Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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QuoteQuick post-and-run but here is MITS Altair 8800-tan!

The MITS Altair 8800 was the first truly successful personal computer, released in 1975.

Altair 8800-tan is very intelligent and her hobbies include math and making model rockets (MITS' founders first made calculators and model rockets). She is also prone to disaster and has self-destructive behaviors and caused her own demise (or at least retirement from the competition at the time. She was extremely detemined to knock off her competitors instead of improving herself)

Not sure if she would be deceased or not though.

Yes, some OS-tans can be spotted as inciters a mile away...But for such a troubled girl, she'd have fooled me O______O

I've heard of the Altair, but really didn't know anything about it. I'd have never thought of designing on :P

Quote* The Altair was not the first personal computer. That important event happened 25 years earlier.

*counts* 1950?!?! At the risk of sounding like a moron, what computer do you speak of? I always assumed Apple I was the first "PC" ;)

QuoteAnd the Altair is the reason Microsoft was founded! Their first product was Altair BASIC.

So it's all her fault! We knew she was a troublemaker, but who'd have thought she'd make that much trouble?
*note to anyone who make take offense: I kid :P*

Anyhoo, she's very cute! I like her calculator and model-rocket helmet!

QuoteOkay then, Altair-tan is still alive! But probably regrets a lot of things she did in the past (even more if one or both of her rivals turn out to be deceased) Her rivals back in the day were Mark 8-tan and IMSAI 8080-tan (who she saw as her mortal enemy and wanted to knock out of the competition). Another kit computer in the 70's of course was the Apple I but I don't think anyone would have seen Apple I-tan as a rival.

Oh man, I bet most of the old OS-tans regret a lot.
Strangely it seems a lot of peace came after the 90s OS wars and the Windows-tans securing their dominance; The Windowses are the "strong-man" on the block, Macs have their impervious niche market foothold, the Linuxes have their slow but steady rise to consumer (and business) popularity, and the Unixes have the server market. But up until then I think it was unbridled bedlam >__< for the rivals, I really don't know enough about them to have suggestions for their status. As for Apple I-sama, I can't see how anyone could dislike her either. C'mon, a wooden computer, designed in a bedroom and built it in a garage by a couple of California kids? Whp'd be afraid of that :P


Aha!  So the rocket acts as both a hoplite helmet AND a ponytail tie... very creative.  ^___^
And I guess you guys agree with me that Altair-san SHOULD be given some respect by MS users.  Without her, maybe we'd all be using Amiga XP?  ^^


*suddenly feels much scorn towards Altair-tan*  T____T

QuoteA cult you say *invisions guys in robes worshipping Altair* ...maybe I'm thinkin of somethin else ^^;

Really more like hobbyists who like to keep ancient systems around.  ^___^
In the OS-tan world, they could probably be characterized as guys in robes worshipping particular OS-tan (and for the newer generation of OS-tans, something akin to crazed fanboys of some Net Idol).  ^^

Okay then, Altair-tan is still alive! But probably regrets a lot of things she did in the past (even more if one or both of her rivals turn out to be deceased) Her rivals back in the day were Mark 8-tan and IMSAI 8080-tan (who she saw as her mortal enemy and wanted to knock out of the competition). Another kit computer in the 70's of course was the Apple I but I don't think anyone would have seen Apple I-tan as a rival.

Yep, I'm in perfect agreement with all that (right down to the fact that she leaves poor I-san alone).  When you work hard to reach for the top, only to realize it's rock bottom once you get there, then rethinking your life is... kinda mandatory.  ^v^;

Quote*counts* 1950?!?! At the risk of sounding like a moron, what computer do you speak of? I always assumed Apple I was the first "PC"

I risk sending you off on another disruptive "knowledge tangent".......... but it can't be helped,....

This is just TOO COOL...... ^^;


QuoteAnd I guess you guys agree with me that Altair-san SHOULD be given some respect by MS users. Without her, maybe we'd all be using Amiga XP? ^^

There's only two to whom I give credit for NT-sama and therefor sweet, sweet XP-chan. I'll give you a guess. One starts with "V", has an "M" in the middle and ends with as "S". Then there's the other one, I'll make it harder to guess this time: It end's with a "/2" :P

QuoteReally more like hobbyists who like to keep ancient systems around. ^___^
In the OS-tan world, they could probably be characterized as guys in robes worshipping particular OS-tan (and for the newer generation of OS-tans, something akin to crazed fanboys of some Net Idol). ^^

Yup, that's how I envision the Multics followers XD

QuoteI risk sending you off on another disruptive "knowledge tangent".......... but it can't be helped,....

This is just TOO COOL...... ^^;

WTF?!?! 1950? Wow!

But...I's sorta a four-foot wide calculator that can only do addition :P By that same token the Antikythera mechanism could be called the first handheld computer XD


QuoteThere's only two to whom I give credit for NT-sama and therefor sweet, sweet XP-chan. I'll give you a guess. One starts with "V", has an "M" in the middle and ends with as "S". Then there's the other one, I'll make it harder to guess this time: It end's with a "/2" :P


V..... M..... S......


Vermonts!!  ^v^

and ending with "/2".....




PS/2 mice!!!  ^v^

*nods approvingly*

The C-chan is smart....  -v-

QuoteWTF?!?! 1950? Wow!

But...I's sorta a four-foot wide calculator that can only do addition :P By that same token the Antikythera mechanism could be called the first handheld computer XD

True, but don't forget the criteria employed to determine the term "personal computer":

       * It must be a digital computer.
       * It must be largely automatic.
       * It must be programmable by the end-user.
       * It must be accessible, either as a commercially manufactured product, as a commercially available kit, or as widely published kit plans.
       * It must be small enough to be transportable by an average person.
       * It must be inexpensive enough to be affordable by the average professional.
       * It must be simple enough to use that it requires no special training beyond an instruction manual.

Expand the criteria a little more, and for sure you can come across some very weird ancestral computers.  ^____________^

Aurora Borealis

Updated NeXTSTEP-tan and Darwin OS-tan!

NeXTSTEP-tan's outfit is sort of "DOOM"-inspired as "DOOM" is a famous game originally developed using NeXTSTEP. Darwin OS-tan now has a pet horned platypus as reference to Hexley, the mascot of Darwin OS.

NeXTSTEP-tan is a cousin to the Classic Mac-tans and the other Apple-tans and godmother to the OSX-tans. She was a rebel as NeXT was founded by Steve Jobs after he got fired from Apple. In her youth, NeXTSTEP-tan raised mostly in solitude and not told that the Apple-tans are some of her cousins and had to face off against them from time to time. Most of the Apple-tans (The Mac-tans in particular) at the time hated her and accused her of 'stealing' Father.

The large grey box she has doubles as a tank and is reference to the NeXT Cube. She is very good with wielding guns and also likes bug collecting. For the most part, she has been rather bitter and antisocial and the few friends she had came and gone. She used to be friends with Solaris-tan until they parted ways a couple years later. But NeXTSTEP-tan had a change in attitude towards her cousins in 1997 when her life was saved by the Mac-tans (especially by Mac OS 8-tan). It was also around this time that she found out the truth about the Apple-tans and how they are her cousins.

Moved by such selflessness, she became a loyal friend to the Apple-tans and later became the godmother of the Mac OSX-tans.

Darwin OS-tan is an eccentric-natured monkey girl who likes biology and bug collecting (as well as eating bugs!) Her resemblance to NeXTSTEP-tan and Mac OS X-tan is because she is the 'missing link' of the two! She is almost always seen playing with or working with one of the Mac OS X-tans although she can also function on her own (Darwin is the core component of Mac OS X but can also function as a standalone OS). I think she would also be friends with FreeBSD-tan because both like eating weird things!


Aha!  Cuteness abounds here again.  ^___^

QuoteUpdated NeXTSTEP-tan and Darwin OS-tan!

NeXTSTEP-tan's outfit is sort of "DOOM"-inspired as "DOOM" is a famous game originally developed using NeXTSTEP.

Ah, you remembered the Doom thing.  ^___^
Yeah, that was my only suggestion about her design waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when you first drew her.  In fact, wasn't she technically part of your first wave of OS-tans? *v*

*goes off to check*


Well okay,... second wave....

But oh!  The nostalgia!  ^____^

QuoteDarwin OS-tan now has a pet horned platypus as reference to Hexley, the mascot of Darwin OS.

I still have to do the same with Amiga-san and Amy-chan.  ^^

QuoteNeXTSTEP-tan is a cousin to the Classic Mac-tans and the other Apple-tans and godmother to the OSX-tans. She was a rebel as NeXT was founded by Steve Jobs after he got fired from Apple.

Yeah, in my OS-tan theories story I just wrote, I made it obvious that firing Steve Jobs was a huge mistake, and that the same terrible leadership that did this also carried the company into its defeat in the OS Wars.  It's nice ot know that Steve returns with some pretty powerful help.  ^___^

QuoteThe large grey box she has doubles as a tank and is reference to the NeXT Cube. She is very good with wielding guns and also likes bug collecting.

Who Darwin-chan in turns loves to eat.  ^___^
Since the box is a tank, I assume it can morph shapes out of it (like turrets and stuff).

QuoteBut NeXTSTEP-tan had a change in attitude towards her cousins in 1997 when her life was saved by the Mac-tans (especially by Mac OS 8-tan). It was also around this time that she found out the truth about the Apple-tans and how they are her cousins.

I should put a signal flare for Bella-san, since there's much sap potential here.  ^___^

QuoteDarwin OS-tan is an eccentric-natured monkey girl who likes biology and bug collecting (as well as eating bugs!) Her resemblance to NeXTSTEP-tan and Mac OS X-tan is because she is the 'missing link' of the two! She is almost always seen playing with or working with one of the Mac OS X-tans although she can also function on her own (Darwin is the core component of Mac OS X but can also function as a standalone OS). I think she would also be friends with FreeBSD-tan because both like eating weird things!

Touche!  Never quite thought of that!  ^v^
I guess there's a glutton in every family.  ^__^

But you forget one thing,....  Rhapsody also figures heavily with Darwin-tan, no?  `v'


Cute! I was wondering when we'd see Darwin-chan with her pet!

As for NeXTSTEP-tan's usurping father...I don't think the Macs would be where they are today if that never while bad at the time, in the long run the positive payback could be a hundredfold.

Going back a bit...


V..... M..... S......


Vermonts!! ^v^

As a Massachusettsan OS-tan, you've offended VMS-sama greatly :P

(New England joke, people.)

QuoteTrue, but don't forget the criteria employed to determine the term "personal computer":

Speaking of bizarre computers:

A Honeywell Kitchen computer. It stored recipes!
...and yes, these were the same fiends in charge of Multics and GECOS -__-

QuoteYeah, in my OS-tan theories story I just wrote, I made it obvious that firing Steve Jobs was a huge mistake, and that the same terrible leadership that did this also carried the company into its defeat in the OS Wars. It's nice ot know that Steve returns with some pretty powerful help. ^___^

You gotta trust the Jobs. The Jobs is wise. The Jobs knows how a seemingly horrible move could pay off great in the long run! :P

QuoteI should put a signal flare for Bella-san, since there's much sap potential here. ^___^

As a New Englander I know a thing or two about sap. Take maple syrup. First you put it of pancakes, then oatmeal, then bacon, then fish, but you don't wanna go overboard! Same goes for the proverbial sap....

That said, I have an idea or two, but I shan't disclose them!

*zips mouth*

QuoteBut you forget one thing,.... Rhapsody also figures heavily with Darwin-tan, no? `v'

I think Rhapsody is Darwin-chan's mother/sister...I dunno...



Speaking of bizarre computers:

A Honeywell Kitchen computer. It stored recipes!
...and yes, these were the same fiends in charge of Multics and GECOS -__-

Oh wow!  I saw that in that article too, although not with so much detail.  ^^

Impressively wasteful for a kitchen accessory, but then this was the age when the solution to a problem was to toss as much radiation on it.  ^v^;

QuoteYou gotta trust the Jobs. The Jobs is wise. The Jobs knows how a seemingly horrible move could pay off great in the long run! :P

Like an $1800 ultra-thin Mac?  ^.^

QuoteAs a New Englander I know a thing or two about sap. Take maple syrup. First you put it of pancakes, then oatmeal, then bacon, then fish, but you don't wanna go overboard! Same goes for the proverbial sap....

That said, I have an idea or two, but I shan't disclose them!

*zips mouth*

*pokes and prods Bella-san for late OS War-era, Mac-induced idea*  *v*

*poke prod poke poke prod*


*maple syrup pour*


QuoteI think Rhapsody is Darwin-chan's mother/sister...I dunno...

Sure as heck hope she is!!!  >0<
I based my entire new Wiki logo (and the Mama vs Mama Wiki Logo contest!) on that revelation.  So now she's either she's Darwin-tan's Mama, or she's Darwin-tan's Mama.

Unless someone has a bigger foot, this is where I put mine down.  ^0^


*C-chan stands proudly and unwavering*


Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"

Updated NeXTSTEP-tan and Darwin OS-tan!

NeXTSTEP-tan's outfit is sort of "DOOM"-inspired as "DOOM" is a famous game originally developed using NeXTSTEP. Darwin OS-tan now has a pet horned platypus as reference to Hexley, the mascot of Darwin OS.

NeXTSTEP-tan is a cousin to the Classic Mac-tans and the other Apple-tans and godmother to the OSX-tans. She was a rebel as NeXT was founded by Steve Jobs after he got fired from Apple. In her youth, NeXTSTEP-tan raised mostly in solitude and not told that the Apple-tans are some of her cousins and had to face off against them from time to time. Most of the Apple-tans (The Mac-tans in particular) at the time hated her and accused her of 'stealing' Father.

The large grey box she has doubles as a tank and is reference to the NeXT Cube. She is very good with wielding guns and also likes bug collecting. For the most part, she has been rather bitter and antisocial and the few friends she had came and gone. She used to be friends with Solaris-tan until they parted ways a couple years later. But NeXTSTEP-tan had a change in attitude towards her cousins in 1997 when her life was saved by the Mac-tans (especially by Mac OS 8-tan). It was also around this time that she found out the truth about the Apple-tans and how they are her cousins.

Moved by such selflessness, she became a loyal friend to the Apple-tans and later became the godmother of the Mac OSX-tans.

Darwin OS-tan is an eccentric-natured monkey girl who likes biology and bug collecting (as well as eating bugs!) Her resemblance to NeXTSTEP-tan and Mac OS X-tan is because she is the 'missing link' of the two! She is almost always seen playing with or working with one of the Mac OS X-tans although she can also function on her own (Darwin is the core component of Mac OS X but can also function as a standalone OS). I think she would also be friends with FreeBSD-tan because both like eating weird things!

;019 I really like your back story of Nextstep-tan. Simple storytelling that relied on simple reality on Nextstep's relation from the MacOSes.

It was a nice touch when you said

"NeXTSTEP-tan had a change in attitude towards her cousins in 1997 when her life was saved by the Mac-tans (especially by Mac OS 8-tan). It was also around this time that she found out the truth about the Apple-tans and how they are her cousins.

Moved by such selflessness, she became a loyal friend to the Apple-tans and later became the godmother of the Mac OSX-tans.

My point is, how nice of Aurora to present a tribute to Nextstep-tan as a "godmother" to the current Mac OSXes.


QuoteOh wow! I saw that in that article too, although not with so much detail. ^^

Impressively wasteful for a kitchen accessory, but then this was the age when the solution to a problem was to toss as much radiation on it. ^v^;

Apparently they never sold even one XD

QuoteLike an $1800 ultra-thin Mac? ^.^

Thank the Jobs!

Quote*pokes and prods Bella-san for late OS War-era, Mac-induced idea* *v*

*poke prod poke poke prod*


*maple syrup pour*


*points at zipped mouth*

QuoteI based my entire new Wiki logo (and the Mama vs Mama Wiki Logo contest!) on that revelation. So now she's either she's Darwin-tan's Mama, or she's Darwin-tan's Mama.

Unless someone has a bigger foot, this is where I put mine down. ^0^

I concur!

Aurora Borealis

Resisting urge.. to draw a Honeywell 316-tan!

Heheh... I can imagine Honeywell 316-tan as a personal chef that is extremely hard and frustrating to work with, that is if she worked with anyone at all! After all, it is not known if ANY were sold!


Oh yeah... I shall also put my foot down! Surely it is bigger than your hoof, C-Chan! ;006

Nah, I agree that Darwin-tan is one of Rhapsody-tan's daughters!


How about an updated SuSE Linux-tan? Mostly based off of Juzo-Kun's plus the other one in the Linux gallery.

Drawn compromise renditions of RedHat-tan, Fedora-tan, Mandriva-tan, Slackware-tan and now SuSE-tan!


Yay, SuSE-tan!  All the pictures I've ever seen of her remind me of an amusement park costume crossed with a Halo uniform.  Utterly ridiculous, but rather fun all the same.

Great job on the compromise!


QuoteResisting urge.. to draw a Honeywell 316-tan!

Heheh... I can imagine Honeywell 316-tan as a personal chef that is extremely hard and frustrating to work with, that is if she worked with anyone at all! After all, it is not known if ANY were sold!

That would be a hardware-tan then, no?  ^___^

QuoteOh yeah... I shall also put my foot down! Surely it is bigger than your hoof, C-Chan!

*sweatdrops nervously*  @__@

Ummm,.... well, converting to US Male, I'd say I take on a size 0.08.  ^^;
Can I interest you in a forfeit?  ^____^

*offers bag full of bribe money*

QuoteNah, I agree that Darwin-tan is one of Rhapsody-tan's daughters!

Phew.... ^o^

*closes bag and tucks it away secretly*

QuoteHow about an updated SuSE Linux-tan? Mostly based off of Juzo-Kun's plus the other one in the Linux gallery.

Drawn compromise renditions of RedHat-tan, Fedora-tan, Mandriva-tan, Slackware-tan and now SuSE-tan!

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!  SUGOINESS, she's GORGEOUS!!!!!  ^v^
It's very subtle, but the softness of her face and the lighting of her helmet shows off another milestone in Aurora artistry!!  And while I was not a big fan of J-kun's SUSE-tan, your compromise design really does her tremendous justice!  ^v^

But lest we forget this is actually your SECOND SUSE-tan rendition... ^___^


Nice SuSE-tan, Aurora! I like her hair and eyes especially...

I always wanted to do a rendition of SuSE-tan. I always thought her hair and eye color would change depending on her surroundings (like a chameleon)..

QuoteResisting urge.. to draw a Honeywell 316-tan!

Heheh... I can imagine Honeywell 316-tan as a personal chef that is extremely hard and frustrating to work with, that is if she worked with anyone at all! After all, it is not known if ANY were sold!


Exactly! You know your Kitchen Computer-tan!  ;010

I actually did a drawing of her a few days back and just now posted it in the conjecture thread...


Suse-tan's hair wisp is cute, not to mention her clothes was the highlight of the whole illustration, it is quite simple and original. ^_^