
Started by Aurora Borealis, September 09, 2006, 11:22:18 PM

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OMG that was amazingly hilarious, and the non-stop facefaulting is priceless in these particular chapters!!!  ^___^


YAAAAAAAAAY!!!  The Diminutive One appeared finally!!!!!  ^v^


Thanks, Ms Borealis, for these two new pages.  They're fun!  All of zerOSanity is fun, actually:  insane but fun (like some people I've known).


By the way, have the pages become smaller since you've quit posting them to Kattlanna-chan on deviantART?  (My old eyes seem to think the pages have gotten smaller lately.)  If your answer is "No!" I'll begin worrying, but not before.



Aurora Borealis

That's right! DSL-tan has appeared! :D

As to the pages getting smaller, I'm not sure myself. Photobucket may be resizing pictures when I submit them. But if so, DARN YOU, PHOTOBUCKET! >__< But if not, I guess it is just a coincedence pictures are getting smaller. Hmm...


photobucket does resize their images. Before they didn't, but if it's a big file, they'll automatically resize.  I use for my image hosting needs.  They don't resize, but there's a maximum number of 500 images you can upload.


i just realized that has a 2.5 mb file size limit, but most images are well under that limit so you should be fine.  If I recall correctly, photobucket's size limit is 1Mb or 800x600 o_o

Aurora Borealis

I hope this is allowed, bumping my thread even though it has been dead for a little over three months but...

Hey everyone! Remember back when I was drawing an OS-tan fancomic? I'm starting over, all the way back to square one, or should I say page one? But hopefully doing this remake will be for the better!

Without further ado, I presenteth to thee... The new zerOSanity!


Yay Aurora-sama! It's been awhile seen I've seen ZerOSanity, and it look even better now! Great job!

Added after 51 seconds:

Oh, and I'm sure it's fine to bump this thread, especially since it directly relates to the topic ^__^


Nice! I especially like ME-tan, she's very cute! ;010 I also have to say I appreciate your patience and effort, in redoing the entire comic...I'd never have the time or attention span to redo 20-some pages XD

Aurora Borealis

Thank you! I never thought I'd have the patience or attention span to do this!

I was reluctant to completely redo everything because at the time I was considering that, I was about to finish page 30, had substantial progress on p.31-34 (which were drawn in Inkscape, as opposed to p.30 and below being digitally drawn in Photoshop) and my drawing has improved considerably since the first few pages and I was originally just going to touch up on those but that turned out to be more difficult than I thought so I decided to do my last resort plan of completely starting over!


Needs more 3.1sama, always.  

But other then that, awsome.  BTW, it just occured to me what your style most reminds me of.

power puff girls.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


It's hard to believe, but the new style is even better than the old style! Also, there are some new tiny parts to spice things up! A-W-E-S-O-M-E !


This is a little bit off topic but i found out something interesting (for myself) ^^

Your making here a true funny OS-tan comic !
and i'm (going to) making a totally different/opposite ! ^^"

and it is cool to see how the other people going to make comics too !  XD

(that make me feel like to have a head-on-head-race) XD
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!


Can you maybe use a bigger font so even visually impaired penguins can read the small text?

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Kami-Tux: is that sleep-deprivation or over-caffeination talking again?  Remember, positives first....  T__T

Thurosis:  don't forget that Aurora-san has been making comics for ages now, so "going" isn't applicable.  She's drawn some and then some.... -.-

Everyone else except Aurora:  Thank you for the good reception.  ^__^
Usually I'm first on the scene, but I've been,... out of it recently.... -v-

Aurora:  Beautiful work on your revised first pages.  ^^
Not just in the artwork, which although I did like in the original is certainly crisp and vibrant here, but also in the writing.  I especially like that you were able to go back and redo or add more humor so that it's a particular treat to reread.  ^__^
(I do have one thing to point out, but I'll PM you about that -- should be an easy fix in Inkscape.)

My two favorite scenes:

1)  ME-tan crashing (literally)

2)  Inu-T,... again, don't know why, but the way you drew her was mind-numbingly cute and funny as is.  ^.^


NO NO NO C-Chan!

the "going to" wasn't referenced to Aurora Borealis! I meant that more generally! to everyone (like you said in your post) !

I already notice that Aurora joined/draw longer than i've (saw the upload day of the pics) ^^

but may i ask C-Chan, why are you " out of it recently"? Are busy caused by the university (where are you at)?
~Everything is learnable!~
It comes only on it, how much strives and time you put into it.
And there arn\'t better or worse for us artist only different!
All Artists have their own individually styles and all drawings have their own good sides!