Post your desktop

Started by Q4(V), March 20, 2006, 11:30:49 AM

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And now, for a change, something completely related!

Freshly grabbed from :D. Vis-tan is so much win.

I'm trying to keep this as clean as possible, but I can't bring it to the level of Von Daab Desktop >_>
And I should start deleting/making a backup of useless files. Just 6 GB out of 120 GB of HDD remaining <_<




*sniff sniff*


*guttural growl*  

*sniff sniff sniff snifffffffffffffff*

*raptor burp*

Hmmmmmmmmm.... my piggy senses detect a Windows XP with a Vista theme and widgets..... TvT

I shall withhold my *ROTFLOL* for 48 hours pending any proof that no apparent cop-out took place.  -v-




I knew it!  Vista didn't work out so you went craaaaaaaaawling back to the safety of XP-tan's bosom!  ^-^

*nods approvingly several times*

Mmmmmm mmmm.... I knew it.  -v-


Really? How can you tell? Windows all 'smell' the same to me. Sorta like werewolves, their sent is too strong to tell them apart! ^.^

Anyways, back on topic...

Great Job on the Pic, Senpai, I just absolutely love it!
Though the new copy of XFree86 I tweaked doesn't show it on the second desktop. Maybe I could fanagle that one too? ^^'

I still think my beats the default one ^v^

Added after 1 minutes:

Oops, sorry for the huge pics at first, I forgot that my resolution is a lot higher than most (1920 x 1440) ^^'


Quote from: "C-Chan"BWAHAHAHA!!!!!  ^V^

I knew it!  Vista didn't work out so you went craaaaaaaaawling back to the safety of XP-tan's bosom!  ^-^

*nods approvingly several times*

Mmmmmm mmmm.... I knew it.  -v-

um, no...that's still my beloved Vista...

Aside insanity, I can't think of anything that could have made you imagine such an hilariously impossible scenario...

And while your insane thoughts are insulting, they can give me some  strange ideas...


Quoteum, no...that's still my beloved Vista...

Aside insanity, I can't think of anything that could have made you imagine such an hilariously impossible scenario...

Hmmmm.... *sniff sniff*

*compares suspected picture with available police evidence....*


Well I was just about to unleash a major can of RTOL since the two look identical enough.  However, it occurred to me that the XP's circular Windows logo does not bulge out the same was as in the suspected picture, increasing the probability that it's a legitimate Vista to within 55%.  Barely passing,... but adequate.

Very well, you're off the hook for now citizen.  -v-
But keep in mind,... *does hoof gesture* ... I'll - be - watching - you.   `v'

QuoteAnd while your insane thoughts are insulting, they can give me some strange ideas...

Well yeah, there designed to do that.  `v'
Keep in mind that C-chan knows how to put 2 and 2 together, and realized very quickly that the more often he makes fun of the Darknight, the more artwork the Darknight produces, and more importantly, the FASTER he finishes it.  So the C-chan has since developed a genius plan to seed this super inspiration -- via a targeted pissage method -- to the Darknight whenever a lull is in effect.

Hence,... as they say,... the proof is in the pudding.  -v-

*puts C-chan seal of approval on Vistacized XP*

No need to thank the C-chan for His marvelous foresightedness.  ^^
Just keep drawing more and more and more,.... until you're backed up into a corner and have NO CHOICE but to draw Tiger-sama.  -v-


Jumping back at the topic on hand, Bella-san and I were recently discussing possibilities for an IRIX-tan.  So how's about I just demonstrate to everybody how this formally-cutting edge system looked (looks?) like.....


Quote from: "Sempai"

Hmmmm.... *sniff sniff*

*compares suspected picture with available police evidence....*


Well I was just about to unleash a major can of RTOL since the two look identical enough. However, it occurred to me that the XP's circular Windows logo does not bulge out the same was as in the suspected picture, increasing the probability that it's a legitimate Vista to within 55%. Barely passing,... but adequate.

Very well, you're off the hook for now citizen. -v-
But keep in mind,... *does hoof gesture* ... I'll - be - watching - you. `v'

I still can't believe you missed that huge "Windows XP Professional" Build thingy...-L-


Hi Darknight_88, Can you tellme where do you get that wallpapers? looks cool

Or If you can send in a PM I'll thank you very much!!
N.D.R.P. Estudios


From =P

Original version, in case the thread on dies and someone is interested later in this:


*sitting in meditation pose*

*stares at Aero and Aqua*

Oh, such shiny, modern looking GUIs! Yet, I have found an inner, zen-like serenity though the ancient art of Windows Classic :D


(and just so y'all know, I'm just kidding around. Aero and Aqua are fine)

QuoteJumping back at the topic on hand, Bella-san and I were recently discussing possibilities for an IRIX-tan. So how's about I just demonstrate to everybody how this formally-cutting edge system looked (looks?) like.....


Oh yeah, I can see an IRIX-tan getting in a row with a Linux-tan over who has the better looks XD


QuoteI still can't believe you missed that huge "Windows XP Professional" Build thingy...-L-

Ohhhh,... I was young and foolish then.... ^^
As you can see, though, I've fought day in and day out, validating all Vista machines, to redeem myself for that little bit instance of brain flatulence.  -v-;

QuoteOh, such shiny, modern looking GUIs! Yet, I have found an inner, zen-like serenity though the ancient art of Windows Classic

I'm game with the Classic look!   ^v^
That's a very neat wallpaper, btw.  ^.^


Oh yeah, I can see an IRIX-tan getting in a row with a Linux-tan over who has the better looks XD

Whoooooooops!  ^v^
The sarcasm is dripping!  Let me go fetch the pan.  ^.^

*dashes off*


QuoteWhoooooooops! ^v^
The sarcasm is dripping! Let me go fetch the pan. ^.^

*dashes off*

That was probably the one time that day I wasn't being sarcastic XD


to celebrate my Linux rank!


My first post in the forum here is my current Desktop on my Home Computer Ill post my laptop later on.  All my desktop wallpapers can be given without icons upon request