
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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The OS 9s are getting gifts!  Hurrah!  Sonata-sensei's expression is wonderful! ^__^


Thank you, Siya.  ^^

This pairing was also Aurora-dono's idea, only this time she also had in mind giving OS-9-tan a single-panel cameo.  So this one, I'm happy to say, is butcher-free.  ^.^

As for a commentary,...

It may not be readily apparent, but that's a microphone inside OS-9-tan's gift box.  Now the reason why the OSX-kuns are looking confused is that they've customarily always wound up being delivered to OS-9-tan -- and while they originally intended their gig for OS9-oneesan, after about 6-7 years they've gotten used to tormenting the dark-haired "oneesan".  

So now that the package isn't mixed up anymore,... well...  ^^;


QuoteDo you know if there is an actual word for "spam" in Russian? 'v'

If there is I don't know of it...

QuoteNaaaaaaaaaaaaturally! ^v^
I mean I wish I could fit one of the ancient OS-tans in the story, but since everything's already planned out I'm afraid that's not possible.

With the exception, maybe, of GECOS-san.....


...Okay, I'll see what I can do. ^.^

Oh, well I think a lot of the oldies like to keep to themselves... ;)

QuoteIt's none other than Russian Volleball Superstar and All-Around Goddess!!!!

Number Eleven!!!!!!!


Aha! I should have known it! She's like...6' 8'' or something :P



Ooooh! OS9-tan and Mac OS 9-tan! Both looking very cute :D

Freak me out as it may, I LOL'd as the "MoeMoe Stripe Troupe" on the box...XD

QuoteIt may not be readily apparent, but that's a microphone inside OS-9-tan's gift box. Now the reason why the OSX-kuns are looking confused is that they've customarily always wound up being delivered to OS-9-tan -- and while they originally intended their gig for OS9-oneesan, after about 6-7 years they've gotten used to tormenting the dark-haired "oneesan".

So now that the package isn't mixed up anymore,... well... ^^;



QuoteOh, well I think a lot of the oldies like to keep to themselves...

The majority do, yes.  ^__^
But GECOS-tan is too dynamic a character to lock away in that convent (oh sorry, I meant "Mainframe Guild".... ^.^), so I'm leaning towards making her a CIOST member.  She'd kinda be to the CIOST what EXEC-tan is to the Binteji Renmei; an elderly member that the younger OS-tans can look up to.  Course, it wouldn't work quite that smoothly,....  Â¬Â¬;

QuoteAha! I should have known it! She's like...6' 8'' or something :P


*covers cheeks*


*squeals*  ^V^

6'9" officially.  ^___^

But very very very very pretty (even with her athletic wear, but more so in civilian wear) and from what I've heard not as annoyingly self-conscious about her height (a very admirable trait, considering how much attention she grabs otherwise).  Perfection at its best!  ^0^

*sings off-key love song*

Here's hoping she and her team get Gold in Beijing!  ^-^

QuoteOoooh! OS9-tan and Mac OS 9-tan! Both looking very cute

Freak me out as it may, I LOL'd as the "MoeMoe Stripe Troupe" on the box...XD

Thank you Bella-san.  ^^
I wanted to really drill down on the similarity between OS-9 and Sonata-san,... to the point that if Sonata-sensei cut her hair, and OS-9 dyed hers, they'd could practically pass for identical twins.  ^.^
(hmmmm... maybe a story idea?)

The originally name for the OSX-kun's perversity was the "MoeMoe sha! Chippendales", but that sounded too,... proprietary (plus there's some nasty history tied to it).  ^^;

The more generic "Strip Troupe" sounds about right, and has a slight rhyme to it.  ^___^;


Been reading 3 pages for an update. I really like Aurora-hime's work on the holiday special so far!

RHL-san's concern towards Fedora-san, a cameo for Linux-tan, a C-chan newly inspired DOS,  ++'s Viru-tan cameo.

Quote"...Okay then, how about I sweeten the deal?
You lend me some of your minions for the night, and I'll file the necessary paperwork to see if I can pull those generals of yours out of Quarantine."

"I see now why YOU are a woman of bussiness. Very well, I shall consent to the conditions of this trade, oh POSIX-compliant creature dressed like Santa"

I really feel quoting that (from the 9th page) for the whole thread. I like Viru-tan's elitist-type of response to RHL-tan's corporate-esque approach. Viru-tan's speech makes her look respected and more importantly-a fun to see, rather than seeing her as a character which provides a threat. It was actually a nice touch on the following panel in which she gave a witty line in that made the two little DOSes go -_-" . Thumbs up to Bella on that one!  ;010

My greeting is so late I guess, but still a late happy birthday to Aurora-hime.

....oh and C, thanks for the 10th page. It was nice seeing a cameo of OS-9 tan and Sonata-sensei  ;061


QuoteBeen reading 3 pages for an update. I really like Aurora-hime's work on the holiday special so far!

RHL-san's concern towards Fedora-san, a cameo for Linux-tan, a C-chan newly inspired DOS, ++'s Viru-tan cameo.

Aha, you made it!  ^^
Plus "Aurora-hime" sounds better than "Aurora-dono",... wonder why it never occurred to me before.  ^.^

*puts on Notes*

ROMDOS-tan was the alst DOS-tan to be drawn in some way, so I figured the comic would be the perfect medium for her to make her debut.  There are still some new characters waiting to appear, so hang on to your hats!  ^___^

QuoteI really feel quoting that (from the 9th page) for the whole thread. I like Viru-tan's elitist-type of response to RHL-tan's corporate-esque approach. Viru-tan's speech makes her look respected and more importantly-a fun to see, rather than seeing her as a character which provides a threat. It was actually a nice touch on the following panel in which she gave a witty line in that made the two little DOSes go -_-" . Thumbs up to Bella on that one!  

Ahh,... you used "Quarantine" -- very good.  ^.^
Not sure what more ++ had in mind for Viru-sama, besides the description you gave me -- but since I've always viewed her as the Queen of the Viruses, I always made it a point to think of her as being classy and elitist, despite the fact that she leads a pack of misfits and troublemakers.  ^.^

In fact, that "thank you" drawing I made with her and BeOS-chan is a bit sacriligious, as she would never stoop to the level of a waitress (unless it was part of a ruse to ambush a Windows-tan).  ^.^

Couldn't decide whether to give her the sword or the glave, but settled on the glave since it made her look more "Linux like" (cause she's visiting a Linux airship, after all).  Plus I get the feeling her weapon can morph into various shapes, a take on the adaptability of viruses.

The DOS-tans used to get hounded by viruses all the time, so no way are they gonna trust her.  (although RH-tan couldn't care less)  ^.^

Quote....oh and C, thanks for the 10th page. It was nice seeing a cameo of OS-9 tan and Sonata-sensei

Thank you, Alfa-san.  ^___^
But I prefer to call her "OS-9-sensei".

You know.... just to keep with the whole "identical twin" thing.  ^.^


Haven't posted on of these in ages, but finally got around to working on the last panel.  ^___^

A very heartwarming scene....

....just as long as you watch where you step.  ^^'

Aurora Borealis

panel 3 review:Hahaha! OS-9-tan sure is happy about getting the gift that actually is to her (and also being exempt from perverted antics that Christmas) but Mac OS 9-tan... ehhh... Not so much!

OSX-kuns: Huh? Onee-san is a blonde again? And why doesn't she look too happy?-- Uh oh...

panel 4 review: Wow! Excellent use of forced perspective with panel 4!


Uhh... C-Chan, remember when we were doing that Mac Party comic last year? Is it okay if I continue it again? I still remember all the suggested ideas! :D (Of course I will still continue my part with the ZS holiday special!)


That's awesome!  I....I just like it a whole bunch!  I don't know what else to say.


QuoteOSX-kuns: Huh? Onee-san is a blonde again? And why doesn't she look too happy?-- Uh oh...

LOL!  ^___^
BTW, I added someone else to that scene.  Only YOU know who it is, though, due to SVG exclusivity.  ^___^

Quotepanel 4 review: Wow! Excellent use of forced perspective with panel 4!

Thank you, it's my kind of picture!  ^v^
I really have to tha--


[freaks]  ZOMG!!!!!!  AURORA-HIME!!!!!!  WATCH--  WATCH WHERE YOU'RE STEPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ;^0^;

QuoteUhh... C-Chan, remember when we were doing that Mac Party comic last year? Is it okay if I continue it again? I still remember all the suggested ideas!  (Of course I will still continue my part with the ZS holiday special!)

Sure, I wouldn't mind at all.  ^___^
Not sure how often I can contribute, but for sure I'll be glad to help.  Would be a good way to get those two first pages published finally.  `v'

QuoteThat's awesome! I....I just like it a whole bunch! I don't know what else to say.

*observes where Siya-san is standing*

Mmmm...... you're good.  -v-
Now help me stop Aurora-hime from standing on the grass.  ^.^


Heh! This penguin squawks something about the 4th panel being just insanely cute, nearly kernelpanics and waddles off.

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Awww, cute! I concur that this is a great job with perspective! it just me, or is Cascade-tan looking especially Mikuru-esque?

Techno the fox

Aaah! It seems It's been a while since I've last been to this topic.

Starting with the first pic on this page.
The DOSes are really cute as elves, So is Miggy-sama, though she sticks out just a bit I can't possibly argue with someone as beautiful as her. ^_^

Second one: Y'know, I'd never really heard of OS-9 until I started reading ZerOSanity. Sonata doesn't look too thrilled about her present. XD

Third one: Oh My Gosh...Sooooo Cute ^___^
*Pulls out a small sign that reads "Watch your step, small linuxes" and sets it down*


QuoteHeh! This penguin squawks something about the 4th panel being just insanely cute, nearly kernelpanics and waddles off.

And to think that the Penguin God has DSL-tan (or -kun?) in her old laptop (or as she calls it, her "Craptop").  ^.^

QuoteAwww, cute! I concur that this is a great job with perspective!

Had to practice that if I ever HOPED to even fathom the thought of a Damn Small comic.  ^^ it just me, or is Cascade-tan looking especially Mikuru-esque?

Cascada-chan?  Looking like Mikuru-chan?  Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah......  ^v^

*quickly hides Bunny Mikuru prop*

QuoteStarting with the first pic on this page.
The DOSes are really cute as elves, So is Miggy-sama, though she sticks out just a bit I can't possibly argue with someone as beautiful as her.

*lecherous laugh*

Believe you and me, the sticking-out part was 120% intentional.  ^________________^



*keeps drooling*

I do have to thank Aurora-sama for coming up with the idea -- I wouldn't have thought of that myself.  ^^

QuoteSecond one: Y'know, I'd never really heard of OS-9 until I started reading ZerOSanity. Sonata doesn't look too thrilled about her present. XD

Whoops d00d!

You missed one (the one with ME-tan, GS/OS-tan and ChainsawLinux-tan).  The OS-9/OS9 piece is actually the 3rd panel.  ^___^'

QuoteThird one: Oh My Gosh...Sooooo Cute ^___^
*Pulls out a small sign that reads "Watch your step, small linuxes" and sets it down*

Good thinking.  ^.^
Now I can go ahead and process my encore photo shoots.  ^___^
*calls up CE-tan*

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"

QuoteUhh... C-Chan, remember when we were doing that Mac Party comic last year? Is it okay if I continue it again? I still remember all the suggested ideas!  (Of course I will still continue my part with the ZS holiday special!)

Sure, I wouldn't mind at all.  ^___^
Not sure how often I can contribute, but for sure I'll be glad to help.  Would be a good way to get those two first pages published finally.  `v'

I actually could use some more ideas right now ^^;