
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Thank you for posting up Page 9, Aurora-dono.  As always, you did a very remarkable job with post-production.  ^^

Just two things,....... one, couldn't we make it just a tad bigger?  The detail on the reindeer virus-tans, plus the things the DOS-tans are whispering, can hardly be seen.  ^^;
Then again, I guess it'll be normal size once Page 10 is complete.

And two, check your RH-tan text bubbles in Panels 3 and 4.  You're missing more dialog again -- especially in Panel 4, RH-tan is supposed to end with "Dash Away All" which is from the original Christmas song.

Speaking of which, turns out time was fleeting during the weekend as well, and aside from that the two week hiatus dulled my senses a little cause it really took quite a while to get back into the swing of things.  Sorry to say, my current contribution is pitiful and you [Aurora] might as well get back to work on the regular ZS (or some other pic) while you wait.  

But since I did promise our viewers transparency, here's the progress so far.  ^__^

Sorry if I have to post and run, but got a big day tomorrow.  Take care, y'all.  ^.^

*creeps away from thread*

Added after 1 minutes:

Oh right, and current roster:

PTSDOS-tan, DOS/V-tan (I've always wanted to sketch her like that), MSXDOS-tan w/ QDOS-tan.piggybacking on her.

Aurora Borealis

Page 9 might appear smaller than usual because I posted it up on Photobucket.

More missing dialogue?! I don't understand how that's happening! (Although I did manage to add in the word "trouble" at the end of what RH-tan was saying in panel 1. But I didn't know words were missing in the last panel because I didn't quite get the reference to the original song. My bad.)

I do have some more ZS to work on to keep me busy while I wait for page 10 to get done. I am working on a 3-page special that is in response to Netscape getting discontinued.

What a bummer, really. Used to be the most powerful browser on the market and lost nearly all of its userbase (had more than 80% of the browser market in 1996, now only ~0.6%) to Internet Explorer. Netscape was the first browser I used and used it from 1998 to 2003 until I switched to IE. I'm a traitor!

NejinOniwa's okay.
Learn your lesson already, and USE FIYAR WITH FOX! -w-


I should note that Firefox is kinda/sorta/maybe a conceptual successor to Netscape, so by using the beloved -ko you're continuing the memory of Netscape.  ^^

On the other hand, I despised Netscape back in the 90's, and hated IE too, so I can't say I share your pain.  ^^;
I definitely welcomed Opera, but before that I was a big Colombo fan!  ^v^;

QuotePage 9 might appear smaller than usual because I posted it up on Photobucket.

Ack....  X___X


Well.... I suppose you could always supply close-ups of particular panels upon user request.  I'd hope that Gus-san, i.e., would want close-up shots of his beloved viruses.  ^__^

QuoteMore missing dialogue?! I don't understand how that's happening! (Although I did manage to add in the word "trouble" at the end of what RH-tan was saying in panel 1. But I didn't know words were missing in the last panel because I didn't quite get the reference to the original song. My bad.)

Eep!  I didn't even notice the "trouble" part.  She's actually supposed to say "Quarantine", which is the virus-tan's equivalent of a gulag.  TvT;

I'm using Liberation fonts, and within Inkscape Text boxes at that so that means there's an imaginary boundary that text can't flow out of.  Since it's likely that whatever OSX is using to replace them is too big for these bounding boxes, it's clipping some of the text.  

Next page, I'll provide two copies -- one with regular text, the other with permanent vectorized text.  However, I'd also suggest reducing the font, or increasing the of the bounding boxes just to make sure the words are there but simply out of view.

Seems to only be a problem with RH-tan, so I'll supply her dialogue wherever I see clipping:

    PAGE 5 PANEL 1:

    "What? But I'm a business woman now. I don't give things away for free!"

    PAGE 7 PANEL 3:

    "I want you to give something very nice to my little sister while I'm away.  

    "I... hardly ever see her nowadays, so.... so I don't know what she... might...
    want for a present."

    PAGE 9 PANEL 1:

    "...Okay then, how about I sweeten the deal?  
    You lend me some of your minions for the night, and I'll file the necessary paperwork to see if I can pull those generals of yours out of Quarantine."

    PAGE 9 PANEL 3:

    "Now Acme! Now Spida! Now, Cascade and....!   Uh........."

    PAGE 9 PANEL 4:

    "...Everyone else!  Now cut to the chase, and dash away all!"

And just for kicks, here's the original poem I based that off of:

QuoteWith a little old driver so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles, his coursers they came,
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name:

Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Dunder and Blixem!
To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall! and off and off we will fly!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!

QuoteI do have some more ZS to work on to keep me busy while I wait for page 10 to get done. I am working on a 3-page special that is in response to Netscape getting discontinued.

I'm also simultaneously working ona project for my brothers, so that also explains the small delay.  But don't worry, as Christmas already passed and we've already deployed the most relevant aspect of the story, so we're just finishing up for the sake of having one completed manga in our midst.  ^____^


QuoteHere is page 9!

A bit small, but from what I can see this is shaping up to be the most
interesting and visually stunning installment yet  ;010

Ah, Virus-tan, leader of the viruses. I love when she calls the DOSs tasty, and says, who else could break into people's privacy in only a matter of hours!

The Viru-deer are adorable (OMG! Adorable Viru-tans, adorable DOS-tans, I's having a cuteness overload @__@)

The Kernel Panic is a witty name for the airship, and the moon, airship and clouds are very well drawn!

QuoteBut since I did promise our viewers transparency, here's the progress so far. ^__^

Eeek O.O

PTSDOS is so cute (and saying spam from what I translated), as are QDOS and MSXDOS-tan. DOS/V-tan has a certain elegance about her, however...

QuoteI do have some more ZS to work on to keep me busy while I wait for page 10 to get done. I am working on a 3-page special that is in response to Netscape getting discontinued.

What a bummer, really. Used to be the most powerful browser on the market and lost nearly all of its userbase (had more than 80% of the browser market in 1996, now only ~0.6%) to Internet Explorer. Netscape was the first browser I used and used it from 1998 to 2003 until I switched to IE. I'm a traitor!

I never used Netscape much...but gosh, that is a bad turn in fortune (from 80% to 0.6%!)

It's looking like Firefox **could** have the potential to do the same with the current market, however...


QuoteIt's looking like Firefox **could** have the potential to do the same with the current market, however...
Really?  I thought Firefox was doing really well.  More and more people around me are switching to it.  Even some of the local universities are dumping IE for Firefox.

Personally, though, I've never touched Netscape, so I don't know any of its benefits/drawbacks.

Aurora Borealis

IIRC, Firefox has ~16% of the browser market which is pretty darn good considering that it has the second largest percent and has been around for only a few years. Although IE is still in the lead with ~76%, that number has fallen from its peak ~95% in 2003!

Makes me wonder... Could IE eventually be condemned to the same fate as its first serious competitor?


That would be a blessing to all of man, pig, ninja, pirate and all kinds of hybrids-kind. Let us all hope for a glorious victory for our favorite canine!
At least i THINK foxes are classed as canines...


Sorry peoples,....

I've been in a bit of an artistic rut lately (mind occupied with other things), so haven't drawn or posted much lately.  Will try to make up, even if it involves reliance on half-assed commentary.  ^^;

*sighs pitifully*

QuoteAh, Virus-tan, leader of the viruses. I love when she calls the DOSs tasty, and says, who else could break into people's privacy in only a matter of hours!

Oh right,... even in that comic, that should be "Viru-tan".  ^^;
But yeah, her inclusion was kinda a last minute thing, after Aurora and I agreed that viruses were going to play the part of reindeer.  Previously it was going to be a mishmash of flying characters that REQUIRED introduction,... but virus-tans instead just offered complete subservience, PLUS that excellent reason why they're best suited for the job.  ^^

Oh and yes... they're using Spam mail to propel themselves around the world.  ^v^;

QuoteThe Viru-deer are adorable (OMG! Adorable Viru-tans, adorable DOS-tans, I's having a cuteness overload @__@)

Yeah, the identity of the elves was also pretty unknown in the early script, although making both groups based on actual OS-tan groups made sense in the end.  A lot of potential to draw rarely-drawn characters in adorable ways.  ^.^

QuoteThe Kernel Panic is a witty name for the airship, and the moon, airship and clouds are very well drawn!

I can't recall where I heard the name "Hindenpanic" for a blimp, but just recalled it at the time and snuck it in as a semi-appropriate geek reference.  ^^;

QuoteEeek O.O

PTSDOS is so cute (and saying spam from what I translated), as are QDOS and MSXDOS-tan. DOS/V-tan has a certain elegance about her, however...

Fufu... I was worried that it wasn't the correct spelling in Cyrillic.  ^^;
MSXDOS-tan was a pleasure to sketch, although not sure if it was my fault but she ends up looking a lot like the pink-haired [and wastefully-short) protagonist of Girls Bravo.  

DOS/V I thought could benefit from a little elegance, given her meager drawings thus far have fallen a little short of that.  I can probably imagine her character's improved a lot now that she can mingle more with family, much like how PCDOS and MSDOS improve when they're together.

Any slight appearance to Lafiel from Crest of the Stars is my fault.  ^.^


Quick update!

Page 10, PANEL 1 vector sketch complete with flying colors!  ^___^

Added after 5 hours 44 minutes:


PANEL 2 READY!!!  ^___^

Added after 1 minutes:

Yeah, I'm finally on a role!  ^__^

Nevertheless, I do want to call it a day, but will definitely finish one more panel tomorrow, than the last one on Tuesday.  After that, Aurora-san will take over and I'll proceed at a steady pace with Page 11.

BTW, Aurora,... ran out of space, so couldn't fit in some witty dialogue.  Feel free to suggest something else.

Aurora Borealis

Time for a little review!

Panel 1: Ha ha! I know what PTS DOS-tan is saying! She is saying "Spam?"! And that there is about the extent of my ability to read Russian. DOS/V-tan's appearance in the panel is the cutest rendition of DOS/V-tan I've ever seen! And the whole panel shows off how short the DOS-tans are or how tall Amiga-tan really is! *chuckle*

panel 2: I suggested a scene with GS/OS-tan and Chainsaw Linux-tan appearing because I could see those two as friends as both are good with multimedia and use their weapons in an artistic manner! (And can use them to help out a frozen ME-tan!) :D

Those reindeer girls still pouring out the papers?! That can't be good for the environment! 0__0


By the end of this thing, PTS DOS-tan is going to be my favorite of the DOS-tans.  

It's nice to see GS/OS-tan and Chainsaw Linux-tan being so helpful...or, at least trying.  I see by the various implements stuck in the ice that ME-tan has some pretty serious freeze goin' on.  Thank goodness for Christmas gifts!

QuoteI could see those two as friends as both are good with multimedia and use their weapons in an artistic manner!
You're right!  They'd make wonderful friends!


QuotePanel 1: Ha ha! I know what PTS DOS-tan is saying! She is saying "Spam?"! And that there is about the extent of my ability to read Russian.

I hear that.  ^^;
I'm worried about ever having to put her in situations where more dialogue is required, since I depend on phrase books for her dialogue here.  -v-;

QuoteDOS/V-tan's appearance in the panel is the cutest rendition of DOS/V-tan I've ever seen!

I wanted to draw DOS/V like that for a LOOOOOOOONG time!  Just like with OpenBSD-tan, she was a character that I think needed just another teaspoon of Moe.  ^__^

Plus you know how attracted I am to underrepresented OS-tans.  ^.^
*cough**cough**cough*OSR 2.5-sama*cough**cough*

QuoteAnd the whole panel shows off how short the DOS-tans are or how tall Amiga-tan really is! *chuckle*

Well,... both actually.  ^^;
DRDOS-tan is roughly around.... say.... mmmmm..... 140cm tall, but is still the tallest of them all.
So at 183, Amiga-san towers over her, and is literally TWICE QDOS-tan's height.  ^o^

Quotepanel 2: I suggested a scene with GS/OS-tan and Chainsaw Linux-tan appearing because I could see those two as friends as both are good with multimedia and use their weapons in an artistic manner! (And can use them to help out a frozen ME-tan!)

And here I have to apologize again, since I compressed that 6 panel scene into 1.  ^^;
But I really didn't want to have Aurora divert too much attention away from regular Zerosanity.

QuoteThose reindeer girls still pouring out the papers?! That can't be good for the environment! 0__0

Ehhh,.... they're biodegradeable.  ^___________________^
That's the only way they can fly anyway [since spam is so full of hot-air, and all...]. ^V^

Besides, look below.....

There are enough trees there to make more than enough reems of paper!  ^___^
(BTW, as you'll see with the SVG, I used a pattern fill to make the trees.  So whereas before it might have taken 5 minutes to copy and paste the same shape (and more resources needed to render them all), now it only took 1 minute to make 5 rectangles filled with the same trees.  ^.^)

QuoteBy the end of this thing, PTS DOS-tan is going to be my favorite of the DOS-tans.

My my, everyone really likes the little Russian cutie.  ^___^

Just for a little bit of trivia, PTSDOS-chan's hair style is modeled after Aleksandra Mazur, the 2006 Russian Beauty Contest winner:

While I wouldn't say she's the prettiest person in the world, that title (in my mind) does go to another very special Russian lady.  ^___________^

*squeals with delight and blushes*

QuoteIt's nice to see GS/OS-tan and Chainsaw Linux-tan being so helpful...or, at least trying. I see by the various implements stuck in the ice that ME-tan has some pretty serious freeze goin' on. Thank goodness for Christmas gifts!

Yeah,... BSOD Begone was a last minute name I stumbled upon literally, since I wanted something a lot more witty than just "AntiFreeze".  TvT

QuoteYou're right! They'd make wonderful friends!

I think I have room for at least one more of your characters in the coming pages.  ^___^
Won't say whom, but will probably be unexpected.  ^.^


Awwww...the DOSes are as cute as ever...Miggy-sama humna humna as ever :D

And GS OS and ChainsawLinux-tan I wasn't expecting! And trying to unfreeze ME-chan no less. BSOD Begone made me LOL!

QuoteI hear that. ^^;
I'm worried about ever having to put her in situations where more dialogue is required, since I depend on phrase books for her dialogue here. -v-;

I didn't recognize what she was saying at first, but then I realized it was a Cyrillic translation of spam :P

QuoteI wanted to draw DOS/V like that for a LOOOOOOOONG time! Just like with OpenBSD-tan, she was a character that I think needed just another teaspoon of Moe. ^__^

Plus you know how attracted I am to underrepresented OS-tans. ^.^
*cough**cough**cough*OSR 2.5-sama*cough**cough*

Underrepresented? Then you must be in love with CTSS-sama! XD

QuoteMy my, everyone really likes the little Russian cutie. ^___^

Just for a little bit of trivia, PTSDOS-chan's hair style is modeled after Aleksandra Mazur, the 2006 Russian Beauty Contest winner:

She certainly is my favorite DOS-tan as well!

The braids+glasses+attitude=adorable! :P

QuoteWhile I wouldn't say she's the prettiest person in the world, that title (in my mind) does go to another very special Russian lady. ^___________^

*squeals with delight and blushes*

...Milla Jovovich?


QuoteAwwww...the DOSes are as cute as ever...Miggy-sama humna humna as ever

Fufu... I'd say that's my line, but sharing is fundamental.  ^___^
Plus DragonflyBSD-tan has dibs on her too.  ^.^

Funny thing, though,... the file is not accessible from the server.  Hopefully my file space isn't leaking.  ^__^'

QuoteAnd GS OS and ChainsawLinux-tan I wasn't expecting! And trying to unfreeze ME-chan no less. BSOD Begone made me LOL!

That you can think the magic of Aurora-dono for -- wouldn't have occurred to do that pairing either, although it makes sense seeing it in practice.  ^.^

QuoteI didn't recognize what she was saying at first, but then I realized it was a Cyrillic translation of spam :P

Do you know if there is an actual word for "spam" in Russian?  'v'

QuoteUnderrepresented? Then you must be in love with CTSS-sama! XD

Naaaaaaaaaaaaturally!  ^v^
I mean I wish I could fit one of the ancient OS-tans in the story, but since everything's already planned out I'm afraid that's not possible.

With the exception, maybe, of GECOS-san.....


...Okay, I'll see what I can do.  ^.^

QuoteShe certainly is my favorite DOS-tan as well!

The braids+glasses+attitude=adorable! :P

I don't think I've touched on her attitude as much as I've wanted to, but I think the comic hints at it a little.  ^^

Quote...Milla Jovovich?



Liked her in Fifth Element, and great actress/model etc all around, but in this case.... well,......  you're very very close.  ^.^

It's none other than Russian Volleball Superstar and All-Around Goddess!!!!

Number Eleven!!!!!!!


*crowd bursts into cheer*

YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!  ^0^

And to stay relevant to the forum, here's a Japanese documentary about her.... ^.^

(complete with Maaya Sakamoto music!!  ^v^)

Added after 8 hours 57 minutes: