
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Quote from: C-Chan
QuoteQNX-tan did get a little bit of a makeover because I really liked the cyan hair color on your rendition, C-Chan! And she actually did originally have the Neutrino logo hairclip but wasn't visible in the chibis I drew of her. Oh well.

Waaah! ;^0^;
Oh well,... I'm still slated to make one more picture with her, so I'll be sure to add it.  ^__^

BTW,... didn't she already have cyan hair in the original?  Cause that's why I made it that color....  ^^'
Yeah, but was a different shade of cyan, originally more of a pastel color but I thought the bright cyan in your rendition looked better! And glad to hear that you still have some picture ideas left! :D


Here's not one, but two new pages!

Similar to the old version but the most notable thing is that AOL-tan got a big makeover! She wears a futuristic-style outfit that looks like something from "The Jetsons" because AOL has had a couple Jetsons-themed codenames and she wears a beige coat and black hat, references to another of AOL's codenames, "Casablanca"! (you know, because of the movie?)

Okay, so not everybody panic attacked (bah! XP-tan wasn't being hysterical and 2K-tan didn't say anything!) but still plenty of hysteria ensued! Don't worry, ME-tan will be back up soon!


I must say, your new and improved zerOSanity is a delight!  I still have the original zerOSanity up through Chapter 2, Page 29; and it's safely tucked away in Mr. Cat's Free Cyber-Lending Library â€" along with the current version.

Say, I've a question:  Do you anticipate OSX-tan throwing any bombs in the new zerOSanity?  I'll understand, if you wish to keep such information confidential prior to official release of any relevant pages.



Aurora Borealis

I haven't seen you in a long time, MisterCat! Glad you're back! :D

And as for OSX-tan throwing any bombs, not yet (I nearly forgot about that! How could I forget something about my favorite of the canon OS-tans?!?! AAAAAAARGH! ) but I know she will at some point!


AOL-tan is sufficiently problematic, lol! and I like how you added AOL codenames into her design!

All the characters are cute, but Saseko is too adorable (especially in panel 1 page 8) :D But nobody saw me saying that XD

Panicking ME-tan, and QNX Neutrino-tan shooting ME-tan are the high comidic points of page 8!

And I like your Juzo-kun inspired Slackware-tan (and I like how you developed some of her character backstory).




Wow... now that's a face I've not seen in a long time.... a long time.... -.-


Yeah, I don't recall the original being as verbose, but it does help.  In the original, QNX-sama and Slack-san were just,... sorta there.  Here they have a backstory and a lot of charisma. ^^

*refers to Slack-tan with flailing arms*

*surprise*  Oh, Fark and SA are short?  ^___^;

Except for the pigtails, I would never have suspected that was AOL-tan.  That really is some makeover, but she looks her cutest in chibi form.  ^__^

*refers to cowering AOL-tan before the mighty mouth of OSX-sama*  ^.^

[whispering]  BTW,... think you missed an "is" in the last panel, page 1.  Don't change, just pointing it out.  ^^

One thing that doesn't change is that OSX-sama is still the cutest canon OS-tan of the group.... ^.^

One thing that hasn't changed either is that QNX-sama still rocks.  ^v^

Yet another thing that hasn't changed is that you make the best micro-chibis of all!

*refers to last panel of page 2 w/SA poking ME-chan*

I'll be sure to burn that image to memory.  ^.^

Added after 55 seconds:

Speaking of burn,... won't they like,.... rocket out of there....?  ^^


Hehe, again, the upgraded versions are very ^^

Best moments:
- AOL's appearance
- Mac's rage (this time, she wasn't KO-ed)
- I know that was mentioned, but the "Is it dead? Poke it with a stick"-style picture with SA and Me

Aurora Borealis


Things get really random here! Toshiaki being a superhero, and 2K-tan getting a fake moustache to dodge XP-tan's wrath!

But this is where everyone starts to part ways. Toshiaki and his 'coworkers' going to save that ice cream on fire; Something Awful-tan and Fark-tan go do what they do best, AOL-tan (not pictured past panel 2) goes off on her own too; and 2K-tan, XP-tan, ME-tan and OS X-tan are going to the docks to get ferry tickets!

A bunch of Vistans appear at OS X-tan's mentioning of "vista" and they start arguing. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!! (err... Four will work, there being four versions of Vista. Although BBSpot said there were 33!)

The drama between XP-tan and 2K-tan gets solved for the better and OS X-tan makes it to the docks! Alas it is not a happy ending for her as it turned out the tickets were all sold out! ;__;

But I also added in some cameo appearances. Surprise!


It's so great to see your back with some new pages ;010

Toshiaki and company going to save the ice cream on fire made me chuckle (oddly, I have had flaming ice cream XD)

The Vistan panel is pure LOL!!! (Although, we could get away with six Vistans, for Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, Enterprise, and Ultimate)

Somehow I thought the second page's title was going to have to do with OS X's dock heehee.

And I bet CaptBrenden will be happy to see 3.1-sama made an appearance :) (I also see 92 OSR 2.5-tan, Macintosh System 8-tan and System 3-tan)

Aurora Borealis

Thanks! I wasn't really gone in the first place. Although not logged in for more than a week, I was still checking out the place as often as I normally do but decided not to log back in until I had something new to present. Yes I'm weird like that. I have been awfully slow, it taking 2 weeks to finish page 9! But I'm back and with a new avatar too! It's of Vita from "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's" and I picked her because I'm at Vista rank and "Vista" minus the "s" is Vita! (and she's also my favorite of the Nanoha characters)

Huh... There are six versions of Vista?! I knew of Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate but didn't know of the Starter or Enterprise versions 0_0

p. 10's title sorta has to do with OS X and the dock. In fact... The OS 10.x-tans first appear working at the docks with cannons, launching things! In fact, p. 14 ("YOU'RE GONNA GET FIRED!!") and p.15 ("Launch 'em from the dock!") involve such thing!

And congratulations for guessing the cameo appearances correctly! (although for the first answer I assume you mean "95 OSR 2.5-tan")


*grabs checklist*

Oooookay....  -v-

- Aurora-san appearance... CHECK!
- Vibrant and colorful revision to original comic... CHECK!
- Thoughtful and hilarious rewriting of dialogue/humor... CHECK!
- Drop-dead Cute Micro Chibi characters.... CHECK!
- Zerosanity page... CHECK!!!
- SECOND Zerosanity page... DOUBLECHECK!!!
- QNX-sama appearance... DOUBLEPLUSCHECK!!!
- Cameo appearance of OS8-tan, 3.1-sama, 95 OSR 2.5-sama, and OS3-sama.... can I get a TRIPLEPLUSCHECK?!!!

- Seeing dozens of Vistans vying for canon recognition.... Priceless....!  ^___^

I'd say this is fantastic work, but that'd be a redundancy.  Aurora's work is not only perfect but also continuously evolving.  ^v^

BTW, congratulations partner!  ^__^


QuoteBut I'm back and with a new avatar too! It's of Vita from "Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's" and I picked her because I'm at Vista rank and "Vista" minus the "s" is Vita! (and she's also my favorite of the Nanoha characters)

Ahhh, I was going to ask who that cute character was!

QuoteHuh... There are six versions of Vista?! I knew of Home Basic, Home Premium, Business and Ultimate but didn't know of the Starter or Enterprise versions 0_0

Not many people do. Starter is aimed at buyers in developing countries and is not available in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, etc. It doesn't use as much RAM or resources. I think the ninja-thing would be good as Starter.

I don't know as much about Enterprise, only that it's even more professional than Business.

QuoteAnd congratulations for guessing the cameo appearances correctly! (although for the first answer I assume you mean "95 OSR 2.5-tan")

Yup. I miss-type weird things when tired XD


Oh yeah, almost forgot,...

Awesomely-cute new avi (well,... to the both of youz,... although Bella-san is not long until she's required,... BY LAW... to display a Sonata-sama one). ^___^

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: C-Chan*grabs checklist*

Oooookay....  -v-

- Aurora-san appearance... CHECK!
- Vibrant and colorful revision to original comic... CHECK!
- Thoughtful and hilarious rewriting of dialogue/humor... CHECK!
- Drop-dead Cute Micro Chibi characters.... CHECK!
- Zerosanity page... CHECK!!!
- SECOND Zerosanity page... DOUBLECHECK!!!
- QNX-sama appearance... DOUBLEPLUSCHECK!!!
- Cameo appearance of OS8-tan, 3.1-sama, 95 OSR 2.5-sama, and OS3-sama.... can I get a TRIPLEPLUSCHECK?!!!

- Seeing dozens of Vistans vying for canon recognition.... Priceless....!  ^___^
For everything else there is MasterCard! err... uhh... Yeah. Those Vistans sure do have a LOT of competition! Although two of them (Vistake, the seifuku Vistan and Visbou, the ninja) have pretty much became canon, that is not stopping artists from making... geez who knows how many versions of Vistan! The ones on that page are the ones that have a good amount of popularity (except for the one whose shirt just says "VISTA" because I made that one up and the green-haired cat-eared Vistan also known as Frida is actually hated by many but she does have plenty of fanart and is actually one of my favorite Vistans!).

QuoteI'd say this is fantastic work, but that'd be a redundancy.  Aurora's work is not only perfect but also continuously evolving.  ^v^

BTW, congratulations partner!  ^__^
Thank you! Wow... That contest was close! I'm glad our wallpaper won although I did make a huge screwup though on it :(

Quote from: BellaAhhh, I was going to ask who that cute character was!
Well, now you know! :D

QuoteNot many people do. Starter is aimed at buyers in developing countries and is not available in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, etc. It doesn't use as much RAM or resources. I think the ninja-thing would be good as Starter.
I guess that explains why I didn't know there was a starter version. But I too think Visbou/the ninja Vistan would be good as the starter version.

QuoteI don't know as much about Enterprise, only that it's even more professional than Business.
Even more professional? Probably doesn't have the eye candy that the other versions do but that's just my guess.

QuoteYup. I miss-type weird things when tired XD
That's okay! Sometimes that happens to me too! ^^;


Here's page 11: "Space Cadet reporting for duty!"

More cameo appearances on this page!

Things seemed hopeless for OS X-tan but the Space Cadet comes to the rescue! Newton-tan is also along for the ride and will have the role as a teacher, giving out little OS-tan related lessons every so often just like she did there! :D


Yo Aurora-san!  ^__^

Guess it's just you and me then....  -v-

QuoteThe ones on that page are the ones that have a good amount of popularity (except for the one whose shirt just says "VISTA" because I made that one up and the green-haired cat-eared Vistan also known as Frida is actually hated by many but she does have plenty of fanart and is actually one of my favorite Vistans!).

Just a reminder that things could've turned out a lot differently if Frida's artist posted in a "different" place.  To each his own, I guess, but with us needing more talent, it's a shame it gets spent in places that don't want it.  -.-;

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Thurosis in quite some time and I last spotted Infinity-san trying to post at Waka again.  ^^;

QuoteThank you! Wow... That contest was close! I'm glad our wallpaper won although I did make a huge screwup though on it

Screw up?  Which one was that, I thought we covered everything?  @__@
If you're referring to the height adjustment, that was just it, an adjustment.  -.-

I wouldn't be so hard on whatever it is, cause in the end it all worked out.
Speaking of which, not including your stuff and Bella's last sketches, there's a bit of an art drought, so would you mind if I posted up our other material?  Just letting you know cause I don't have the final version of #2.  -v-

QuoteEven more professional? Probably doesn't have the eye candy that the other versions do but that's just my guess.

I dunno,... I'd feel pretty cheated if I don't get more eyecandy for the buck.  ^^'
Granted, back when my company was still interested in upgrading to Vista, they didn't exactly have any intentions of using Aero.  ^__^;

QuoteHere's page 11: "Space Cadet reporting for duty!"

QuoteMore cameo appearances on this page!

Things seemed hopeless for OS X-tan but the Space Cadet comes to the rescue! Newton-tan is also along for the ride and will have the role as a teacher, giving out little OS-tan related lessons every so often just like she did there!

I still don't know what to be amazed about,... the awesomely-adorable artwork, or your razor-sharp memory for nearly-obscure details.  ^__^

CE-tan is a no-brainer, and I'd imagine that System 5 and 6-tan would be perfect for this scene, but HOLY COW! you remembered the flying Freespire-tan!  Sugoi x45!!  ^v^

Tsubashi-san will love the awesome-blossom cameo of Newton-tan, and if you haven't realized it already, the number of Apple-related OS-tans now outnumber the Windows ones in Zerosanity 2.0....!!! *cheers*  ^v^

And naturally, who'd forget my favorite pig girl!  ^-^
(w/ her brutish character and that tremendous age complex that'd make 95-tan sound like a teenager... ^v^')


Yay! A/UX-tan made an appearance :D

I second C-Chan's amazement with Freespire-tan ^_^