Aurora's got an OS-tan art thread! Wait... what?!

Started by Aurora Borealis, September 01, 2006, 10:11:14 PM

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Aurora Borealis

Thanks for the tutorial, C-Chan! I thought one had to ask in order to get their own gallery (and I would have been way to shy and/or lazy to ask) but it is easier than I thought!

And there's more! I got that Linchan+Freechan picture done! However... I added in a 3-for-2 deal! (While supplies last!) :D


AWESOME times 3!!! The Windows doppleganger club ^_^ Linspire-tan and Freespire-tan are great, and Linux XP is an excellent addition! The fork/trident is a very nice touch, and gives a clear reference to Linux-tan's usual spear, and Saseko' of food XD


QuoteThanks for the tutorial, C-Chan! I thought one had to ask in order to get their own gallery (and I would have been way to shy and/or lazy to ask) but it is easier than I thought!

Sure it is,... in fact, I recall telling you it was easy lots of times before.  `v'
But suuuuuuuuuuuuuure,... no one listens to the piggy.  Â¯__¯

In any case, now that you're able and willing to create your own gallery, please do so.  With 31 tabs on this thread, plus all the stuff still trapped at Deviantart,... finding your stuff to post gets harder by the day.... ^____________^;

QuoteAnd there's more! I got that Linchan+Freechan picture done! However... I added in a 3-for-2 deal! (While supplies last!)

Very very very very nice..... ^v^
(and VERY fast,... *sniffles* I'm starting to feel so old.... -v-)
And as promised, your Linchan/Freechan combo was built to please!  ^.^
The inclusion of LinuxXP really gives this picture a lot of character, plus the fact that she's cosplaying as Saseko today (and is wielding her giant fork) does help in establishing her central themes.  (Rozen Maiden treatment caught me by surprise, though)  ^^
Now all we need is for her to cosplay Moseko (and perhaps trick Homeo into something).  ^.^

Both Freechan and Linchan's arms, though, do still look vector-sketched.  I drew some overlay shapes on the picture so you can see what I mean and use them in your SVG if you want. ^^
When you unpack the two files, just remember to keep them together or else the picture link won't work.  -.-
(sorry for the tar.gz, but it looked to me like that's what OSX uses.  ^^')

QuoteAWESOME times 3!!! The Windows doppleganger club Linspire-tan and Freespire-tan are great, and Linux XP is an excellent addition! The fork/trident is a very nice touch, and gives a clear reference to Linux-tan's usual spear, and Saseko' of food XD

I'll add in 1 to make "times 4".  ^.^
I can imagine that if she ever tries infiltrating the Windows Family, her MUCH smaller appetite would blow her cover.  ^^;
("Bu-bu-but LOOK Minna-san!!!  I have a giant fork!!!  That makes me a resource hog,.... honest!")

BTW, would you consider Xandros to be another Linux Windows clone?  ^^'

Aurora Borealis

Quote from: "Bella"AWESOME times 3!!! The Windows doppleganger club ^_^ Linspire-tan and Freespire-tan are great, and Linux XP is an excellent addition! The fork/trident is a very nice touch, and gives a clear reference to Linux-tan's usual spear, and Saseko' of food XD

Thanks! In my rendition of Linux XP-tan, I tried combining Linux-tan's and Saseko's characteristics while adding in some crazyness and hopefully I succeeded with that! This character has a LOT of potential in comics!

Quote from: "C-Chan"
QuoteThanks for the tutorial, C-Chan! I thought one had to ask in order to get their own gallery (and I would have been way to shy and/or lazy to ask) but it is easier than I thought!

Sure it is,... in fact, I recall telling you it was easy lots of times before.  `v'
But suuuuuuuuuuuuuure,... no one listens to the piggy.  Â¯__¯

In any case, now that you're able and willing to create your own gallery, please do so.  With 31 tabs on this thread, plus all the stuff still trapped at Deviantart,... finding your stuff to post gets harder by the day.... ^____________^;
AAAAAAAAH! I'm being lazy again!! In fact for the past 2 hours I've just been mindlessly lurking on other forums instead of working on ZS or a new picture! >__< But luckily I'll be able to find my stuff easily because I save it all in one folder on my computer!

QuoteAnd there's more! I got that Linchan+Freechan picture done! However... I added in a 3-for-2 deal! (While supplies last!)

Very very very very nice..... ^v^
(and VERY fast,... *sniffles* I'm starting to feel so old.... -v-)
And as promised, your Linchan/Freechan combo was built to please!  ^.^
The inclusion of LinuxXP really gives this picture a lot of character, plus the fact that she's cosplaying as Saseko today (and is wielding her giant fork) does help in establishing her central themes.  (Rozen Maiden treatment caught me by surprise, though)  ^^
Now all we need is for her to cosplay Moseko (and perhaps trick Homeo into something).  ^.^


Oh yes. She has two different eye colors because Linux-tan usually has red eyes (although I have seen her with purple too) and Saseko (usually) has blue eyes and I could have combined red and blue to make purple but I thought the different eye colors looked better on her (and adds some nice contrast). And don't Suiseiseki and Souseiseki have red and blue eyes in the manga version?

Both Freechan and Linchan's arms, though, do still look vector-sketched.  I drew some overlay shapes on the picture so you can see what I mean and use them in your SVG if you want. ^^
When you unpack the two files, just remember to keep them together or else the picture link won't work.  -.-
(sorry for the tar.gz, but it looked to me like that's what OSX uses.  ^^')
Drawing limbs on non-chibis isn't what I'd call a strong point in my art -_-
But I hope that tar.gz will work though.

QuoteAWESOME times 3!!! The Windows doppleganger club Linspire-tan and Freespire-tan are great, and Linux XP is an excellent addition! The fork/trident is a very nice touch, and gives a clear reference to Linux-tan's usual spear, and Saseko' of food XD

I'll add in 1 to make "times 4".  ^.^
I can imagine that if she ever tries infiltrating the Windows Family, her MUCH smaller appetite would blow her cover.  ^^;
("Bu-bu-but LOOK Minna-san!!!  I have a giant fork!!!  That makes me a resource hog,.... honest!")

BTW, would you consider Xandros to be another Linux Windows clone?  ^^'
Thanks for mentioning that! That has given me several ideas for Linux XP-tan's role in zerOSanity! Can't wait to get to the part where she appears! So much potential!

Hmm... I've only heard of Xandros so I'm not sure. But if she is, that would make 4 fangirls of the Windows-tans! (aww... No fangirls for the Mac-tans out there? ;__; )

But I'm just one post away from Mac OS X rank! YIPPEEEE! :D


Well,......... I............. gues................ Yellow Dog Linux-tan would be a Mac fangirl,... Although really she's more of a PowerPC buff I guess.  ^^'

There's always A/UX, NeXTSTEP and DarwinOS, but they're Unices.  -v-

Added after 6 minutes:

Ooh,... almost forgot....


Aurora Borealis

Thank you once again! Now I oughta go draw a MkLinux-tan! :D


Congratulations on attaining Mac OSX status.  ^.^

Now you officially match your avatar!  ^v^

I guess I should change mine to "Pig With Pu Power", no?  ^^;

Aurora Borealis

Good news! I got started on uploading stuff to my gallery! So far I've gotten only 3 sketches up but it's a start! I'll continue adding in stuff later. First I need to go to bed! -O-


Yay! Aurora has a gallery!
Those are some pretty nifty sketches, too!


Yeehaw!!  ^v^

20 down,... 300 more to go!!  ^____^

(Hint hint:  Don't forget Zerosanity and the "other" thing...  ^.^)

Aurora Borealis

Of course! I might start redoing (or at least retouching) the early pages of zerOSanity before posting them in my gallery because... well... the first 5 or so pages were drawn more than a year ago (back to February '06 to be more exact) and there are changes I need to make in proportions, speech bubbles and details!

Now I have 31 pictures in my gallery including this one I made today!

It's Virutan! Decided to draw her because she's gained a lot of popularity in a short amount of time so why not?

However I'm posting this from my Photobucket account because when I tried using the URL of the version in my gallery, it didn't work :(


Tsk tsk tsk.... ^__^
In order to use the url from the gallery, your best bet is to click on the picture to get the full sized floating window version, and then just copy the image location.  ^^

I think this is it....  ^.^

But in any case,.....  -v-

VIRU-TAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ^V^
Indeed, she is spreading like a virus all over the world!!  ^v^
(or rather, at least between +にじうã,‰ï¼‹ and ourselves.  ^^; )

She has that new chibi-style I like, so I'd say she's a winner already (though you may need to lighten her "black" bang to a dark gray before the Final).  

When you do finalize her, would you be interested in posting her at (just as a show of support)?  'v'
I could try and help compose the message if you're interested.  ^___^

OSたã," ã,³ãƒƒãƒ¬ãƒƒã,¯ã,·ãƒ£ãƒŒã,º はヴã,£ãƒ«ãŸã,"が大好きです!!

Added after 37 seconds:

Oh, and you sure you'll have time to redo most of ZeroSanity?  '__'


Nice virus!
*never thought I'd say those words XD*
I never heard of a virus-tan before about a week ago, but here they are cropping up here and there...pesky

Aurora Borealis

I'm most likely only going to redo the parts that need it most. I usually have a lot of time on my hands to do those kinds of things!

And Virutan is indeed taking over! In fact, the OS-tan board on +Nijiura+ has been renamed "Ijimeru", after Virutan's catchphrase!

Haha! I actually understand the whole message that C-Chan typed in Japanese! (My vocabulary is very limited and I can only read kana and recognize a couple commonly-used kanji) :D

"OS-TAN COLLECTIONS wa Virutan ga daisuki desu!!" (which translates to something along the lines of "OS-tan Collections loves Virutan!!")


Is there a sex.exe-Virus as well? :)

TBH: I do not see the point of Virus-tans....

Kial Harry Potter ĉiam faras danĝerajn aferojn?

Pro lia vol\' de mort\'!