Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Quote from: Bella
QuoteMacintosh System 7.5-tan. An older Mac-tan that was created by an anonymous artist. First seen on Futaba's Kazumi image archive. There have been some fanarts of her. Depicted as a serious woman, wields guns and is fond of Leopard-kun.

Awesome! 7.5-tan is awesome, sadly we don't see a lot of her...
I agree. She's a fairly recently established character but unfortuneatly the kazumi image archive is gone! ;___;

QuoteAnd...The Smoking Gun-tan is here!

Heehee...the crazed lawyer....I wonder if SCO Unix-tan's even contacted her to become a part of her horde of litigators....XD
Maybe! But mentioning that just gave me a crazy idea for later in ZS! :D

QuoteAlso this thread is now a year old! 0__0

Congrats :D So much in one year....
Indeed! And oh the times have really changed since then!

QuoteFreespire-tan having the ability to fly was suggested by C-Chan, several pages back! Incidentally when he suggested it, he also mentioned the flying Chiyo! Alas I cannot fourth that as I actually haven't seen that but what the heck... I FOURTH THAT!!

She's a character from Azumanga Diaho

Can't actually fly, but an imaginative classmate dreamed she did XD[/quote]
Oh... I knew that name Chiyo was familiar from somewhere!

More wiki avis from me!


And here's an updated Rhapsody-tan! Slight change in appearance but she does have a greatly-changed personality though!  After doing more 'research' I realize Rhapsody was actually quite stable.

Rhapsody-tan is still very friendly and also very adaptable because the Yellow Box apps from Rhapsody can run on Intel (95 + NT), SPARC (Solaris) and PA-RISC (HP-UX). Also 100% Java compatible so I reckon that Rhapsody-tan would be one of Solaris-tan's regular customers and good friends! While of course there's no way in heck she'd work with 95-tan for obvious reasons, she could still get along with 95 OSR 2.5-tan though! (and maybe OSR 2.1-tan too although she is a hermit and rarely seen). Being friendly and adaptable, she would make a good Mac House diplomat!

However Rhapsody was never released to the public so Rhapsody-tan is prohibited or unwilling to be around Toshiaki.


QuoteBeing friendly and adaptable, she would make a good Mac House diplomat!


*Must...draw...NT-san/Rhapsody-san diplomatic meeting pic if it's the last thing I do!!!!*

(Cause it's been speculated NT-san is a Windows ambassador)

I love the new and improved Rhapsody-tan!


I knew it, I knew it!!!  Aurora-sama is hiding awesome OS-tans!!!  ;^0^;

Well, now I've found you out, so you're evil plot is foiled!  *v*

*views Chiyo-style Freespire-tan*



*MAC 7.5-tan passes by*



*Smoking Gun-tan passes by*

Hmmmmm,.... maybe just a tad bit grandmotherly, but not bad I think.  I shall swoon.  ^^


*notices it's been a year*

WOW!!!  Time does fly when you're having fun, eh?  ^____^
Congratulations,... I think you're talents have really exploded over the course of the year.  ^v^

*QNX-sama passes by*

Oh, you're just asking for it..... ^v^


I,.... I just can't hold it in,... sorry..... ^___^

THERMOBARIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ^V^

*C-chan explodes*


*reforms just in time to see update Rhapsody*

Wow,... what a difference some color makes, she looks so lusciously festive now.  ^__^
I kinda wish you had that blue and yellow drape thing in place when we were making the wallpaper, as it would've been a fine addition to an already colorful drawing.   ^-^

Plus I think the additions to her personality are great, more so now that she's got some zest and no longer is perpetually drunk.  ^.^

Major swoonage potential here!  ^v^


Aurora Borealis

Oooooh! Pretty explosion! ;019


Anyways I return with some updated classic Mac-tans!

Macintosh System 2-tan, also known as Ahiru-chan! Quack quack quack! :D

Macintosh System 5-tan, The Phantom of the Macintosh! In the old version of this picture, she was using her wand to dump a bucket of water on a stick-figure Toshiaki's head but I was determined to get this done quickly so I omitted it.

And an updated Macintosh System 6-tan!


Yatta!!!!!  ^v^

We get to see more of Aurora's updated avis!  ^____^

QuoteMacintosh System 2-tan, also known as Ahiru-chan! Quack quack quack!

Ahiru-chan!!!!  That's perfect!!!!!!  ^v^

Deal, I'll call her that too!  ^.^
(Will help clear up any confusion with Windows 2.0, after all.... ^.^)

Cuteness level is up 23%, so I stamp this a "win"!  ^v^

*stamps 'win' on Ahiru-chan's forehead*

QuoteMacintosh System 5-tan, The Phantom of the Macintosh! In the old version of this picture, she was using her wand to dump a bucket of water on a stick-figure Toshiaki's head but I was determined to get this done quickly so I omitted it.

Oooooooooooooh,............ is that two star shapes I see?  ^.^

Your version is actually not all that different from your last one, but it's still good.  ^___^

QuoteAnd an updated Macintosh System 6-tan!

Ah, coolness enhance 25% on this new rendition of OS6-tan, so I definitely like!  ^v^

And of course, who could forget her trademark Starstreak missile launcher.... ^.^


...sockpuppets? Phantom of the Opera? BFG's? ON MAC!?
I'm sorry to say this, my dear, faithful XP, but, DO FUKKEN WANT!?!?
I'm even starting to think of buying an iPhone...THE HERESY!!! ;_;


Might want to wait for the iTouch instead,... looks like a better value.

Do hope Apple decides to open up both of those products, since it'll really help  with software development.  ^^

Oh, and reposting this cause it's too DAMN CUTE!!!!!!!!  ^V^


OMG!!! System 2 and 5-tan are very cute ;010

And System 6-tan is a...slightly scary but awesome way o_o

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "C-Chan"Might want to wait for the iTouch instead,... looks like a better value.

Do hope Apple decides to open up both of those products, since it'll really help  with software development.  ^^

Oh, and reposting this cause it's too DAMN CUTE!!!!!!!!  ^V^

Glad you like her a lot! Had to make her extra cute considering that Macintosh System 2 is pretty much forgotten by nearly all (I'm not 100% sure about this, but there aren't any Macs that start off at System 2 and all the Macs that can run it can also be upgraded to the much more praised System 3) but I won't forget! ^^

Saw the touchscreen iPod and all I gotta say is DO WANT!!

Quote from: "Bella"OMG!!! System 2 and 5-tan are very cute ;010

And System 6-tan is a...slightly scary but awesome way o_o

*chuckle* Just hope that she doesn't take that the wrong way!  ;012

And I return to this thread with another update:

An updated Windows 3.2-tan in progress! Her outfit will stay mostly the same but with a few changes in details, her hairstyle changed a little bit too but the major difference between her and 3.1-tan is that... 3.2-tan's got a pet bunny! Argh! What kind of insane mad scientist am I, turning a kitty into a bunny?! :D

Also, 3.2-tan is either 3.1-tan's twin sister or clone (depending on whether 3.2 was released at the same time as 3.0 or not)

And if you can't tell right away from the screenshot, I'm doing shading in Inkscape! I finally figured out how to do it!


Yay Aurora-sama!!! Taking the plunge and shading in Inkscape! It looks great! ^o^

But is that your sketch I see behind that? What a great idea! I wish I could draw well enough to do something like that. ^^'

Quotethe major difference between her and 3.1-tan is that... 3.2-tan's got a pet bunny!

Oh, phew! When I first looked at it, I thought "That's a rather odd looking kitty!"


QuoteYay Aurora-sama!!! Taking the plunge and shading in Inkscape! It looks great! ^o^

;010 Congrats! She looks great!

Have you checked out that tutorial that C-Chan made a while back? It was pretty helpful for me. It's down the page a little bit...

QuoteBut is that your sketch I see behind that? What a great idea! I wish I could draw well enough to do something like that. ^^

I imagine it's tough to draw in inkscape without doing a hand drawing first. I have to,  I just can't really judge scale....

Gussy Keniji

Aha! Aurora-sama, you once again amaze me with your Os-tan works dood-ette. Exellent job on shadin as well.

Aww a 3.2 chan has a bunny, Gussy-san wuvs bunnies <3



Forgive the really bad Pocket Monster/Pokemon reference since I never really followed them well to begin with,....  But I guess if I did, I would say something like....


I was wondering why it had that extra layer of sharpness and awesomeness, and then I read it,... you did the shading in Inkscape also!!!!!  ^v^

*cries up a storm of joy*  ;^v^;

I'm so proud of you, I'll give you your pick of these three rewards:  ^____^

1)  Hug you
2)  Kiss you
3)  Cook myself into a BLT for you  ^v^'

It's well deserved, since this opens up a brave new world of opportunity. ^__^
BTW, which approach are you using,... the shade first, then layer the higlights over, or the highlight first and then shades over (this approach was the one described in my old tutorial).

Oh, and.... just between you and me.......  *v*





[whispering] I prefer the adorable DOSBunny....  ^.^

*secretly slides 3.2-sama and DOSBunny into art queue*

QuoteBut is that your sketch I see behind that? What a great idea! I wish I could draw well enough to do something like that. ^^'

Well technically-speaking, you're supposed to be practicing something like that.  ^^
But now that I recall, I haven't heard a peep about "it". `v'

*prepares paper fan*

QuoteHave you checked out that tutorial that C-Chan made a while back? It was pretty helpful for me. It's down the page a little bit...

Thank you Bella-san, although the new tutorials will blow that one out of the water!  Guaranteed!  ^v^

*gets psyched up*  *0*

QuoteI imagine it's tough to draw in inkscape without doing a hand drawing first. I have to, I just can't really judge scale....

I guess I had the questionable advantage that all my hand-drawings sucked, so it was easy to migrate 100% into Inkscape from the get-go.  Both Aurora-dono and yourself have gorgeous freehands, however, so trust me it does hurt to encourage what could essentially be considered as "abandoning" them.  ;_;

Then again, both of youz are smart, and have found (and will continue to find) better ways of adding harmony where there is none.  ^^

QuoteAww a 3.2 chan has a bunny, Gussy-san wuvs bunnies <3

Fufuf,... a certain Cascade-tan comes to mind.  ^.^


dosbunny looks like kuro the cat from love hina....
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Quote3) Cook myself into a BLT for you ^v^'

Aurora, ask to try the Club sandwich!

QuoteI guess I had the questionable advantage that all my hand-drawings sucked, so it was easy to migrate 100% into Inkscape from the get-go. Both Aurora-dono and yourself have gorgeous freehands, however, so trust me it does hurt to encourage what could essentially be considered as "abandoning" them. ;_;

I never thought your hand drawn works sucked...but go for what works...