.. doom didnt even start off with WASD.  that used to be arrow keys and space control and shift.  the WASD came later when you gained the ability to look around and you needed your right hand for the mouse.  

Speaking of DOOM thats another one that rocks on a consel. I was strait up SMEARING a guy on the server 2 days ago on XBOX live.  Gawd if feels good to be fraging people in doom again.  Just got my acheivment for 100 sever frags, and Ive only played it for about an hour.  -_- I kinda feel bad for the guy.. since i dont play live enough to have my gamer profile updated enough to match me with people at my level, it keeps droping me in with new guys -_- well smack em around enough they will adjust my score to put me with the big boys.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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Quote from: "CaptBrenden"
Im not saying I dont like gaming on my PC, but for most I like my consol more.  Plus, PCs dont make very good party game machines..

I kinda feel the same way as you are when it comes from either console or PC game.

Especially if you got hooked to fighting like Soul Calibur and Tekken. Thats why I still have my PS2 at the apartment.

but hey...I'm planning to get a Wii....I've also got an old (not much old)  Game Boy Color  and a Gamecube. I'm really into nintendo games most of the time.  ;001