Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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QuoteActually I haven't told anyone in the anime club about the OS-tans! It would be really difficult for me to explain to the others!

Hoe?  "I draw my own Anime" would be difficult to explain to your club folk?  O__o

Amy I missing a piece of the puzzle here?  ^^;

QuoteAnd in the Sonata picture that C-Chan posted up, I said that she reminds me of OS-9-tan but I don't know how I forgot that rendition actually has a stronger resemblance to Hacchan! *facepalm*

Nonono,... see my points posted right after that....'s like totally impossible for Hacchan to don a Mac uniform!  ^^

QuoteGot up a new picture! I got the inspiration for this right away when I saw FCL-tan! It's TotalFark-tan gnawing on FCL-tan's hat. "Tastes like chicken" is also a Fark cliche. The creature on TotalFark-tan's head is Domo-kun, the mascot for a Japanese TV station who has became very popular on Fark.

Wai!!  FCL-san is becoming as iconic to you, Siya-san, as Acme-san was to Gus-san.  Hell, now I want to draw a lovely FCL-san!  (maybe accompanied by two very special ladies...)  ^^

That's a very cute sketch you made, Aurora-dono, and of course it's always nice to see Total Fark-tan out and about again (she's my favorite of the Fark trio).  But what's that she's holding in her hand?

Aurora Borealis

She's holding a jar of mustard, reference to the "Mustard Man" Fark cliche. Another odd note about the picture is that TotalFark-tan appeared to FCL-tan (even if she isn't a subscriber) so she could be tall enough to nibble at her hat! :D

FCL-tan should also beware of XP-tan...



...because the current state of affairs necessitated it to be posted, yet again. ^.^;


QuoteShe's holding a jar of mustard, reference to the "Mustard Man" Fark cliche.

Fu... one day I'll understand all these fark thingamajigs.  ^^'

QuoteAnother odd note about the picture is that TotalFark-tan appeared to FCL-tan (even if she isn't a subscriber) so she could be tall enough to nibble at her hat!

Hoe?  You mean TFark-tan's a size changer?  @.@



*press button furiously*  SUBSCRIBE!!!SUBSCRIBE!!!SUBSCRIBE!!!  ^V^


Quote...because the current state of affairs necessitated it to be posted, yet again. ^.^;

Iyaaaaaaa!!!  ^V^
So THAT'S the inspiration behind the addition of XP-tan to your picture!  ^___^
AND.... the new forum banner I just saw!  *v*

Aside from the fact it's your usual greatness,... doesn't this mark the first time you've drawn a canon OS-tan?  ^^
I mean I prefer you draw alternative OS-tans since so few of us are willing to give them a chance,... but I think this calls for a wee celebration at least. ^____^

Pick your bottle....


QuoteFCL-tan should also beware of XP-tan...


Considering she's a Linux-tan, should should be more afraid of FreeBSD-chan :P

QuoteSo THAT'S the inspiration behind the addition of XP-tan to your picture! ^___^
AND.... the new forum banner I just saw! *v*

I just noticed that too! That banner's awesomely cute! ^_^


Quote from: "C-Chan"So THAT'S the inspiration behind the addition of XP-tan to your picture! ^___^
AND.... the new forum banner I just saw! *v*

Aside from the fact it's your usual greatness,... doesn't this mark the first time you've drawn a canon OS-tan? ^^
Ja!  First time, ever!

QuotePick your bottle....
Ooh!  Champagne!  I'll take the second bottle from the left. ^_^



*shoves the bottle in Domo-kun's mouth*
I love watching NHK.


I heard about this, yesterday.  I'm afraid I have mixed emotions about 4chan's death, so I can't quite sympathize with SA-tan...but this is definitely a good idea for a pic!

Well done!  I am amused. ^.^


Oh? 4chan dead? How original!
This has surely not happened before.

4chan isn't dead and never gonna be, theres always someone/someway to get it working again. It's not something that you can simply "kill".


LOL! Even though I've never visited 4Chan, I think this pic's funny in concept. I mean, sad for SA-chan, but for the casual observer...

QuoteWhoa! You're right! 4Chan is back from the dead already!

*Looks around*

*dramatically yells*

When will you learn to stop meddling in nature's affairs, Plan9-taaaaaaannnn!!!!

*shakes fists*


Quote from: "Bella"*Looks around*

*dramatically yells*

When will you learn to stop meddling in nature's affairs, Plan9-taaaaaaannnn!!!!

*shakes fists*

I also have mixed emotions about 4chan's resurrection...but I guess it was inevitable.


*snicker snicker chortle chortle*

Aurora-dono.  ^____^

*beckons her for private discussion*

BTW, nice sketch.
May sound strange, but I've never been to 4chan before (or if I did, I likely didn't notice).  ^.^'

Aurora Borealis

Quick post-and-run but here is MITS Altair 8800-tan!

The MITS Altair 8800 was the first truly successful personal computer, released in 1975.

Altair 8800-tan is very intelligent and her hobbies include math and making model rockets (MITS' founders first made calculators and model rockets). She is also prone to disaster and has self-destructive behaviors and caused her own demise (or at least retirement from the competition at the time. She was extremely detemined to knock off her competitors instead of improving herself)

Not sure if she would be deceased or not though.


Sorry you have to post-and-run -- the C-chan shares much responsibility for that.  ;___;

But hey, at least you were able to draw up a cute OS-tan, and for a system I had not even heard of either.  ^^

There is a very small cult following for the Altair, so I don't think she'd qualify for a deceased OS-tan, especially since she was produced in reasonably significant numbers and has fairly important historical significance.  Probably could be useful as a very frustrated vintage-tan.  ^^;

BTW, just some interesting quotes I picked up while researching more about the machine.

Quoteand the first programming language for the machine was Microsoft's founding product, Altair BASIC.

QuoteSo, what was the historical role of the MITS Altair?

   * The first microcomputer to run Microsoft software.
   * The first computer to sell in significant volume (over 5000 in the first year).
   * The computer that established the S-100 bus standard.

To put the Altair in the proper perspective, it's important to remember a few things.

   * The Altair was not the first personal computer. That important event happened 25 years earlier.
   * The Altair was not the first microcomputer. Several preceded it.
   * The Altair did not start the computer hobbyist movement. By the late 60's, there were already organized home computer clubs and newsletters. The PDP-8, and later the Mark-8, were among the computers that catalyzed this movement.
   * The Altair was produced as a direct response to the Mark-8. There was a rivalry between Radio Electronics and Popular Electronics magazines. Radio Electronics featured the Mark-8 in the July 1974 issue. Work on the Altair began soon after that issue appeared.
   * Several models of the Altair were produced, but only the first model, the original 8800, had any historic impact.

Gussy Keniji

QuoteI used to go to 4Chan everyday since I stumbled upon it in March '06 (I only went to /a/, /c/, and /cgl/ mind you!) until June when I stumbled upon Fark!
Hm...I don' think I ever been to 4chan...ever, basically the stuff I heard of it kept me away from it.

QuoteBut hey, at least you were able to draw up a cute OS-tan, and for a system I had not even heard of either. ^^
Ah, so I'm not the only one who knows little of Altair-tan, but I must agree she is cute in her own right :3

QuoteThere is a very small cult following for the Altair, so I don't think she'd qualify for a deceased OS-tan, especially since she was produced in reasonably significant numbers and has fairly important historical significance. Probably could be useful as a very frustrated vintage-tan. ^^;
A cult you say *invisions guys in robes worshipping Altair* ...maybe I'm thinkin of somethin else ^^;

QuoteSo, what was the historical role of the MITS Altair?

* The first microcomputer to run Microsoft software.
* The first computer to sell in significant volume (over 5000 in the first year).
* The computer that established the S-100 bus standard.

To put the Altair in the proper perspective, it's important to remember a few things.

* The Altair was not the first personal computer. That important event happened 25 years earlier.
* The Altair was not the first microcomputer. Several preceded it.
* The Altair did not start the computer hobbyist movement. By the late 60's, there were already organized home computer clubs and newsletters. The PDP-8, and later the Mark-8, were among the computers that catalyzed this movement.
* The Altair was produced as a direct response to the Mark-8. There was a rivalry between Radio Electronics and Popular Electronics magazines. Radio Electronics featured the Mark-8 in the July 1974 issue. Work on the Altair began soon after that issue appeared.
* Several models of the Altair were produced, but only the first model, the original 8800, had any historic impact.
Hmm Interesting notes indeed *rubs chin* Nice work C-chan


Aurora Borealis

Altair-tan, seen from the side view to see her hairstyle and helmet more clearly. She is holding some sort of old-fashioned calculator.

And the Altair is the reason Microsoft was founded! Their first product was Altair BASIC.

Okay then, Altair-tan is still alive! But probably regrets a lot of things she did in the past (even more if one or both of her rivals turn out to be deceased) Her rivals back in the day were Mark 8-tan and IMSAI 8080-tan (who she saw as her mortal enemy and wanted to knock out of the competition). Another kit computer in the 70's of course was the Apple I but I don't think anyone would have seen Apple I-tan as a rival.