
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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I vote for option three (typing the rest up as fanfiction with input from readers).


Aurora-dono, I don't think it's shameful to have writer's/artist's block -- damn, otherwise I'd have my head in the ground all the time.  ^^;
But I do wish you were more willing to ask for help, cause that way we can help you finish if you want it finished.  I felt my brain would explode if I had to do the entire Wiki logo myself, which is glad you were willing to volunteer it's completion,... so for once, let's return the favor?

I second the fanfiction idea, but only because it will serve as a sort of script.  I'll help you draw the remainder of the holiday special comic -- no doubt you remember that I'm not bad at doing it.  ^___^

I'd also like to help finish the Anniversary special as well, if only because it looks all but finished as is!  @v@

Aurora Borealis

Really? You'd be willing to do that? Help me with this project? Because I have a long way to go!

I'm in a tough situation because once again my weaknesses when it comes to story writing have gotten the better of me. I've got several ideas planned out for the storyline although I'm not entirely sure how to put them together smoothly nor am I sure how to complete the story.

When I get the typed version up (I'll make a new thread for this so it doesn't get completely buried in this one), critique, suggestions and ideas will be strongly encouraged!

And if you want to help me with drawing the comic part, C-Chan, can you help me starting on page 5? I mainly need help on the storyboards.


Sure.  Geez,. you sound like I'm a total stranger or something.  ^___^

I probably won't be able to do anything overly fancy like with our Mac Party strips, but I'm sure I can come up with something nice.  ^.^

*quietly beckons Aurora-dono to PM area*


That sounds like a great idea!

I should be nobody to talk, but when I get hung up, I always try to give the project a rest for a day or two, assess where I'm going wrong, and give it another try. In vector sketching, I nearly gave up on my Unix holiday picture, but I let it sit on the shelf for a day and tried a different approach. Try not to get stressed out about it not getting finished in time or that it won't end up like you hoped...and have fun!

Aurora Borealis

Here it is at last! Pages 5 and 6!

Why RedHat-tan was abducted is revealed: she was picked to take the role of Santa! However Linux-tan's and Slackware-tan's decision is rather questionable! But at least she isn't the worst candidate, right?

note: In the panel with all the DOS-tans, the purple-haired girl is ROM DOS-tan, a character newly created by C-Chan.

Also, many many thanks to C-Chan for helping me out so much with the holiday special when I nearly gave up!


OMG! What a Christmas surprise!

Panel 1: NoHatLinux-tan freaking out is always funny XD And Linux-sama is very pretty here!
panel 2: O____O
*Humna humna humna...!*
ZOMG, Slackware-chan is lookin' good! Please tell, what is on her tee shirt...? Upon further inspection, it looks like "Unix rocks" :P
panel 3: Uh...oh...Linux-sama must be thinking of...
panel 4: SCO-CHAN! I knew it XD Okay so I didn't, but it fits well! SCO panicking is golden, and I see she's still on her crutch! Slackware-chan is still looking...unusually hot...and NoHatLinux-tan is sweet laughing.

Second comic, panel 1: LOL! RedHat-tan (cause she finally has a darn hat on :P) is adorably dwarfed by BarbieLinux-tan :D
panel 2: Miggy-sama as a giant elf! I'm having flashbacks to the movie Elf!
panel 3: Awww! The DOSes are too adorable! DR DOS-san wouldn't be calling RH-tan "kiddo" cause they're both children of Novell, would she? I wish I could read what PTS DOS-chan was saying, but it's mighty small. Though I did make out "for" as the first word, and "this" as the third. The others I can't figure out.
panel 4: cute I'm gonna die! O___O

I can really see where C-Chan's influence on this one ;) Great job, you guys!


*pops in*  

FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

*flops over keyboard*

I'm pooped...... just gimme a sec for me to recharge my battery, and I'll be back to full response mode......  @________________@

*passes out*

Added after 4 hours 17 minutes:

First off, many thanks go to Aurora-dono for not giving up on her spin-off comic, and for allowing me to help her with its semi-completion.
Even though she still wanted to pile on too much on herself, at least she was willing to let me help her for a change and thus live-out the true spirit of Christmas.  ^___^

Secondly, I also have to apologize A) for cutting her original story script a lot for practicality, and B) for turtling along even with a much-reduced page count.  Aside from the fact that I had quite a lot more responsibilities than I expected prior to the holiday season, I'm also not as fast as I used to be and probably bit off more than I could chew.  ^^

Still,... did manage to sketch/up 5 pages just in time for the 25th -- and even though you only see 2 up now, if won't be long before Aurora-dono finishes post-production on the remaining 3.  And I can assure you, you're in for a major treat from the both of us.  ^_____^

BTW, Bella-san, thank you for that review.  Hold that thought, though, as I'll respond to it in proper tomorrow,  ^v^

(and besides,... you ain't seen nothin' yet!)  ^___^

*starts giggling with glee*


Darn,... had to sacrifice my response in this thread to make room for the two other ones I owed people.  ^^'

Not to worry though, as there'll be plenty of time to touch base on details here.  -v-

Just so the night isn't entirely fruitless, how about a small sneak peak of what's to come?  Normally Aurora-dono is as secretive as a clandestine intelligence agency when it cones to her artwork... but since half of it is my own in this particular instance, I can't help but to "leak" a little of it.  ^.^'

[attachment deleted by admin]


kay, time to get back to some unfinished business, before I try to finish up my FCL-tan fanart. ^^

QuoteHere it is at last! Pages 5 and 6!

Why RedHat-tan was abducted is revealed: she was picked to take the role of Santa! However Linux-tan's and Slackware-tan's decision is rather questionable! But at least she isn't the worst candidate, right?

Is it too late to say sorry for the unnecessarily-long delay in getting my part done?  ^^;

Just as an aside, thank you for the wonderful lighting work you did, and also for adding the arms to the DOS-tans.  In retrospect, though, I wish I had supplied you with vectorized fonts, since a lot of the specialized ones I used didn't not transfer well.  For example, the word "free" got cut off from RH-chan's text bubble in Panel 1, Page 5.  ^^'

Quotenote: In the panel with all the DOS-tans, the purple-haired girl is ROM DOS-tan, a character newly created by C-Chan.

Fufufu... actually, ROMDOS-chan is about a whole year overdue.  I meant to draw her, paired with my take on FreeDOS-chan, immediately after my chibi DRDOS-tan and QDOS-tan.  Figured since the DOS-tans would make perfect elves (since they're all so horrifically-short ^v^;), this would be my last chance to show her off before the new year.  ^___^

ROMDOS-tan is the second-shortest DOS-tan, clocking in at about 116cm, but still dwarfing QDOS-tan's diminutive 94cm frame.  She has the ability to control, manipulate and disable electronics, and loves to wear fake cybernetics (as well as a futuristic monocle) to play the part of mechanical "Beastmaster".  Personality-wise, while she's not necessarilyt an introvert, she's often too deep in her technical eccentricities to worry much about a social life.  She's also a tad hot-blooded, and is one of the few DOS-tans who are both willing and able to fight against aggressors head-on (if the situation calls for it).

QuoteOMG! What a Christmas surprise!

And trust me, you ain't see nothin' yet!  ^v^

QuotePanel 1: NoHatLinux-tan freaking out is always funny XD And Linux-sama is very pretty here!

Linux-sama's pose and expression were accidental, but it kinda worked no?  It's so rare to see Linux-sama smile and chide, after all.  ^^

Quotepanel 2: O____O
*Humna humna humna...!*
ZOMG, Slackware-chan is lookin' good! Please tell, what is on her tee shirt...? Upon further inspection, it looks like "Unix rocks" :P

Like with the main Zerosanity, I tried hard to help Aurora continue the tradition of nodding to artists' contributions.  The "Unix Rocks" was pure Bella-sama fanservice in this case.  ^.^
Other similar nods to other people will appear later on.

Quotepanel 3: Uh...oh...Linux-sama must be thinking of...
panel 4: SCO-CHAN! I knew it XD Okay so I didn't, but it fits well! SCO panicking is golden, and I see she's still on her crutch! Slackware-chan is still looking...unusually hot...and NoHatLinux-tan is sweet laughing.

Fufu... Why do I smell the prospect of Slackware yuri?  ^v^'
Actually, that's not SCO-chan panicking,... but rather just appearing like the raging, sue-happy loony that Slack-san and RH-san envision in their mind's eye.  ^___________^;

Second comic, panel 1: LOL! RedHat-tan (cause she finally has a darn hat on :P) is adorably dwarfed by BarbieLinux-tan

I had a lot of fun sketching up that panel.  *lecherous laugh*  ^__________________^
The Santa hat was added both for story purposes AND for practicality, since the hat helps reduce the number of hair strands that need to be drawn.  ^v^

Quotepanel 2: Miggy-sama as a giant elf! I'm having flashbacks to the movie Elf!

I figured someone would come across that reference.  ^.^
Had mucho fun sketching that panel too.

Quotepanel 3: Awww! The DOSes are too adorable! DR DOS-san wouldn't be calling RH-tan "kiddo" cause they're both children of Novell, would she? I wish I could read what PTS DOS-chan was saying, but it's mighty small. Though I did make out "for" as the first word, and "this" as the third. The others I can't figure out.

This one was my first nightmare to sketch up,... don't know what came over me drawing so many characters at once, but I would do so again later on.  I didn't even draw the arms or anything,... Aurora-dono had to do that in post-production.  I honestly don't know how Aurora-sama produced the disco-dancing scene (back in Page 1) so quickly.  ^v^;

DRDOS-tan just happens to call everyone who's younger than her "kiddo",... and given her age, that's over 95% of all living, breathing OS-tans.  ^____^;
But the Novell thing is also an interesting aside too.  ^.^

PTSDOS-tan is a bit of a contrarian and prankster (and also a lover of pointing out the bleedingly-obvious, which is okay since few people can understand her anyway), so she's actually not saying anything in line with what the other girls are saying.... ^^;

Ð"ля меня эÑ,о весьма необычный способ знакомсÑ,ва.

Quotepanel 4: cute I'm gonna die! O___O

And she's tiny to boot,... I know, I must be mad.  @v@;
Not sure if you remember her profile, but she's a bit of a "dim" girl equipped with an almost miraculous ability to repair machines (and certainly has the size to step inside even common appliances).  As her full acronym implies, she's not adverse to getting "down and dirty" as long as the job gets done quickly.  ^.^

Gussy Keniji

*Teleports in*
Well now, Am I late're what? problems with puncuality aside...

QuoteJust so the night isn't entirely fruitless, how about a small sneak peak of what's to come? Normally Aurora-dono is as secretive as a clandestine intelligence agency when it cones to her artwork... but since half of it is my own in this particular instance, I can't help but to "leak" a little of it. ^.^'
I lol'd at how Acme-chan has written the most 'spam' outta all of her fellow viruses, from the looks of this it's shapin up to be a real treat, I would ask as to why their writting spam...but then I might spoil whatever surprise you have in store

Quotepanel 3: Awww! The DOSes are too adorable!
I agree! the DOSes have melted my heart of manliness <3

Quotepanel 4: cute I'm gonna die! O___O
*Already dead from QDOS-chan's cuteness*

QuoteAnd she's tiny to boot,... I know, I must be mad. @v@;
Not sure if you remember her profile, but she's a bit of a "dim" girl equipped with an almost miraculous ability to repair machines (and certainly has the size to step inside even common appliances). As her full acronym implies, she's not adverse to getting "down and dirty" as long as the job gets done quickly. ^.^
Aww a tiny mechanic <3 I always did have a soft spot for the mechanically inclined girls...



QuoteI lol'd at how Acme-chan has written the most 'spam' outta all of her fellow viruses, from the looks of this it's shapin up to be a real treat, I would ask as to why their writting spam...but then I might spoil whatever surprise you have in store

How I wish you could see the later comic panels!!!  You'd be so proud!!!  ^-^

*begs Aurora-dono to permit the posting of the storyboards*  ;^____^;

QuoteAww a tiny mechanic <3 I always did have a soft spot for the mechanically inclined girls...

Fufu... ^.^
Well,... if you ever wanted a diminutive Osaka-clone messing around inside your desktop,... she's your girl.  ^____^


Quoteufufu... actually, ROMDOS-chan is about a whole year overdue. I meant to draw her, paired with my take on FreeDOS-chan, immediately after my chibi DRDOS-tan and QDOS-tan. Figured since the DOS-tans would make perfect elves (since they're all so horrifically-short ^v^, this would be my last chance to show her off before the new year. ^___^

ROMDOS-tan is the second-shortest DOS-tan, clocking in at about 116cm, but still dwarfing QDOS-tan's diminutive 94cm frame. She has the ability to control, manipulate and disable electronics, and loves to wear fake cybernetics (as well as a futuristic monocle) to play the part of mechanical "Beastmaster". Personality-wise, while she's not necessarilyt an introvert, she's often too deep in her technical eccentricities to worry much about a social life. She's also a tad hot-blooded, and is one of the few DOS-tans who are both willing and able to fight against aggressors head-on (if the situation calls for it).

I love the DOSes. I'm a bit sorry I haven't drawn any yet :..(

QuoteLike with the main Zerosanity, I tried hard to help Aurora continue the tradition of nodding to artists' contributions. The "Unix Rocks" was pure Bella-sama fanservice in this case. ^.^
Other similar nods to other people will appear later on.

Woohoo! I've finally gotten fanservice!

QuoteFufu... Why do I smell the prospect of Slackware yuri? ^v^'




I'm outta here!

*jumps out of thread*

QuoteActually, that's not SCO-chan panicking,... but rather just appearing like the raging, sue-happy loony that Slack-san and RH-san envision in their mind's eye. ^___________^;

Oh, okay...still hilarious!

QuoteDRDOS-tan just happens to call everyone who's younger than her "kiddo",... and given her age, that's over 95% of all living, breathing OS-tans. ^____^;
But the Novell thing is also an interesting aside too. ^.^

Heh....she doesn't look old...

But I've learned here the physical age of an OS-tan is more often that not deceptive ;)

QuotePTSDOS-tan is a bit of a contrarian and prankster (and also a lover of pointing out the bleedingly-obvious, which is okay since few people can understand her anyway), so she's actually not saying anything in line with what the other girls are saying.... ^^;

Ð"ля меня эÑ,о весьма необычный способ знакомсÑ,ва.

Hmmm...she's saying something about this being a strange way of meeting them...?

I'm a little unclear about it, actually ;)


I'm just poppin' in to say that the latest Christmas comic installment is absolutely adorable!  RedHat-tan's expressions are wonderful!

I look forward to seeing the virus reindeer in context!

Aurora Borealis

Mostly done with pages 7 + 8 and hope to get them up tomorrow (or later today depending on your timezone. It's still the 29th where I am as of this typing).