Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Great Fark-tan! Ironically, there is a Farkman:
(Warning: Contains Foul Dialogue and Sexual References. But what would you expect out of David C. Lovelace?)

Aurora Borealis

Didn't know there's a Farkman. But that's okay because Farkman is awesome! :D

And this was one of the pictures I drew during study hall today! Still has a couple lines that should have been erased but there will be a photoshopped, colored version soon! Decided to use the 'standard' rendition of XP-tan for this one.

More like "WHERE'S THE BEEF BOWL?!" :D


Nice job!
C-Chan would be shamed that you joined the XP-fandom!
I'm ashamed that I can't draw actual people as well as most of you...oh well
*runs to go play some games*

Aurora Borealis

XP-tan isn't one of my favorite OS-tans, but I've started to like her though. (and couldn't resist drawing this! ^^)


Aurora, that's a very nice rendering of XP-tan!  I can relate to her attitude in that drawing, as today is pay day and I was rushing about like a madman buying groceries.


Eating is fun and it's good for you, too!  Anyway, I continue to be impressed by the wonderful personalities which infuse your OS-tan artwork.




Very nice rendering, Aurora! Hehe...Where's the Beef? Just like the old lady...


Why have we all started calling people's drawings renderings? It seems to have happened all of a sudden, and we can't stop for some reason!

Aurora Borealis

Yup! That's the reference! Some old lady shouted "WHERE'S THE BEEF?!" but I don't know where it is exactly from though.


Aurora Borealis

Quote from: MisterCatAurora, that's a very nice rendering of XP-tan!  I can relate to her attitude in that drawing, as today is pay day and I was rushing about like a madman buying groceries.


Eating is fun and it's good for you, too!  Anyway, I continue to be impressed by the wonderful personalities which infuse your OS-tan artwork.



Eating can be fun! especially when it is candy! Why, I still have a good amount of halloween candy left! It's been a very good year for me to go trick-or-treating! Mmmmm... candy!

And here's the XP-tan picture in color! :D

Quote from: NewYinzerIt's from an old Wendy's commercial. More info can be found here:

Yay! Question answered! I've been wondering where that was from the past few days before drawing that picture!

Have a few new pictures in progress right now. Including a group picture of 3.1-tan and 3.2-tan!

Here's the pencil sketch of it! Well, besides 3.2-tan's dress being a bit too short, but no problem I can fix that in Photoshop!


It's more great artwork from Ms Borealis!  Yay!  Yeah, you're right:  Candy is a good thing.


Look!  DOS kitties!  How cool is that?  My cats haven't yet mastered DOS, but then neither has the operating system in my computer.  Apologies to the lovely ME-tan....



(P.S.  Don't let C-Chan know this but, speaking of eating, I ate some bacon yesterday and I'm about to eat more.)


*stares intently at MisterCat*  Ã,¬_Ã,¬

*cough cough cough*  Since pork is not good for cats, I do hope he actually means BEEF bacon.  Ã,¬.Ã,¬

Speaking of bacon, Aurora-sama.....
Your sketches of 3.1 and 3.2-sama are not only fantastic....!  ^V^

....But they can also help extend my life if you show those to the Captain!  ^.^

The drop-dead cuteness of the pic should distract him for at least 3 weeks,... PLENTY of time to draw the 2.0/3.11 combo.  ^____^

XP-chan is nicely rendered too.  ^.^

BTW, what did you go dressed up as?  'v'
An OS-tan, I hope....  -v-


QuoteHave a few new pictures in progress right now. Including a group picture of 3.1-tan and 3.2-tan!

I love you. @.@

and OMG doskitties! not one but two!  They look awsome too!  


(P.S. Don't let C-Chan know this but, speaking of eating, I ate some bacon yesterday and I'm about to eat more.)

Most exellent!  

Quote*stares intently at MisterCat* Ã,¬_Ã,¬

*cough cough cough* Since pork is not good for cats, I do hope he actually means BEEF bacon. Ã,¬.Ã,¬

sure it is, i feed it to DOS kitty all the time. thats why he/she looks so happys (is doskitty a girl or a boy?  I had always intended to make it a him for digicom... but I never really thought about it.  Since there is a catgirl dos-tan.. perhaps doskitty is a girl.  3.1sama hold her/him up and check!)

btw, it took the liberty of replacing your bedding with lettice and tomato, with a sour dough boxspring.  Hope you dont mind, feel free to got to bed and get comftrable  


QuoteSpeaking of bacon, Aurora-sama.....
Your sketches of 3.1 and 3.2-sama are not only fantastic....! ^V^

....But they can also help extend my life if you show those to the Captain! ^.^

The drop-dead cuteness of the pic should distract him for at least 3 weeks,... PLENTY of time to draw the 2.0/3.11 combo. ^____^

Im on to you!  Besides, I need to eat to keep up my strength to worship this picture more.   dun dun duuuuuuuh.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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i can't see the pics at school *goes to cry in the corner*  ;011


QuoteI went dressed as a random space alien overlord. Originally going to be a fashion victim but then when I put on a tinfoil hat (If I had a black suit and a red bowtie, I could have claimed to be Tinfoil hat-tan! ^^)

GAAAAAAAH!!!!  Opportunity missed!  ;^0^;

Quoteand alien atenna-thingies I decided to be an alien overlord!  

Meh,...  Well, as long as it fielded ample candy for you.....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬
But... Tinfoil Hat-tan..... *sniff*

QuoteToo bad I can't sew or anything like that because if I could I would have cosplayed as an OS-tan! (Most likely either OS X-tan/Generic Mac-tan or Tiger-tan because they're my favorite of the "official" OS-tans but too bad I couldn't have anyways because it was way too cold outside. Temperature was a <sarcasm> balmy 19 degrees fahrenheit! </sarcasm>)

Might sound strange coming from a male chauvinist pig, but technically-speaking I might have been able to come up with a costume for you.....  Ã,¬___Ã,¬
Granted I excel more at mache and cardboard manipulation, and only have less-than-average sowing skills, I've still managed to come up with very neat and memorable costumes (as well as pinatas).  ^__^

And warm ones too, to fight back the frigidness.  -v-
(A chibi OSX-tan might've done the trick.  ^___^)

QuoteI plan on getting p.20 of ZS up today even though I didn't have the attention span to finish 21 and maybe start posting the mini-character bios for the OS-tans I drew and/or the zerOSanity versions of OS-tans that have multiple renditions (i.e: Leopard-tan, OS 8-tan...)

Might be able to start updating that soon, so yeah I'll add in what I can in the Annex and you can provide additional details and/or corrections as needed.  ^___^

QuoteI love you. @.@

and OMG doskitties! not one but two! They look awsome too!

Hehe... Told you.  ^__^
Betcha, though, that he never saw Windows 3.2-chan until now.  ^v^

Quotesure it is, i feed it to DOS kitty all the time. thats why he/she looks so happys (is doskitty a girl or a boy? I had always intended to make it a him for digicom... but I never really thought about it. Since there is a catgirl dos-tan.. perhaps doskitty is a girl. 3.1sama hold her/him up and check!)

A) Betcha DOS Kitty has trichinosis! `v'


B) There's nothing there when you hold DOS kitty up, so it's likely a girl.  -v-
Besides, it's safer to assume that in case it does become true that she can turn into human form.  Ã,¬___Ã,¬

Quotebtw, it took the liberty of replacing your bedding with lettice and tomato, with a sour dough boxspring. Hope you dont mind, feel free to got to bed and get comftrable

Have you ever pondered the nutritional value of DOS cats?

QuoteIm on to you! Besides, I need to eat to keep up my strength to worship this picture more. dun dun duuuuuuuh.

All for that....  Ã,¯0Ã,¯

*writes down note to draw wrinkles on 3.11-sama*

Hmpf!  Ã,¯_Ã,¯

*turns back and storms off*

Quotei can't see the pics at school *goes to cry in the corner*  

Demand to your Principal that you get access to Photobucket pics!  ^0^
Otherwise, how else will you see my DR-DOS and QDOS pics?!  ^-^

Aurora Borealis

Here's that 3.1-tan + 3.2-tan picture in color! Enjoy! :D