Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Thank you, glad you all like the latest rendition of SuSE-tan! Trying to draw her was pretty hard. But I know there will be harder...

Such as trying to draw a compromise rendition of Gentoo-tan x__x... Extremely difficult because there are 4 very different designs
BWAHAHA! I am back with a vengance!

An updated Something Awful-tan! She now wears an outfit based off a SWAT team uniform, reference to the Fashion SWAT section on SA. Watch out, fashion victims!

Critic, grenade thrower, troublemaker, juvenile delinquent, parody maker and now Something Awful-tan is also the Fashion SWAT! Watch out, fashion victims! She will be coming for you!

And I guess that is another reason why Something Awful-tan and The Smoking Gun-tan do not get along. TSG-tan frequently arrests SA-tan for all of her troublemaking and SA-tan frequently tries to arrest TSG-tan because orange and drab chartreuse are not a very good combo!

And chibi BBSpot-tan! No makeover or anything but this will be used in her updated wiki avi.


*dashes into thread*

Cuteness Seal of Approval applied!!!!!  ^v^

*slaps on rainchecks*

*dashes out of thread*


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"

How about an updated SuSE Linux-tan? Mostly based off of Juzo-Kun's plus the other one in the Linux gallery.

Drawn compromise renditions of RedHat-tan, Fedora-tan, Mandriva-tan, Slackware-tan and now SuSE-tan!

It's SuuuuuuuuuuuuuSEEEEEEEE! :>

I really like her design!

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!


Ooooh, an updated SomethingAwful-tan! I have to say I really like the shading and highlighting on her. I just hope she never decides to pay me a visit (I wonder if she's ever payed ZX Spectrum-tan a visit...?)

A comic with her arresting TSG-tan would be funny :P

And BBSpot-tan is adorable, too! I love her eyes and ponytail :)

Aurora Borealis

Oh yeah, ZX Spectrum-tan is a repeat offender! (However you, noted for having such good fashion sense, shouldn't worry about SA-tan ever coming after you!)

And good comic idea too! Something along the lines of this...

TSG: *handcuffs SA-tan* You're under arrest! You were throwing grenades without a region-approved liscense!
SA: *handcuffs TSG-tan* And you're under arrest for being such a fashion victim! Orange and drab chartreuse, WTF?
(both notice that when they handcuffed each other, both of their hands got handcuffed)
TSG: Uhh... Someone help us please!
some other character: HAHAHAHA--- I'll help you after I'm done laughing HAHAHAHA!


Aurora Borealis

It was mentioned in another thread...

Damn Small BSD-tan! And like another certain Damn Small-tan, she is also tiny!

DSBSD-tan is FreeBSD-tan's little (literally!) sister. Although she prefers being around high-end users, she is willing to be with the average user too. She is hard-working, likes to take things easy but is not exactly ambitious (DSBSD's slogan is "Think small")

I was thinking about either a picture of FreeBSD-tan holding DSBSD-tan in her hands or draw DSBSD-tan with DSL-tan and other tiny characters.


OMG!!!  If you could run an electrical generator on Cuteâ,,¢, she alone could light up a whole city!  At night!  ^v^

Loving this to bits, and I'll lobby day-in and day-out to have her appear in a color version.  ^___^

QuoteI was thinking about either a picture of FreeBSD-tan holding DSBSD-tan in her hands or draw DSBSD-tan with DSL-tan and other tiny characters.

Oh Aurora-hime, Aurora-hime,... that's just a set-up for a much better-looking compromise....

Have FreeB-chan hold DSBSD-tan and the DSL-tans (AND maybe other tiny characters) in her hands!  I think two hands is enough to hold all of them (FreeBSD-tan isn't exactly short herself, after all).  ^___^


Just make sure FreeB-chan behaves herself now.  ^.^'


DSBSD-tan is adorable! I really love her ponytails/horns and her outfit is very sweet. I know this was done with your rendition of LinuxXP-tan, but depending on DSBSD-tan's size...maybe her pitchfork could perhaps be a teeny tiny fork, kinda as a parallel to DSL-tan's toothpick spear? Just throwing at idea out there...

QuoteTSG: *handcuffs SA-tan* You're under arrest! You were throwing grenades without a region-approved liscense!
SA: *handcuffs TSG-tan* And you're under arrest for being such a fashion victim! Orange and drab chartreuse, WTF?
(both notice that when they handcuffed each other, both of their hands got handcuffed)
TSG: Uhh... Someone help us please!
some other character: HAHAHAHA--- I'll help you after I'm done laughing HAHAHAHA!

This I'd love to see :)

QuoteOMG!!! If you could run an electrical generator on Cuteâ,,¢, she alone could light up a whole city! At night! ^v^

Loving this to bits, and I'll lobby day-in and day-out to have her appear in a color version. ^___^

Ooooh, talk about alternative energy :P

QuoteHave FreeB-chan hold DSBSD-tan and the DSL-tans (AND maybe other tiny characters) in her hands! I think two hands is enough to hold all of them (FreeBSD-tan isn't exactly short herself, after all). ^___^

I second this notion! :D

But...FreeBSD-chan with all these adorable little morsels of OS-tans in here hands....oh man, I really hope she's full O___O

*starts forcefeeding FreeB-chan random stuff lying around my desk, just to be careful*

Aurora Borealis

^That is scary! She could eat them all in one bite! (Oh, and I do agree with the idea of DSBSD-tan wielding a tiny fork!)

First phase of suggestion complete!

FreeB-chan is holding DSBSD-tan, QNX-tan, and DSL-tan (who is also holding DSL-kun!)


Look out, DS-tachi!  You're gonna get eaten!

Techno the fox

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"It was mentioned in another thread... *Posts pic*  

@.@ My gosh...That is...SOOOO Cute.

Quote from: "C-chan"OMG!!! If you could run an electrical generator on Cuteâ,,¢, she alone could light up a whole city! At night! ^v^

The Pig speaks the truth! ^_^ Add Inu-T and you could possibly light two and a half.

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"
FreeB-chan is holding DSBSD-tan, QNX-tan, and DSL-tan (who is also holding DSL-kun!)

Eeee. This is adorable, I love it.

......It's also making me really nervous....

All in all.....Awesome job Aurora ^_^


QuoteI second this notion!

But...FreeBSD-chan with all these adorable little morsels of OS-tans in here hands....oh man, I really hope she's full O___O

*starts forcefeeding FreeB-chan random stuff lying around my desk, just to be careful*

[feigning concern]  Oh noes.... all those innocent tiny OS-tans are gonna get swallowed up by the super sexy FreeBSD giantess/goddess....
We must stop her.....
Yep....... must stop her.....
Only sick, sadistic, closet-Vore fans would be into that stuff.....
Yes,.... definitely must stop her....
This very minute.....
Yes.....  TvT


*starts very quietly hiding stuff from Bella's desk*

Quote^That is scary! She could eat them all in one bite!

[distracted]  Ohyeahyeahveryscarymmmmhmmm...  TvT

Quote(Oh, and I do agree with the idea of DSBSD-tan wielding a tiny fork!)

[distracted]  Ohyeahyeahtinyforkmmmmhmmm...  TvT

QuoteFirst phase of suggestion complete!

FreeB-chan is holding DSBSD-tan, QNX-tan, and DSL-tan (who is also holding DSL-kun!)


Okay, I'm sorry.  I gotta do something I haven't done in a long time..... TvT

(hey,... it's better than turning into a banana sundae...)  ^^

Aurora Borealis

^It's been a while since C-Chan exploded! Need any help reassembling?

DSBSD-tan, finished!

And with background... I intended to add in a background involving DSBSD-tan on a tabletop with several objects on it for comparison to show how small she is, but I decided to make it quick and import a picture of my desk! But... uhh... Please disregard the pink iMac keyboard in the background!



First off, I love her hair! While she doesn't have horns, the ponytails more than make up for it! The expression on her face is very sprite-like and mischievous, too. I like her dress, and the green shoes are a cute reference to the BSD Daemon mascot (Beastie, I think his name is?)

The picture on your desk is a great concept! I like how you made her a bit out-of-focus to look a little more...realistic...and the pen serves as a great reference to DSBSD-chan's size.

Not to mention your desk is much tidier than my own :P