Animated XP-tan desktop?

Started by Rock843, September 10, 2006, 05:07:46 PM

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Korean XP-tan? :P

Edit: The flic above conveniently stopped working, so here's another, though any lipsync is way off.


Tupolev Wolf

Yeah, the audio is not even in sync with the character's movements, and the voice doesnââ,¬â,,¢t match XP-Tan's personality.


Theres a Japanese one :D keep searchin then you will find it. Would this OS tan be on a torrent?


Yeah, I've seen it, but I thought the korean one was kinda funny.  :p   Though not very well done.


yeah there IS a japanese one i saw it actually, but it's just an animation as far as i know has anyone confirmed it's existence as software?


Oh my GAWD, it's GOD and he looks like a Windows user too....  ^^'

After seeing the full version of this XP YouTube thing, btw, methinks all the "Boing" is helping to explain the sudden popularity surge.  ^^;


lol even GOD is looking 4 that XP-Tan as well ^^

and yeah that Booing thing is the best part of it :)


well I`ve seen this before in a video in the section of downloads but I don`t know Xaclty wath is it ........

Jon Fawkes

Wow, that's quite cute. It looks kinda like an ukagaka. I want one! :D


Is it a widget or just a fan-made thingy?


Ok, a friend of mine says she has the CD with the application for the desktop companion XP-TAN. She stays in japan(go figure) and i'm trynna get her to send me the files so i can upload them somewhere.
The only clue she gave me before she went off was "go search for "os xptan" on google or something" then she said "and also ubuntu" what's ubuntu?


Ubuntu is a Linux distribution.  Very easy to use compared to other Linux Distros and a good way for users to get used to the Linux operating system.   There's also an Ubuntu-tan, but she's a bit obscure.  ^^;

As I have no clue what that has to do with the Animated XP-tan, I'm just about as in the dark as you are regarding this.....  -v-;


An Ubuntu-tan? Ok, I wanna see that :)
Incidentally, I was the bloke asking around about Linux a couple o weeks back - got Ubuntu now: still making it feel like home, but things are looking promising.