Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Actually my desk is FAR from tidy! I had to clean it up to take pictures of it! ^^;

*notices 5 glass cups, dead bonsai tree, container of lip gloss, perfume bottle, box of Life Savers, water bottle, "Meet the Spartans" movie ticket stub...*


GAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!  I swear you're trying to get me to explode again!  @@;

Quote^It's been a while since C-Chan exploded! Need any help reassembling?

Suuuuure!  ^.^
Just make sure you have proper transport, cause a lot of my pieces have been propelled a lot farther than they should've....  ^^;

QuoteDSBSD-tan, finished!

And with background... I intended to add in a background involving DSBSD-tan on a tabletop with several objects on it for comparison to show how small she is, but I decided to make it quick and import a picture of my desk! But... uhh... Please disregard the pink iMac keyboard in the background!

OH GAWD, TOO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MUST,..... RESIST...... URGE...... TO........... EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!  ^___________________^;

No seriously, if I look at her one more time, I'll blow up!  Lesse.... -v-

*C-chan decides to turn attention to Aurora-hime's desk*

Oooh,... a glimpse of Aurora-hime's RL life.  ^.^


*stare*  T___T

Are you drinking Naive water?  

*squints*  T.T


Oh wait no,.... it's Evian.  ^____^

*examines "pink" iMac keyboard*

Looks purple to me,... matches quite well with your wand.  ^.^

*examines,.... unidentified monitor*

That's not a Mac.... O__o
Do you like have a Mac Mini hooked up to that LCD monitor?  ^___^

*examines pen holder*

That Lots-O-Pens appearance is a sign of a stalwart and studios person.  Very good, Aurora-hime.  ^___^

*carefully avoids making eye contact with,...... you-know-who.... and stares at blue pen*

Hmmmm,... that'd make a great frame of reference if you had,... like a very tiny person standing on your desk.  ^.^

*stares at--*


QuoteNot to mention your desk is much tidier than my own :P

Oh this I gotta see sometime.  ^___^

I don't have a desk per se,... if only because I use anything I can put my EeePC on as desk.  ^^;

QuoteFirst off, I love her hair! While she doesn't have horns, the ponytails more than make up for it! The expression on her face is very sprite-like and mischievous, too. I like her dress, and the green shoes are a cute reference to the BSD Daemon mascot (Beastie, I think his name is?)

Kewl!! Yeah, because of her diminutive size, I think she's more apt to have an appearance closer to that of the little Beasties.  And while incapable physically of being overwhelmingly mischievous, I think she can manage a prank or two along the lines of tossing Alka-Seltzer where it don't belong.  ^^;
I can also see her as having a playful big sister complex with DSL-kun, particularly if/when she's left in charge of him while DSl-tan isn't around.  ^___^



OH I JUST GOTTA LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!  ^0^

*stares at Damn Small BSD-tan*


*C-CHAN EXPLODES!!!!!!!!!!!*

QuoteActually my desk is FAR from tidy! I had to clean it up to take pictures of it! ^^;

*notices 5 glass cups, dead bonsai tree, container of lip gloss, perfume bottle, box of Life Savers, water bottle, "Meet the Spartans" movie ticket stub...*

Good think I'm too busy propelling my remains into the stratosphere to notice that.... ^______^;

*C-chan chunks disappear*


QuoteActually my desk is FAR from tidy! I had to clean it up to take pictures of it! ^^;

*notices 5 glass cups, dead bonsai tree, container of lip gloss, perfume bottle, box of Life Savers, water bottle, "Meet the Spartans" movie ticket stub...*

Ah, the bonsai tree. I had a bonsai tree once, it died too. From then on, cacti were my houseplant of choice (but maybe out dead trees are hangin' out right now in the Big Nursery in the Sky!)

Life Savers! I like those too.

QuoteOh this I gotta see sometime. ^___^


I really just have a table I use as a desk. Besides my computer and optical mouse, there's a lamp, a pile of books and schoolwork in one corner; some paper, drawings, and origamis scattered around; There's an electric pencil sharpener, and few pencils and pens...but I don't have a pencil holder like Aurora does : (

We should have a "what's on your desk" thread....


*yawns*  Really Bella-sama.... You need a picture of your desktop, preferably along with a miniature Operating System anthropomorphic personification.   Otherwise, your description makes your desk sound really really neat.  T___T

(I'm assuming the books are piled up neatly, and your papers scattered about inside a neat little manila folder.  ^.^)

Aurora Borealis

The FreeB-chan picture, about halfway done.


Neptune: the OS that never was


KINK-EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

When you're done, how about a "Magnifying Glass"-style close-up of all the cute little OS-tans being held in the palm of her hands?  ^.^

Oh, and you like the little green ribbons in her horns?  I wasn't sure whether to keep them or not.


Quote*yawns* Really Bella-sama.... You need a picture of your desktop, preferably along with a miniature Operating System anthropomorphic personification. Otherwise, your description makes your desk sound really really neat. T___T

(I'm assuming the books are piled up neatly, and your papers scattered about inside a neat little manila folder. ^.^)

For your information, my papers are not in a little manila folder. No sir, they're bright neon colored folders.

QuoteThe FreeB-chan picture, about halfway done.

Awww! Her expression is so sweet, and I love her hair. But I'm still hoping she's had a full lunch...I dunno, she's looking at DSBSD-chan like Saseko at a juicy Black Angus steak. Anyhow, this is going to be awesome all finished.

And I second C-Chan's request to see a closeup on the minis! As for my two cents on the ribbons, I think they're pretty cute ^_^


The FreeB-chan picture, about halfway done.

I already liked her! can't wait to see her fully done!

Aurora Borealis

Behold, what has got to be the the NASTIEST OS-tan related character ever! (Also the first virus-tan I made!)

I am such a humbug near Valentine's Day T__T

Festering Hate-tan! Of course with a name like that, she's GOTTA be really nasty! And she is!

Festering Hate is an extremely nasty virus that affects (and possibly destroys) ProDOS and Apple ][ systems.

Personality-wise, Festering Hate-tan is extremely bitter, nasty, destructive and hateful! And she is also a skater, evil overlord and zombie!

The 666 on her hat is reference to the usage of 666 in the Festering Hate virus, she is an evil zombie overlord and has orange and green hair (not a pretty shade either- supposed to be of moldy color) as a reference to "Rancid Grapefruit" (also known as "Dead Lord") and she carries a bottle of poison as reference to the other creator, "Cereal Killer" (also known as "Lord Digital)! She is a skater because Festering Hate's creators are also known as "The Kool/Rad Alliance" which totally sounds skater to me!

Festering Hate-tan also hates the happy-go-lucky types and also hates the romantic virus-tans (although MAYBE except for ILOVEYOU-tan because she is so destructive).


QuoteAnd I second C-Chan's request to see a closeup on the minis! As for my two cents on the ribbons, I think they're pretty cute

So be it,... ribbons stay.  ^____^

QuoteBehold, what has got to be the the NASTIEST and MOST DEMENTED OS-tan related character ever! (Also the first virus-tan I made!)

I am such a humbug near Valentine's Day T__T

Well so am I, but I protest by giving sweethearts really weird gifts.  ^^
My girlfriend, for example, got a fine bottle of French sparkling blueberry lemonade,...

Hey, it was red.  ^.^'

QuoteFestering Hate-tan! Of course with a name like that, she's GOTTA be really nasty! And she is!

Festering Hate is an extremely nasty virus that affects (and possibly destroys) ProDOS and Apple ][ systems.

Personality-wise, Festering Hate-tan is extremely bitter, nasty, destructive and hateful! And she is also a skater, evil overlord and zombie!

The 666 on her hat is reference to the usage of 666 in the Festering Hate virus, she is an evil zombie overlord and has orange and green hair (not a pretty shade either- supposed to be of moldy color) as a reference to "Rancid Grapefruit" (also known as "Dead Lord") and she carries a bottle of poison as reference to the other creator, "Cereal Killer" (also known as "Lord Digital)! She is a skater because Festering Hate's creators are also known as "The Kool/Rad Alliance" which totally sounds skater to me!

Festering Hate-tan also hates the happy-go-lucky types and also hates the romantic virus-tans (although MAYBE except for ILOVEYOU-tan because she is so destructive) because she believes in spreading hatred!

Uhhhh........ ^^;

Well aside from the fact that Plan 9-san would love her to bits (zombie and all), is there,... like.... anything positive that we can say about her?  ^^;

Don't want her to be pure, unbridled, unparalleled evil... just seems outta place for you.  ^____^;


QuoteI am such a humbug near Valentine's Day T__T

Bah, I think the whole thing is so corporate : /

QuotePersonality-wise, Festering Hate-tan is extremely bitter, nasty, destructive and hateful! And she is also a skater, evil overlord and zombie!

Whoa, she sounds like a real villain O__O

Though the skate boarder thing seems a bit out of place, as most skaters I know are quite mellow, peaceful folk...I  do have a personal bias as a snowboarder, and being from a family of riders and skaters, however, so don't mind me :P

QuoteThe 666 on her hat is reference to the usage of 666 in the Festering Hate virus, she is an evil zombie overlord and has orange and green hair (not a pretty shade either- supposed to be of moldy color) as a reference to "Rancid Grapefruit" (also known as "Dead Lord") and she carries a bottle of poison as reference to the other creator, "Cereal Killer" (also known as "Lord Digital)! She is a skater because Festering Hate's creators are also known as "The Kool/Rad Alliance" which totally sounds skater to me!

Okay, now she's sounding like some kinda 80s super-villain heehee. Strange, as for an evil, mean person she has a sense of humor.

Things weren't aways so virus-free for the Apples, huh?

QuoteWell so am I, but I protest by giving sweethearts really weird gifts. ^^
My girlfriend, for example, got a fine bottle of French sparkling blueberry lemonade,...

Hey, it was red. ^.^'

I just tell everyone to go out the day after and buy me a box of chocolates for half the price. I'm a real helpless romantic XD

QuoteUhhhh........ ^^;

Well aside from the fact that Plan 9-san would love her to bits (zombie and all), is there,... like.... anything positive that we can say about her? ^^;

Don't want her to be pure, unbridled, unparalleled evil... just seems outta place for you. ^____^;

Well, Festering Hate-tan does seem to have a bit of a comic side, in her own dark, disturbing way ;)


Fufu.... ^^;
I guess you can say..... she's SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO evil, she's just GOTTA be funny....... ^^;

Oh, and btw, got these at 1/4 off by buying in bulk....

How's that for efficient, anti-corporate, helpless romanticism?  ^____^


So evil she's funny? Does Festering Hate-tan know SCO-chan, by any chance...?

*steals box o' discount cupcakes*



Took you a while, didn't it?  Betcha there all stale by now.

Happy [By Now] Belated Valentine's Day!  ^v^