Post your desktop

Started by Q4(V), March 20, 2006, 11:30:49 AM

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The "Come See me Tonight" Folder could be assumed as night-time related school work, like moon watching...god those long hours how standing outside for a few minutes, and draw the position of the moon for science...and now I have chemistry!!

Or maybe it refers to come see me as the computer...why would I want to see the computer, I'm looking at it right now?

Maybe I need to see myself, as in realize that my raging paranoia is just a stupid fear that there might be someone outthere who looks like me (aka my good twin) who will kill me in a Highlander-like fashion, and scream, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!".

Well hopefully it is just the moon work as I'd hate it to be --
Thundercracks in the background and someone screams out, "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!"


Interesting rendering of XP-tan! Very nice desktop! Well done, laddie! You're the man now, dawg!


MisterCat:  Awesome, but I should note that BWP is fairly hit-or-miss.  -v-'
Certainly isn't the same watching it twice.

Ultimaninja:  *bends over to get better POV*
So,....... "less" ecchi, eh?  `v'
Fufufu.... -v-'

NewYinzer:  SUGOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^
NewYinzer, you're coolness has just shot up 20x fold!  ^V^
Not that I have anything against RedHat, mind you, but love Commodore for obvious reasons.... -v-

Anyway, time for another iteration of "GUESS THAT DESKTOP"!!  ^V^

A little tribute to the 'Yinzer's new avi!  ^___^


.................Dagnammit!  No one's fed this poor, starving thread when I was away!!!  >_<

Fine then, I'll feed it some good nutritious alternative OSes, and not that Windows junk food.  ^__^

I know I posted this before, but technically speaking this is now one of my actual OSes:  ^v^

Well okay, just the DEMO Live CD,... the actual retails for $269 USD....

But hey, at least it's a start.  ^__^

Has a dated look, but that might change with Ver. 2.0!  ^v^


That's a fascinating array of desktop stuff there, C-Chan!  I love the interesting-
looking graph in the lower left corner.  I want some kind of graph like that on my
desktop, regardless of what it's recording.


Anyway, here's my desktop as of tonight:

Click on the image to download a larger copy.

Indeed, it's a photograph of a Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia).  If you'd like a copy
of just the photograph, click here.




(I'd figure you'd stick to a cat theme eventually.  ^___^)

Fufufu... well actually, that particular screencap isn't from my Demo CD (as much as I'd like to, I don't speak Russian.... ;__;)
But when the day comes that I obtain the OS, then you can be sure I'll post something like it!  ^v^

If you want a CPU graph on your toolbar, eComStation's is cool but my Xubuntu Linux has one just like it and it's free.  ^___^

If, on the other hand, you want the power and prowess of a modern, multi-threaded OS/2-clone (and have $269USD to spare), then by all means join us.  ^__^

Retake the style of computing that Windows stole from us, but will be ours again once more.  ^.^

(BTW, look up "OS/2" in Wikipedia to read a little of what I'm talking about.  Then maybe you'll understand OS/2-tan's pain.  -___-)


Thanks for that information, C-Chan.  I couldn't find anything about a C.P.U. graph,
on that site you linked; and I can't imagine when I'll have a few hundred dollars to
spend all at once, apart from the monthly rent!




I'll just bow to the fact that it's a MAC!!!  ^v^

But yeah, the anime looks cute.  ^.^



Here is my wallpaper... XP of course. I use only a few icons to see it better 8) One note: "Raktár" is for various shortcuts to reach everything easier.

[attachment deleted by admin]


never seen that one before... kudos!
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WAI!!!!  Help feed the desktop thread!!!  ^v^




you rock so much Mister Cat!!!!! >_<


Yo XP #22.  ^__^
Haven't seen you in a while.  ^.^
Then again,... haven't been around myself during your active schedule.... Ã,¬vÃ,¬'