
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Yay for parties! Wow... You joined only about a month ago and you already have more than 170 posts! As for me, I joined in November '05 but didn't start posting until the end of August this year!

I draw things on paper first because it's easier for me and by tracing it, lines are less likely to be shaky.

I color, trace and such in Photoshop. First I create a layer for lineart, one below that for shading and highlighting, 2 layers below that for coloring in the characters (above one for hair, eye and clothes color; below one for skin color), and 1-3 layers for the background depending on how complex or simple it is. But in the editing, sometimes I end up changing some dialogue because I thought of something better that moment or changing things if they didn't turn out too well on paper.


Congratulations, Aurora, upon the occasion of your having completed Chapter 1 of zerOSanity!  Yay!  Thank you for this excellent treat!


I love it, especially (in the last few pages) the part where Millennium-Edition-tan crashes!  I've not told Samantha, my computing system, about that particular turn of events:  She uses Millennium Edition, you see; and so the morale problem within her central processing unit is already sufficiently significant.


Anyway, as I may have mentioned previously, the OS Girls in zerOSanity have the most wonderful personalities as well as expressive body/facial language.  The dialogue is clear and witty, too!  The plot is lots of fun; and I can't wait (but I will) to see what happens in Chapter 2.



Aurora Borealis

Thank you! I may have been 17 days past my goal, but I got it done! :D

But what kind of morale problems is Samantha having? I just hope she isn't going through a midlife crisis! My main mac (a PowerMac G3) might be though ;__;

My Powerbook 1400cs definantely is. Has a battery life of only 15 minutes -__- And I wonder if my 540c still works...

As for progress, I may get a new page up in a few days!

p.19 (title: "My Preciousssssss.... bacon!"): ~60%

And so far, who do you think is your favorite OS-tan in the comic?



Great fun so far, Aurora-san!

My favourite OS-tan so far is the pipe-smoking Slackware-tan! The way she looks in the frame with line, 'look what I found' (page 10 or 11) is wonderful. ^__^

It's quite surprising; I don't know the OS at all, but she's made the biggest impression so far. Maybe the Windows family are losing their grips. :D ME-tan's still adorable, especially with her nice blue parachute... >_>


The Windows Family is losing their gripes, eh?  Ã,¬vÃ,¬

Woohoo!  My job here is done!  ^___^


*eyes Pitkin's sig*

Or is it....?  Ã,¬vÃ,¬
*sinister chuckle*

C-Chan added the following  54 seconds after last message :

Won't tire from saying that QNX-sama is my favorite.  -v-


As you probably know, Aurora, I'm a big XP-Professional-tan fan.  I think you did a marvelous job depicting her!

(I actually have a tan fan circulating air here in the Computer Room a.k.a. bedroom.  Well, all right, it's more on the beige side; but it wants to be tan, I'm sure.  Everybody, sing:  "How many fans could a fan tanner tan, if a fan tanner could tan fans?")

However, after reading Chapter 1 I've concluded my hero in zerOSanity so far is Millennium-Edition-tan.  The poor little dear, she does try so very hard to do things right; but The Fates seem aligned against her.



Aurora Borealis


And that's a good tongue twister you thought of, MisterCat!


I read p. 17-20 earlier on. Nice job Aurora!

Whoah! That's your version of Rhapsody?!  ;015  ;019


Thanks for Page 20, Aurora, the beginning of Chapter Two!  Things in Tamronia are getting curiouser and curiouser....


*sprinkles Ms Borealis with Magical Encouragement Dust*



is there a zip file of all of these for us high speed internet impaired users?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.

Aurora Borealis

Sorry, but there isn't because I don't know how to make zip files :(


nuuuuu!  >_<

If you have winzip... just select all the files, right click, and send to compressed (zipped) folder.  then you have a zip file!

*wait patiantly staring at you*
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteQuote from : Aurora Borealis

Sorry, but there isn't because I don't know how to make zip files :(

Hey OSX co-user!  ;hi

You dont need to have a WinZip, you just easily drag things around;  ;010

Aurora Borealis

Wow! I wouldn't have guessed that zip files could be made so easily in OS X! I thought some sort of software I know I don't have was required!


Congratulations, Aurora Borealis! This is awesome! With the clever using of OS- and other-Tans, a bit of randomness and the interesting story, zerOSanity becomes my favorite fan-made comic! Keep it up!