
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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Um Aurora,... is there any way I can look at those SVGs so I can see if I can read them?  (or Tsubashi-san if you want, since he uses it to)

I've still never come across that particular problem of unreadable files, so I'm wondering  if it's just a problem that affects the Mac version.  '___'

Plus the rest of the stuff you have to do strikes me as a little... extreme........ .
It is just like any other app, so what gives with the perpetual (and probably very costly) power consumption?  ^^;

Aurora Borealis

I'm not sure what the factor is that is causing Inkscape to sometime fark up on me like that. Not sure if the Mac version is a bit unstable or if it is because my Mac is kinda unstable in OSX!

The need to keep my computer running for days at a time has to do with my fear of files becoming unreadable when I quit Inkscape. Haven't had anything like that happen with any other program I have used. Things get stranger when my computer reaches a point where it can't multitask because the startup disk (ranges from 770 MB to 0 KB) gets full without using extra resources. But I get used to it after 2 years of dealing with this crazy computer I an using!

But I wonder if sending that SVG to one of you to see if you can read it would work.


I've had that error once, it was my second newton-chan pic. Though that was caused by a sudden disruption in the power grid ^^'

I don't know what's causing inkscape to run so heavily, I hardly ever have problems with it. Then again, I am running the developmental version...

But yeah, if you want to send the files, I have a few theories after poking through my other file


WOW....sorry about your problems...and I hope you can send those files to C-Chan or Tsubashi and they can read them...

If your worried about losing work, I'd suggest backing your image files up onto a CDR after you work on them. Then you could get peace of mind, and be able to shut the computer off.

Aurora Borealis

Don't have any CDR's but I do save and make backups every so often and have a new way of working on pages: row-by-row of panels, exporting bitmap version every time I get one or two rows of panels done. That way I should be able to give my computer a rest more often!

Page 4! By the looks of the title, it should be obvious what page 5 will be called! In this page, 5 characters get introduced! The System 1 and 2-tans are the first Mac-tans to appear (I guess Mac OS 9-tan counts too although appearing later in the page), OSX-kun is the first OS-kun to appear (there won't be many of them appearing though. I don't care for them except for Kyurou-kun, OSX-kun and Homeo) and The Smoking Gun-tan is the first website-tan to appear!

Oh, and progress on page 5 is good now! :D


I see you took some inspiration the "MS Bob The Builder" pic you drew some time back. It's nice to see some new characters, especially Macintosh System 1 and 2-tan! The Smoking Gun-tan seems like she could be pretty funny, too  ;010

QuoteOSX-kun is the first OS-kun to appear (there won't be many of them appearing though. I don't care for them except for Kyurou-kun, OSX-kun and Homeo)

I don't think the OS-kuns get enough recognition (here I am saying this and I haven't even done a drawing of one yet...*puts on to-draw list*)

I like Mac OS 9-kun (him and ME-tan are too cute together :D ), Homeo is sort of interesting in an sad-crossdressing-and-creepy-semi-incestuous-relationship-kinda way. Importantly, though, he is the OS-kun for my OS, lol. My favorite OS-kun is 2k-kun I guess...

I hope your computer can get a good night's sleep ;)


*huff puff*

Finally got to this...  ^^;

Wow!  Talk about draft revisions!  ^v^
Whereas before it was mostly about their swirly run, now you've taken the opportunity to:

A)  Embellish on Inu-T's TV viewing.

B)  Introduce more of your original characters

C)  Introduce Sonata-sama!!!!!!!!!  [surprisingly absent from the original]  ^V^

D)  oh yeah, and a small nod to the Mac Manga.  -v-

BTW, just a friendly reminder that we need to get your Inkscape fixed, cause what you're having ain't normal now....  ^___^;



Smoking Gun-tan LOL!

I'm just happy finally you introduce Sonata-chan in there ^_^

Aurora Borealis

I too am surprised that Sonata hasn't appeared at all in the old version! Well, she would have appeared around page 45 at the soonest but I didn't get that far.

I first started drawing zerOSanity on February 1st 2006 and since I was fairly new to the OS-tans, I obviously haven't made very many new characters but in this new version, I'm going over the old stuff and adding in new stuff, whether it be new events or characters that haven't appeared in the old version!

And The Smoking Gun-tan oughta be an interesting character. She's a friend of Fark-tan's, is an attourney that will take nearly any case, is most fond of the asinine kinds of cases, specializes in declassifying files and always has a folder full of evidence for any case! Most characters are scared of her, knowing that she can use nearly anything someone says or does against them! She saw what you did there!

Almost done with page 5! Right now I'm doing the final stuff like adding backgrounds and such in Photoshop so working on it in Inkscape was a success this time! Hope to get it up tomorrow!


Why do I get the feeling that Aurora-san would be perfectly happy driving a Volkswagen Beetle with a torn muffler trailing behind it....?  ^^;

*long siiiiiiiiiigh*

Very well, don't say i don't try to help ya with your vanishing files.  -v-;
Carry on and hope to see page 5 soon.  ^.^

Aurora Borealis

I didn't send the file because I didn't want to seem like a bother to anyone and I'm actually kinda too shy to send it -^^-; (and I thought I was having a bad artist's day, pencil sketch not as good as usual)

But the torn muffler analogy is another story as having a torn muffler  is a REALLY big deal and I'd HAVE to consult someone to get it fixed!


Ano.......  Aurora-san....... ^^;
Losing 3 hours worth of work and keeping your computer on for 5 days straight to prevent data loss on a program that is generally quite cooperative on everyone else's computer is also a big deal.  ^______^;

Besides, you should've told me about it earlier,... after you said everything was working fine 3 months ago and didn't post anything but glorious artwork ever since, I thought things were finally honky dory.  -v-

Aurora Borealis

Inkscape screwing up on me doesn't happen often but when it does happen, it's usually during the worst time possible!- When I'm almost done with something and when I have let my guard down and haven't saved any backups -_-

Luckily the way I work on stuff now will minimize loss if that does happen again.


QuoteI didn't send the file because I didn't want to seem like a bother to anyone

Aurora-sama, being a bother is what I do. I contribute little and just take up post space. In contrast, you brighten our forum with your creative drawings and sunny, cheerful disposition, not to mention your boundless amiability and unassuming nature! ^-^

Believe me when I say you deserve to impose tasks on me. If there is anything, even the slightest task I may assist you with, do not hesitate to ask. Okay? ^____^

Though I can understand feeling shy. I doubt I would ever show someone my hand sketched little grey blobs (Since that's pretty much what they all turn out as ^^') Though I can't image why you're shy. I'd bet even your worst sketches are masterpieces in their own right!
