
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Aurora Borealis

I'm not sure if I really did consider that or not! ^^;

Still haven't finished page 25 but here's a snippet from it in progress!

...With DSL-tan in it because I forgot to add her in when working on page 24! This will show I haven't forgotten her this time! :D


WOOHOO!!!!!!!!  ^V^

I hereby absolve you, Aurora-dono!!!!!  That there's some good DSL-chan.....!  ^___^

BTW, call me strange, since I'm not exactly an OS-kun advocate....
But seeing your picture gave me some inspiration for a DSL-kun, or DSL-chan's kid brother.  I hardly have the time at this very moment, but would love to try my hand at making a picture of the two of them at some point.  ^.^


Ehehe~ Now I have the impression that DSL-chan is in fact DCL-chan (Damn Cute Linux ^^) I wonder what will be her role ...

Aurora Borealis

For now she will appear from time to time but later she'll stir up some trouble!

Aurora Borealis

That DSL-kun sounds really cute! Can't wait to see him!

*pant pant*

Tried to finish this up as quickly as I could with what little remaining energy I have but... here's page 25: "For boom do the bombs toll?"

and since I am in a hurry, for now I'll just paste the description I gave in the gallery: "95 OSR 2.5-tan congratulates Saba-tan and RedHat-tan for their tennis match but all is not well when an explosion occurs behind the palm trees! EVERYBODY PANIC!!

Or is there no need to? OSX-tan actually returns to the scene of the explosion with her camera! (With Newton-tan questioning this decision) Apparently, OSX-tan may know something the others don't!"


Uh...oh...from the sound of that "moe moe" I'm guessing the OSX-kuns are involved ;)

Fark-tan yelling everybody panic! is great, and I think that OSX-san and OSR 2.5-san are especially cute ^_^


QuoteThat DSL-kun sounds really cute! Can't wait to see him!

Girl,... you're not kidding.  ^____^

Just a word of caution, though,... I'm still operating under my old size standard for DSL-tan.  ^__^'
So if she's damn smaller than her Zerosanity appearance, expect DSL-kun to be even smaller still.

(I'm talking giant CE-tan by comparison, here.  -.-)

QuoteOr is there no need to? OSX-tan actually returns to the scene of the explosion with her camera! (With Newton-tan questioning this decision) Apparently, OSX-tan may know something the others don't!"

YAAAAAH!!!  THE OSX-kuns!!!!!  ^V^

I'm hopping more OSX kitty cameos, but no way could they have traveled to the island this quickly.  ^^;

So I'm hedging my bets on a couple of classic Macs putting the big ol' cats in their place.  

In any event, comic is still fantastic!  Kudos this time go to A) Mac-tan's hair flowing in the wind (very nice look here.... ^.^), B) Newton-chan panicking, and C) anything with the OSR 2.5-sama.  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

When you do draw DSL-kun, will you also add in DSL-tan and CE-tan for comparison? :D

Waaaaaaah. Another post-and-run!

But I finished page 26 which answered the question of page 25's title! But now, there's another question going on... "What's the BIG DEAL?!"

The bombs tolled for the OSX-kuns! One tries to flee but Macintosh System 6-tan (aka 6.0.x-tan, Antares-tan) takes him down and she and some other girls (Cheetah-tan, System 5-tan, System 4-tan, Sonata, The Space Cadet) celebrate this victory against perversion!


QuoteWhen you do draw DSL-kun, will you also add in DSL-tan and CE-tan for comparison?

Well DSL-tan is a given,... I want her to sit next to DSL-kun teaching him how to use TuxPaint or something (a bit top-heavy for the actual system, but possible to use).  If she's about the age of a young teen, DSL-kun would be about the age of a late toddler (3 or 4), so we're definitely talking half-size at least.  It certainly would give new use to that Tux plushie bag that she carries around.  ^^

I am still debating whether to include CE-tan or not,... VERY tempting, but,.... well,.... only time can tell.  ^______^
Definitely want to create a drawing that makes you want to glomp from the cuteness overload and make you let out an extended "Awwwwwwwwww".  ^.^

QuoteBut I finished page 26 which answered the question of page 25's title! But now, there's another question going on... "What's the BIG DEAL?!"

QuoteThe bombs tolled for the OSX-kuns! One tries to flee but Macintosh System 6-tan (aka 6.0.x-tan, Antares-tan) takes him down and she and some other girls (Cheetah-tan, System 5-tan, System 4-tan, Sonata, The Space Cadet) celebrate this victory against perversion!

SO YOU DID HAVE THE OSX Girls after all!!!!  (well okay, just one, but still.... ^.^)

This is terrific!  A perfect nod to the Mac House, and how the tables turn when the number of girls FAR exceeds the guys living there! ^v^

I love the way you drew Antares-tan (especially when she's all dark and brooding, then instantly butters up when she sees Mac-tan), but I definitely never thought I'd see the day when she wears a swimsuit.  ^v^

(the polka-dots remind me of the old classic Mac texture)

As usual, your micro-chibis take the cake as far as visual wow goes -- definitely love the cute Mac celebratory triumph over perversion (and his less than thrilled face in that scene).  System 5-tan's appeared before, but would that be System 4-tan's first cameo?

Oh, and kudos to bringing back Sonata-san!!!  ^v^
Now she can finally be reunited with her old companion Mac-tan.  ^__^


Although with her around,.... wouldn't that also increase the risk of OS-9-tan cameos?  @v@'

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Well DSL-tan is a given,... I want her to sit next to DSL-kun teaching him how to use TuxPaint or something (a bit top-heavy for the actual system, but possible to use).  If she's about the age of a young teen, DSL-kun would be about the age of a late toddler (3 or 4), so we're definitely talking half-size at least.  It certainly would give new use to that Tux plushie bag that she carries around.  ^^

I am still debating whether to include CE-tan or not,... VERY tempting, but,.... well,.... only time can tell.  ^______^
Definitely want to create a drawing that makes you want to glomp from the cuteness overload and make you let out an extended "Awwwwwwwwww".  ^.^
I can picture the heartwarming, super cuteness now! ^^
Also I'll like DSL-kun because he's younger-looking and smaller than his female counterpart :D

SO YOU DID HAVE THE OSX Girls after all!!!!  (well okay, just one, but still.... ^.^)

This is terrific!  A perfect nod to the Mac House, and how the tables turn when the number of girls FAR exceeds the guys living there! ^v^
BWAHAHAHAHA! Wasn't expecting one of the OSX wildcats, weren't ya? And with some Mac House, "Mac Manga"-inspired goodness! (also makes me wanna continue Mac Party! *sniffle*)

QuoteI love the way you drew Antares-tan (especially when she's all dark and brooding, then instantly butters up when she sees Mac-tan), but I definitely never thought I'd see the day when she wears a swimsuit.  ^v^

OSX-tan saw what she did there! :D (but yeah, OSX-tan can be considered an ally to her) and I guess I added in some slightly unintentional irony with Antares-tan wearing a swimsuit! ^^;

However I did add in some intentional irony elsewhere on the page. Any guesses? :D

Quote(the polka-dots remind me of the old classic Mac texture)
The usage of polka-dots will be a reccuring theme.

QuoteAs usual, your micro-chibis take the cake as far as visual wow goes -- definitely love the cute Mac celebratory triumph over perversion (and his less than thrilled face in that scene).  System 5-tan's appeared before, but would that be System 4-tan's first cameo?
Yes, that is System 4-tan's first appearance. And you noticed OSX-kun getting increasingly angry as the page progresses!

QuoteOh, and kudos to bringing back Sonata-san!!!  ^v^
Now she can finally be reunited with her old companion Mac-tan.  ^__^


Although with her around,.... wouldn't that also increase the risk of OS-9-tan cameos?  @v@'
Heck yeah! I plan on doing that later in the chapter or in chapter 3. Her introduction will  of course involve the 'identity crisis' in some crazy way. Such as what if the OSX-kuns found her and although she is not too keen on their perverted ways, she appreciates the attention but Sonata gets jealous (missing the attention) and goes to do something else but then later realize they want their roles back because too much attention actually drives OS-9-tan crazy!


You have to love that face of OSX-kun on columns 3 and 6.  ;088

Although,  I wonder if that OSX-kun is Puma-kun?


QuoteI can picture the heartwarming, super cuteness now! ^^
Also I'll like DSL-kun because he's younger-looking and smaller than his female counterpart

Well, if it worked for Homeo, it'll be perfect here.  
(besides, the old Tom Thumb fairytales came to mind)  ^__^

BTW, that reminds me.... -v-
How tall did we agree CE-tan would be?  Did you settle on 12 inches or 16 inches?  'v'

Just making a couple of calculations here for maximum "Wow" factor.  ^__^

(makes sure M$ isn't around to sue)

QuoteBWAHAHAHAHA! Wasn't expecting one of the OSX wildcats, weren't ya? And with some Mac House, "Mac Manga"-inspired goodness! (also makes me wanna continue Mac Party! *sniffle*)

Don't cry now.  By the time you finish Zerosanity and I all my scheduled works, for sure I wouldn't mind giving it another go.  ^^

However,....'ve got to keep me posted more often, even if it's to tell me you're too busy to work on something.  Just to keep communication flowing.  ^__^

QuoteHowever I did add in some intentional irony elsewhere on the page. Any guesses?

Hmmmm... tough cookie.  ^^'

1)  A/UX-chan only blasted off the island a few pages ago, but is back here again on the ground? ^^;
2)  Antares-san is a Terminator, but is reciting a AD-209's phrase from Robocop?  ^_____^'
3)  System 5-tan is not causing mischief.

Best I can do.  ^.^;

QuoteHeck yeah! I plan on doing that later in the chapter or in chapter 3. Her introduction will of course involve the 'identity crisis' in some crazy way. Such as what if the OSX-kuns found her and although she is not too keen on their perverted ways, she appreciates the attention but Sonata gets jealous (missing the attention) and goes to do something else but then later realize they want their roles back because too much attention actually drives OS-9-tan crazy!

Alright!  ^v^
"I'll buy that for a dollar!" [translation: "I approve"]  ^.^

QuoteAlthough, I wonder if that OSX-kun is Puma-kun?

Lesse.... -v-

"Eenie meenie minie.... MOE!"  ^o^

......yep, Puma-kun.  *snicker snicker*  ^_______^

Aurora Borealis

Oops! I forgot that Homeo is also shorter and younger-looking than his female counterpart. But unlike Homeo, DSL-kun's sister does not practice any uhhh.... relationships with him :D

1'0'' for CE-tan (just seems right and that's how tall she was in your Annex Project)

And as for guessing the irony in page 26, WE HAVE A WINNER!! THAT'S A BIG DEAL!! WHOO-HOOOO!

The second guess is correct and exactly what I was going for! :D

The other two guesses were good too but the first one was actually more of a blooper on my behalf (It looks like I didn't think my plan all the way through!) and the third one... Well it is strange that the Mac House's prankster hasn't caused any mischief upon being introduced! But she will later!

Aurora Borealis

Just a progress update but I'm almost done with page 27 and here are some new page titles, up to page 33!

 p.28: "End this with a boom!"
 p.29: "Ella es tu amiga"
 p.30: "Cat got your tail?"
 p.31: "Monkeygirl business"
 p.32: "Contest this!"
 p.33: "Switching to collide"

And there's another thing I'm working on- a "special episode" that is a response to Leopard not supporting Classic and that the Classic Mac OS is dead... Or is it?


How did this slip past me!?!?! Sorry I didn't post sooner : |

Once again, great page! My favorite part is the *always frighteningly hot XD* Antares-tan! And in a miniskirt! :D

And guessing from those titles, I'm hoping soon we'll see Miggy-sama and Darwin-chan! And hopefully Rhapsody-san too :)