Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Sorry for taking so long to get to this picture.  ;___;

You're full-sized artwork is always very beautiful, so I can't help but think I'm running out of compliments.  ^__^;

Leopard-tan looks great, but I adore the way you did Mactel-tan.  Her face and hair layout is the epitomy of cuteness.  ^__^

Very nice contrast between ancient and futuristic backgrounds.  ^___^


Quote from: Aurora BorealisTook a while to complete but here's that Leopard-tan & OS X Intel Version-tan picture! Originally drawing this on paper, this was my third try at this picture (Had a bad artist day! Well, it took a lot longer to draw as well as I normally do) but tracing and whatnot on the computer wasn't too hard except for the background! Also, OS X Intel Version-tan had some changes to her outfit.

EDIT: Also I'm almost done with p.21 of ZS!

Nicely done on 10.5 or Leopard-tan's waistbelt...I wish other artist would really use your rendition of your X.5  ;001

About the OSX Intel version, dont youn mean "intel-based mac". Anyway...I like on her boots and her new skirt  ;001.


Wow...great rendering! As for political correctness, I wouldn't worry too much. Just follow your best judgment and don't worry. As for Mactel-tan, I like the concept! Now if only Apple would make their computers cheaper...


OS6-chan: Cool
MS BOB-chan:  Cuter
BBSpot-chan: mischievous, so that means I like her.  -v-

Gahahaha!!  ^v^

As far as requests go, hmm,...


I know you once expressed interest in drawing a certain "multi-threaded" character, but I'll leave that up to you.  -v-

In the meantime, how about a Darwin-tan?
Since you already did a NeXTSTEP and Rhapsody, you might as well add the legendary "missing link", eh?  ^___^

Aurora Borealis

Multi-threaded character... OS/2 Warp-tan, right? (I was thinking about giving her an appearance in chapter 3 of ZS, incorporating some Star Trek references!) I know she can multi-thread but what exactly is multi-threading? But if my guess and memory are wrong, feel free to smack me upside the head as I only have the mental capabilities of a half-eaten peanut (not literally but I like that phrase! :D )

and sadly my mind is drawing a blank for a Darwin-tan ;__; And wasn't the "missing link" some sort of prehistoric being? I can't remember for sure because Wikipedia isn't helping me out here. Getting some completely different results.


Multi-threading is just the ability to process various commands simultaneously.  May sound like this should be an inherit feature, but in fact most OSes only pretend to multithread (often doing a damn good job of it).  

With OS/2-tan, she can "multi-thread" with all those ponytails she has, a lot like a Dr. Octopus (so to speak).  ^__^

Quotend sadly my mind is drawing a blank for a Darwin-tan ;__; And wasn't the "missing link" some sort of prehistoric being? I can't remember for sure because Wikipedia isn't helping me out here. Getting some completely different results.

Oh yeah, don't worry about the missing link reference.  It generally stands for any creature filling an evolutionary link.  In Darwin's case, the OS that bridged the Unix-like NeXTSTEP with the Unix-based Mac OSX.  ^^

Honestly drawing a blank as well, so that's why I figured I'd at least put the idea on the table for later use.  ^___^;

Aurora Borealis

Hmm... The "Missing Link" idea sounds good but I could picture Darwin-tan looking somewhat like a fusion between NeXTSTEP-tan's appearance and OS X-tan's appearance yet with a couple different features. But if that's so, I just need to think of the right combo.

EDIT: Cool! In my timezone, I posted this exactly at midnight!


Got one of your requests fulfilled so far, C-Chan! Here's OS/2 Warp-tan! Reading top secret files for the A$C and prepared to fire a phaser gun at the nearest chump who tries to read her files! :D

*gets shot at*


*runs away screaming*



Now I'm really sorry I haven't stopped by here in a while (had to do stuff and watch certain "Rozen" things).


Not only does she exhibit your usual trademark chibi cuteness, but you also successfully incorporated SleepyD's "multiasking" feature as well as Darknight's loose hair model.  ^___^

She looks ready and willing to kick some Windows butt,... or at least barbecue them a little with the phaser....
*evil chuckle*  Fufufu...! ^.^

I had almost forgotten that my preconcept chibi design had white hair in the front as well, as well as glasses.  These two are actually mean to be recent features for her, as she's of course aged a bit since 1987 (and not too well, thanks to all that stress... ^^').
In contrast, Darknight's strikes me as how she'd look like in her prime, when she was duking it out with 95-tan for OS supremacy (and almost winning, if not for IBM,...).

Thank you again, Aurora-sama, for bringing her to life by your hand. Feel free to have her cameo in your work elsewhere if you're still interested.  ^___^

BTW, with you that now makes FIVE artists, which means I've seriously gotta start considering an OS/2 Wiki avi.  -v-

This calls for a much needed promotion.  ^__^

C-Chan's Coolest Forum-Goer Chart

1st place - Aurora-sama
2nd place - everybody else
3rd place - forum lurkers


Hmm...OS/2-tan looks good! This deserves my much-coveted:


(The "KAWAII TO THE MAX! Award" is a registered trademark of Leet Systems Incorporated. KTTMA is not meant to be taken internally. KTTMA is given to people who have made advances in the world of making the OS-tans cuter. If KTTMA begins smoking, seek shelter and cover head. Do not taunt KTTMA)


QuoteMy OS-tan thread lives again! Thanks for the comments, C-Chan and NewYinzer, complimenting my latest work and getting the thread alive again!

Well, kinda hard not to do when you're, like, drawing my OS-tans and all.  ^^'

BTW, in the current pic I'm working on, I'll be featuring QNX-chan....

Sort of....

Fufufufu... Well, you'll see later what I mean.  ^____^

QuoteI've also thought of 2 more ideas for Darwin OS-tan:

So I've decided on her appearance sorta being a NeXTSTEP-tan + OS X-tan combo but with some variations (kinda like how System 5-tan was supposed to be a System 4-tan + System 6-tan combo. Okay so that attempt may not have been that good but I still like how she turned out as the Phantom of the Macintosh girl!)

*clears throat*
Yep yep yep,.. *exhales* ...I'm glad I've had such a positive influence in the decision making process.  -v-

I still picture her more as the girl from Fruits Basket, only occasionally playing the organ and scaring visitors to the Mac House out of their wits.  ^__^

Come to think of it, I've always wondered what kind of a chaos would an expanded Mac House be like....

The manga only had OS9, OSX (generic Mac), the OSX-kuns, Toshiaki and a few unidentified characters.  But throw in ALL your classic Macs + all the OSX cat girls + all the iPod-tans + OS9-kuns....

Dear GAWDS!!! My brain is smoldering just CONCEIVING of the idea!!  >0<

*douces head with water*

Quote*An explorer girl, likes animals and animal-people hybrids

*Or she could be a monkey girl (sorta inspired by Pudding from Tokyo Mew Mew)

and as for her outfit, I was thinking something either black and white or grey. (as NeXTSTEP-tan wears almost all black and OS X-tan wears all white)

Just checked out Pudding from TMM.

.........................Do it.

...Do it now.

Too cute.  ^___^

Black and white dress is okay.  She's a very simple OS at the moment (and is technically still "incomplete"), but like I said earlier there are a lot of users in the open source community ready to turn it into a full-fledged operating system.  ^__^

QuoteI'm also now about 60% done with the OS-tan X-mas special picture I've been working on! And because this is also supposed to be the time of the year for generosity, I may even give out a preview later! But the concept of the holidays is contradictory! Supposed to be generous and buy and give gifts to others but by doing that, we are fueling the businesses that get to be their greediest at this time and the holidays seem to be nothing more than greedy consumerism, but I'm not complaining! I've gotten a Gameboy Advance, 2 iPods (a refurbished 3G in 2004 and a brand new 5G last year), a GameCube, and probably some other cool, expensive stuff in a 3-christmas period!

Hehe... Well you know the drive towards more and more consumerism starts with you. ^^'
Granted it's hard to reverse the course when so many people have bought you so many expensive things, but the first step towards derailing the chaotic spiral of over-consumption is to have all parties agree not to spend so damn much money.  ^^;
Next step is to inject more tradition into these holidays,... that is, genuine tradition and not the prepackaged stuff that's been around for only a few decades but feels like forever.  -v-'
Easier said than done in non-Latin American countries, I suppose.... Ã,¬vÃ,¬'

Well okay, a better rule of thumb is to just make sure you make the holidays fun and SAFE for your friends and family.  Tell them not to get themselves killed buyin ga PS3, or paying $500 for a Wii console that's only worth $250.  -v-;


Aurora, that's an excellent group picture!  Thank you for sharing it with us.  What a bunch of characters!


Until I read your description, however, I thought maybe my buddy XP-tan was drunk and absentmindedly sucking on an empty beer bong.  Party down, XP-girl!  

Well, I like egg nog too; so XP 'n' me will have that much more in common to discuss at the Annual Transcendental OS-girls Mystical Interface Convention (ATOMIC) at Antananarivo* in January.  Maybe we'll join MacOS-tan and go throw bombs at unoccupied motor vehicles out in the convention-center parking lot, like we did during the 2004 ATOMIC at Ardley Island**.  (It's fun hanging out with a crazy bomb-throwing gal, as long as there are at least two avenues of escape at any given moment.)


*Capital city of Madagascar.
**South Shetland archipelago, Antarctica



Ohh, it's early Christmas! ^o^

Wonderful picture; I first wondered a while about why the 'shiny metal cube' had made NeXTSTEP and OSX so happy, but I guess I understand after reading your explanation. :D


Yo Aurora!  ^___^

Have to jet for a bit but I'll be back.  -v-

I know you drew something awesome, so don't mind me if you don't hear my tidal wave of praise and 'Sugoiness' soon.  ^^'

See ya in a bit!  ^v^

*zips away*


*slips in*

Great rendering, Aurora! This deserves my:


Anyway, it's been a long day. I better get some sleep before I start ranting. One last thing - Anyone interested in a trip to North Korea?

See yinz later!

*Runs off to watch Azumanga Daioh*