
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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"While it is true that I mainly help out Vintage OS-tans, I'll actually help nearly anyone, so what it is that you need "

Very noble of Amiga-tan.  She looks great there at p.30

Since Mario made a small appearance. I was wondering if Aurora would include "Maron".

NIN.TEN.DO   ^_^"



Quote from: "C-Chan"Maron?  '__'

Is that anything like this....?

Nope, Maron as in the one who sings in the Legend of Zelda series...


Oh great,... I still have Ocarina of Time not even half-played, sitting in my Wii's Virtual Console.  ^^'

Still, no way in high heaven I would've guessed that, not with all the characters I've had to absorb these past few months (just trying to remember all the girls in Mahou Sensei Negima is enough to fry my brain... ^^;).

QuoteWoohoo! I'm GNU/Linux!!!

*starts tearily singing "We are the Champions"*

*Runs of to take care of business*

Oh,... how could I have missed that?  ;___;

*CHEERS!!!!!!!!!*  ^V^

Aurora Borealis

Here... It is at last! I was hoping to get pages 3+4 up with too but for now this will have to do...

The first 2 pages of the holiday special!

Some notes about it so far:

1.It is in 4Koma format (and vertical) and read right-to-left.
2. I actually do not know what 64 Studio-tan's eye color is (not shown in the picture of her created by Bella) so I had to guess.
3. there are an assortment of cameo appearances including references to Thurosis' OS-tan forum comic (a series I like very much!) and another guest appearance...
4. This took WAY longer than I thought! X__X
5. It looks like RedHat-tan has some explaining to do!
6. This special takes place 5-6 months ahead of the main ZS series.

Luckily the next pages will be quicker!


Wow! I can't believe 64 Studio-tan made it into the comic! And in such cute form! Good guess with the eye color too; I'd have likely made them blue myself  ;010

That second panel is chock full of easter eggs
*puts on reading glasses*
Lesse....I see Momonga, RISC, Panther, Mac, Fark, A/UX, QNX, SkyOS, 3.1, XP, Mac OS 6, Palm, iPhone, and PCLOS-tan...and the forumites I think are Aurora, Tsubashi, Thurosis, Nejin, C-Chan (on PCLOS's head,), Bella (in my non-NT avatar, that is ;) ), and Kami-Tux...and is that the Capt. next to 3.1-sama?

I love the lighting! It's simply incredible!

Poor Fedora-san :..( If only she knew what her sis was up to, though, eh?

They're so cute, too :D Especially Fedora-san!!

I can't wait to see where this is going, and you inspire me to finish my own holiday pic!


Gah! The Great Bella-sama has beaten me to posting, and took all my words! ^v^
Though, wait. You forgot Newton-chan, Bella-sama!

Great Job Aurora-sama! Excellently done! I absolutely adore your characters; so kawaii!

You know, Methinks it's about time for an avatar change, your Pics are too cute to resist! ^o^

Aurora Borealis

Oh! So close, Bella! You were almost 100% correct with those guesses! The fairy girl next to the Space Cadet (A/UX-tan) is actually Apple Newton-tan. (who she is often seen with. Both are from the Apple family but now are wanderers due to getting evicted as a cost-cutting measure during the OS-war. And I think that these fellow wanders should stick together!) Incidentally as I was typing this, Tsubashi pointed out the correct answer! ^^

As to where things will be going, I can barely give out anything about what will happen next because they'd likely be spoilers but I feel like I give out this much for what happens next: RedHat-tan confesses to being sorry that she hasn't spent enough time with Fedora-tan, and another character will be introduced!


GYAAAAAAAH!!!  I concur with Tsubashi-dono!!!!  Bella-dono beat us to it!!!  ^V^

Aurora-dono (why am I calling everyone by "dono" now?), this - is - simply - AWE - inspiring - SOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

*placeholder SWOON*

Added after 24 minutes:

(I will forfeit my own personal bacon to whoever gets this reference*  ^^


    PANEL 1:  In trademark Aurora-san style, she goes to absolutely incredible lengths to ensure no character is left behind.  So her use here of 64 Studio-tan deserves the kind of accolade that would bring a whole opera house down!  (oh, and in the event you ever decide to draw PETchan,... her eyes are amber-green, but that's a moot point since she never opens them except when she's angry).  ^^

    Also, much festive pointage for the candycane logo and snowflake letters.

    PANEL 2:  Yet another cute micro-chibi for the barrel!!  You realize that ALL of Zerosanity redux is a treasure trove for micro-chibis, dontcha? ^v^

    PANEL 3:  "ZOMG" fails to convey the impact of so many interesting micro-chbis at once!!!!  ^V^
    I won't repeat what Bella and Tsubashi guessed correctly, but I love that you put me over such a fine gal, and next to Bella-san no less!!  ^v^
    Only gripe is that you're too far away.... *sniffles*,,,..  ;____;

    PANEL 4:  RedHat-tan approaching.

    PANEL 5:  Cute Fedora-tan micro-chibi here.    64 Studio-tan changed her clothing though....?  '__'

    PANEL 6:  Wow!  I never thought I'd see the day Fedora-tan scolding her older sister.  Hmmm.... what's she up to?  ^___^

    PANEL 7:  Fedora-chan looks stunning here (and 64 Studio-tan's face melts your heart), but what's with the change of clothing?


    Oh wait, I see!  It's right-to-left AND vertical!!!  DOH!!!!  The C-chan feels foolish now..... >v<
    Admittedly I'm a bit sleep-deprived, but no excuse at all... should've noticed that the snowflakes stopped counting on top.  ^^;

    Okay, I await any punishment you have for me.  ^v^

    PANEL 8;   Awwww.... you really do feel  for Fedora-tan's sorrow.  ;___;
    And although RedHat-tan is in micro-chibi form here, her expression of concern is priceless.  ^^

    WATERMARK:  SANTA AURORA!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

Beautiful job as always,... that's your 300th straight awesome job to date! ^^

Incidentally, speaking of mangas, I remembered what i told you the other day about bringing characters to life through story, and rekindled a forbidden interest that I hoped would never resurface....



I may try my hand at mangas after all.  ^___^


(I will forfeit my own personal bacon to whoever gets this reference* ^^


QuoteOh! So close, Bella! You were almost 100% correct with those guesses! The fairy girl next to the Space Cadet (A/UX-tan) is actually Apple Newton-tan. (who she is often seen with. Both are from the Apple family but now are wanderers due to getting evicted as a cost-cutting measure during the OS-war. And I think that these fellow wanders should stick together!) Incidentally as I was typing this, Tsubashi pointed out the correct answer! ^^

Ah, I plead distraction with Tsubashi's awesome signiture! :P

I can see where the two would be good buddies, though ;)

QuoteIncidentally, speaking of mangas, I remembered what i told you the other day about bringing characters to life through story, and rekindled a forbidden interest that I hoped would never resurface....



I may try my hand at mangas after all. ^___^

I envy anyone who can keep a comic or manga going...Huuuuge thumbs up to Aurora  ;010


I love how she illustrate panels 4 and 8. The expression on Fedora-san's face was full of win!  ;)

I can see Aurora's improvement, angle-wise and plot-wise ^_^

Aurora Borealis

C-Chan was asking about why 64 Studio-tan changed her clothes the second time she appeared, well in between panels, she put on her coat so to get ready to go outside!

With comics (and sometimes animation), not everything needs to be drawn. Sorta like how Mandy (from "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy") mentioned that she wasn't seen programming robots because that would be really boring to the audience :D

And now, the next two pages!

RedHat-tan gets abducted out of nowhere and taken into an airship! But it is this time that she admits that she hasn't spent enough time with Fedora-tan. And somehow, Linux-tan is involved with this abduction incident!

Next up on the zerOSanity holiday special: It is revealed that RedHat-tan was picked to play the role of Santa! However how will she react? Plus 6 characters that appeared in the main series reappear and 3 new characters appear!


QuoteC-Chan was asking about why 64 Studio-tan changed her clothes the second time she appeared, well in between panels, she put on her coat so to get ready to go outside!

With comics (and sometimes animation), not everything needs to be drawn. Sorta like how Mandy (from "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy") mentioned that she wasn't seen programming robots because that would be really boring to the audience

Aaa sou sou... ^__^
I get it now,... plus I figure that since space is at a premium in 4koma panels, you really can't worry too much about doing every possible transition.  ^^
Looking at that comic page again, though, made me LOL.  ^v^

QuoteRedHat-tan gets abducted out of nowhere and taken into an airship! But it is this time that she admits that she hasn't spent enough time with Fedora-tan. And somehow, Linux-tan is involved with this abduction incident!

Time for another C-CHAN CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECK!!!!!!!!  ^V^
(and no bacon for Bella-san.... ^^)

    PANEL 1:  An impossibly cute RedHat Micro Chibi is the centerpiece of this panel.  With so many micro chibis, the Wiki logo should be filled to the brim by now. ^.^
    I'm wondering, though, whether a spotlight could've worked in lieu of the red gradient background.

    PANEL 2:  wow!  Now that's an expression I would've never imagined seeing on RedHat-san.  ^^
    The method of aduction was pretty smart, as it was designed to make her drop her suitcase even if she had it originally on hand.  ^___^

    PANEL 3:  Struggling is sadistically cute, and so is the red hat floating away.  The legs, though, have the same problem as with Saba-tan from the last Zerosanity page.  Without a stylized look (or at least some transparency or blurring), the extra pair of legs looks like,... well,... an extra pair of legs.  ^^;

    PANEL 4:  *sniff*  Sisterly love is a beautiful thing.  ^____^

    PANEL 5:  RedHat-san behaving characteristically-defiant even as she's been abducted.  Am I right to guess that you did the darkness effect by placing a semi-transparent black fill over your image?

    PANEL 6:  the cuteness of RedHat-san's face here could melt butter.  ^__________^

    PANEL 7:  Ditto Panel 6.  And yeah, RedHat-san has the sk1llzr to back up those threats.  ^v^

    PANEL 8:  BWAAAAAAAHAHA!!!!  That expression is the epitome of classic!!  ^V^
    Plus,... even though this is a very low-key introduction, we really SHOULD celebrate give this is your first representation of Linux-sama ever created!!  ^_________^
    And in classic Aurora-sama style, she has attributes to multiple design elements:

    - Futaba helmet and hair style
    - Juzo-kun eyes
    - My hair color
    - Bella-san's uniform

    Much applause, though, has to go to your excellent lighting in this panel!  The glow of the lantern is realistic, the highlights on their clothing corresponds perfectly to the light source, and the radial gradient you used in the background helps refine the overall atmosphere. ^.^

As you said before, this feels a little simpler than tabs 1 and 2, but it'st still very well executed!  I will never grow  tired of saying "great job"!  ^v^


Part 3:

Poor Redhat-tan...again! And she's crying...

I hope my sappiness isn't contagious!

But the whole Airship thing, and her being questioned in the dark reminds me of an old spy TV show or movie!

*hears Mission: Impossible theme in background*

But she's missing her hat...does that make her red___-tan? XD

Freaked-out Redhat-tan discovering that Linux-sama is somehow behind this is hilarious! Though I do wonder why Linux-sama is behind this...perhaps they're bringing her back to celebrate the holidays with the *nix family :P

Aurora Borealis

Waaaaaaah! Now I am so ashamed of myself right now. With writing the story for the ZS holiday special, I was doing really well until I got near the most important part of the story and suffered a writer's block and I don't feel like I can continue anymore on the holiday special. Such a shame too. I had four pages done and another two almost done but all to have been done for nothing. I was way too ambitious. That is also why I gave up on the Apple ][ 30th anniversary picture as well ;__;

May have to scrap the project completely and resume with the main series or another special episode I had planned that I was able to finish planning.

Or... Since I know I cannot meet my goal of finishing the holiday special in comic form by the 25th, how about I just type the rest up as a fanfiction with suggestions and input from you readers out there?