Post your desktop

Started by Q4(V), March 20, 2006, 11:30:49 AM

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another one for the context thread?
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charade over, it felt dirty after awhile.



Cute background. ^^

I liked the one you had on your computer when I was there too. *w*


@stew: n'awww. ^^
@kriz: cooo-oool~~
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It's time once more for the usual monthly wallpaper change; mainly focusing on Asagi and Fuuka this time

Because I felt like it, I dug up the Konata Bliss wallpaper. I haven't used it in a long time, so why not?

As for Fuuka, I decided to use one I found during my epic quest for wallpapers this afternoon. What's not to love about a figurine of Hatsune Miku standing in a field holding a leek?


both are made of epic, man. i'd love to replace the standard 'bliss' on someone's computer with that (if only there was a way to do it to all my high school's computers at once!! ;^; ). and miku sure seems focused on that dandelion! xD
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Out of boredom, I was tinkering with the Windows XP setup I have on Virtualbox on Fuuka; getting this result from swapping out Windows Explorer with the NT 3.51 Program Manager:

It's like a mix of 3.11 and 2000...


i can't post my desktop cause i can't upload the file anywhere and it's too big to be attached to this post ;^;
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That's what happened to me a few weeks ago.



Vista is a ninja. That's how she got there without you realizing it



@stew: that background is epic. i saw a kimono just like that on a site once and i wanted it so bad but it was around 80 bucks. :[
(it was similar to this one, only sans fishnets and with combat boots. :\ )
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Quote from: Bella on August 12, 2011, 11:10:42 PM


I like that Vista, apart from the massive tits.
Red_Machine: Flouting the Windows Lifecycle Policy since 1989!


i like the pic somewhat, but i've always found that incarnation of vista to be overly slutty. :\ (perky tits? really?? =__=;; )

EDIT: i finally got it to work!
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