Post your desktop

Started by Q4(V), March 20, 2006, 11:30:49 AM

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Death Valley National Park, California, U.S.A.




*sniff sniff*  Nice, but it's still on Windows....  ;__;

*stares at beautiful Mac-tan pics for consolation*

*then trots off to mope somewhere*


C-Chan, please don't be sad.   Tell you what:  If and when I come into some real money, I'll run right out and buy an Apple computing system!


Anyway, I'm glad you appreciate the Mac-tan images!  She's doing the Bomb Dance there in my signature block, as you can see.



Aurora Borealis

Nice new avatar and signature, MisterCat! They're Mac-tastic! ;010


*sniff sniff*

Thank you.... -v-


*rubs foot on dirt*

Would it be possible....


...too go buy an AmigaOne instead?  ^____^;


Thank you, Aurora!  I've always been a pushover for cute girls carrying bombs.


C-Chan, let's take this one step at a time!  When the money rolls in, thanks to some unforeseen event presently over the horizon, I shall consult you on the matter of which computing system would be happiest here.




Quote from: "95Direct"Here is mines:

Note, I am running Windowblinds, Iconpackager, DesktopX,  ObjectDock, and CursorXP from StarDock and Yahoo Wigets (Formaly known as Konfabulator).

You sir, have a great taste when it comes to chosing wallpapers.


Mmmm-hmmmm,... tastes....  -v-'

Anyways, big change of plans.  ^^'

I'm switching to a different Linux distros with less bloat and a cuter logo.
SUSE turns out not to be very kind to my junk computer's 6GB hard drive, but this should do the trick.... -v-

That way, I'll get an excuse to create a Xubuntu-tan.  ^___^

C-Chan added the following  9 hours 26 minutes after last message :


And a quick word about Xubunut,... "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!!"  ^V^

Dear GAWD, this OS is awesome!  ^___^
Extremely fast, efficient, light footprint, easy barebones installation, cute logo,....
the Ubuntu download server is fantastic and eliminates the need for me to scavenge the net for RPM files.  ^__^
And the programs offered actually work, and are automatically accompanied by their dependencies,... actually managed to watch a streaming ASF file from the get-go with VLC player.  ^v^

Inkscape works flawlessly too, if not faster,...


XUBUNTU ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^


Oh yeah, here's my new desktop....  ^__^


Ph34r my n33d f0r XUBUNTU!!!  `v'

Anyway, cool linux distros pics aside, time for anther round of Name That Desktop!!!  ^V^

This one's a no-brainer....  ^__^
Get this wrong, and I'll laugh in your face ad nauseum....  `v'


I'm sorry, C-Chan, but I've no clue as to the identities of those desktops whose
images you've posted.  How many operating systems do you have, by the way?


Anyway, moving right along....

Etna says:

'Have a happy Samhain!'

She knows all about those kinds of things, or so I'm told.  One is never too old to learn....




D'oh!  >_<

Worst part is that I can't laugh in your face when you have that adorable Etna  staring at me....  ^^'

Oh well, I'll just give you two hints:

1)  Aurora drew her a lot.


2)  The picture has QNX written all over it.  ^^;

Total number of operating systems currently in use are 4, or 5 when I get a Mac and 6 when I try out AROS.  ^^'

Don't blame me, blame the OS-tans for rekindling the ol' spark....  ^v^'


Ok, well today is the last day of my wallpaper
...if you forgot it, check past posts...

November will be less eechi...

December will be my own made Wallpaper, so be ready!


Is anybody game for a nice walk in the woods at midnight?

Don't go getting the wrong idea!  I'll be the perfect gentleman.





Rather partial to the Day of the Dead myself.... ^___^'

BTW, somehow I get the impression that you liked the Blair Witch Project when it first came out.  ^^;

Resident Ninja,... less ecchi is always nice.  ^^


As it happens, C-Chan, I've not yet screened that Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sánchez 1999 film The Blair Witch Project.  I'd like to, but so far the opportunity ââ,¬â€ which has presented itself ââ,¬â€ seems to have slipped away.


I know, I need to get out more!  Well, whenever I'm next at the video-rental shop I'll hopefully remember to snag that film:  It's one of many, which I remember only when I've returned home from said shop.

