Post your desktop

Started by Q4(V), March 20, 2006, 11:30:49 AM

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Oh you kids and your Macintosh computers!


why is it that when i try to get it back on topic, no one listens? :\ am i becoming online what i am in real life?

either way, nice new background pentium :3
click to make it bigger


Of course not.

How does one parody 'A Master is Out'?  Also: what does that spider web measure?


the portal measures cpu activity. :3

as for "a master is out", just look up the meme, and throw in my comic characters. xD
click to make it bigger


Quote from: stewartsage on July 05, 2011, 09:06:39 PM
Oh you kids and your Macintosh computers!


Snoooow Leopaaaard~


Nice wallpaper, although I have two quick questions:

- How did you change the icon for the Finder?
- How did you get the weather widget placed outside the dashboard?


Quote from: PentiumMMX on July 06, 2011, 04:15:37 PM
Nice wallpaper, although I have two quick questions:

- How did you change the icon for the Finder?
- How did you get the weather widget placed outside the dashboard?

Thanks, I made it. ^^

As for your questions:

-For changing out system icons, I use a program called LiteIcon

You just install it, and drag 'n drop the custom icons you want to use into it. Then you have to click the "clear system cache" button and restart Finder (and in the rare cases that doesn't work, a reboot will make things work).

-Getting the Dashboard widgets onto the desktop is simple too, the instructions are here


I couldn't get LiteIcon to work (The DMG was apparently corrupt), although being able to move widgets between the desktop and dashboard is quite useful

Also, because I felt like it, I decided to switch the wallpaper on Asagi to something that makes me think...with Portals:

Then, there's my wallpaper I have set on Windows 2000 in Virtualbox, on my Mac Mini:


@pentium: i've always loved that 2k wallpaper. ^^
also, on the first day of AB this past year, me and my friends spotted an aperture labs advertisement on the college bulletin board. :3

click to make it bigger



click to make it bigger

Dr. Kraus

I understand!

Left to Right:
Germany (Kaiser Wilhelm), Nazi Germany, East Germany (Soviet Union annex), West Germany (Democracy) 

I've got a bunch of pictures in the shuffle for my background, this just happens to be the one it cycled to


Right!  Now note the body language of the different Germanies...

Dr. Kraus

Wilhelm Germany looks strong and marching toward a stronger future (sadly that didn't happen)
Nazi Germany looks strong but dim witted (Germans didn't really think during 1939-1945 about what was wrong with the government)
Communist East Germany looks to be very serious and harsh (The East German's had it bad when the Soviets had them, no color on the buildings makes that part of Berlin look very sad...)
West Germany seems to be worried or un-easy (probably because Communism is so close to them)


I'd say its more that Nazi Germany feels uncertain but is being lead along the path to the future by her failed sister, in turn she leads the hesitant DDR in an oversized uniform along behind while she ignores her big sis and points towards the viewer.  In turn, West Germany has completely broken hands with her sisters and while her uniform doesn't fit either she's at least got the proper bearing plus she has turned completely away from the totalitarian path.